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为了提升新能源车用驱动电机的功率密度,各大电机厂商都在不断地提升电机转速,随之而来的问题就是电机的铁耗也在不断增高,如何降低电机铁耗成为了电机厂商必须要解决的难题。本文讨论了电机铁耗的组成部分及影响因素,并对1台8极48槽的永磁同步电机分别使用3种不同厚度的材料进行仿真,对比其效率及铁耗分布,推导出驱动电机中硅钢厚度、铁耗及成本的关系,最后对驱动电机选材提出建议。 In order to increase the power density of traction motor for new energy vehicles,major motor manufacturers have been constantly increasing the motor speed.The following problem that manufacturers have to solve is how to reduce the increasing iron loss when the motor speed is increased.The components and influencing factors of motors’ iron loss were discussed in this paper,and an 8-pole 48-slot permanent magnet synchronous motor using three different thickness materials was simulated.To compare i... 
2022-01-28 78 5.8

针对某厂DMS森吉米尔轧机生产无取向硅钢表面麻面缺陷的问题,根据生产实际,对其形成原因从乳化液及工作辊两方面因素进行了分析。结果表明:乳化液对麻面缺陷的产生有一定影响,但不是主要因素,主要原因是由于二十辊森吉米尔轧机工作辊辊径较小,轧制相同长度带钢轧辊运转周期较大,容易产生疲劳失效而导致。为此,提出通过调整冷轧工序成品轧制道次的压下率以减小轧制力,从而减小工作辊的磨损疲劳;通过对轧制乳化液浓度、温度的合理控制,以改善润滑效果、提高轧制速度,而进一步缓解轧辊疲劳的改进措施,使该钢厂无取向硅钢麻面缺陷发生率由原来的18%降至0.8%,带钢表面质量明显改善。 For the problem of surface pockmarks of non-oriented silicon steel strip produced by a DMS Sendzimir mill, based on the production practice, the formation causes were analyzed from two aspects of emulsion and working roll. The results show that the emulsion has a certain effect on the formation of surface pockmarks defects, but it is not the main factor. The main reason is that the working roll diameter of the 20-high Sendzimir mill is small, and the running period of the roll rolling the same l... 
2022-01-28 73 5.8

对无取向硅钢炼钢全流程钢液增钛的原因进行了分析,认为铁水钛含量、转炉出钢温度、转炉下渣量、精炼渣TiO2含量、钢水罐及RH浸入管混钢种生产是影响钢液增钛的主要原因。通过采取低钛铁水冶炼,减少转炉下渣量,提高出钢温度,添加白灰改质精炼渣等措施,均能够降低钢液中的钛含量。 After analyzing the causes leading to increased content of titanium in molten nonoriented silicon steel during whole steelmaking process, it was concluded that such factors as content of titanium in hot metal, tapping temperature from converter, quantity of roughing slag entered into the ladle from converter, content of TiO2 in refining slag, molten steel ladle car,carrying out the steelmaking of different steel grades by the same ladle and same RH immersion tube were the main causes ... 
2022-01-28 74 5.8

无氧化炉具有加热效率高、投资与运营成本低、作业率高、表面质量及板型良好、NOx排放相对低等优势,在硅钢热处理领域应用前景广泛。本文阐述了确定无氧化炉(NOF)加热能力详细过程,涵盖炉温、炉断面尺寸、炉长、热平衡结算、加热能力计算等,为今后无氧化炉(NOF)在硅钢热处理应用时的设计提供了借鉴,同时也为今后明火直接加热的工业炉设计提供了参考。 Non-oxidation furnace has the advantage s of high heating efficiency, low investment and operation cost, high operation rate, good surface quality and plate shape, and relatively low NOxemission,and it still has wide application prospect in the field of silicon steel heat treatment. The detailed process of determining the heating capacity of a non-oxidizing furnace(NOF) is described, covering furnace temperature, furnace section size, furnace length, heat balance settlement, heating capacity cal... 
2022-01-28 80 5.8

通过微观组织表征、高温拉伸和断口形貌分析,研究了钇(Y)元素对6.5%Si无取向硅钢组织、高温拉伸及断裂机制的影响。研究结果表明,添加Y元素可以在钢液中形成YS和YP的复合析出。YS和YP可以充当异质形核基底,提高形核率,细化凝固组织。热轧组织不均匀,由表层至芯部分别形成等轴晶、等轴晶/拉长晶和拉长晶的混合组织。退火后,热轧变形组织转变为等轴晶,含Y实验钢的退火组织得到明显细化。500℃时效处理后,含Y实验钢具备较低的有序度,300℃的拉伸断口呈现韧性断裂特征,断后伸长率达到20.2%。相反,无Y实验钢发生脆性断裂,断后伸长率仅为2.1%。研究结果证实,Y元素可以通过组织细化和降低有序度提高6.5%Si无取向硅钢的中温塑性。 The effects of yttrium(Y)on microstructure,elevated-temperature tensile properties and fracture mechanism of 6.5% Si non-oriented electrical steel were investigated by means of microstructure characterization,high-temperature tensile test and fracture analysis.The results showed that the doping of Y introduced composite Y-rich precipitates(YS/YP)in the melt.YS and YP precipitates were qualified for heterogeneous nucleation agents,which thus raised the nucleation rate and refined the solidificati... 
2022-01-28 63 5.8

针对宝钢硅钢常化退火过程中产生的退火炉辊印缺陷问题,通过实际生产的大数据与产品质量问题相结合,将数据挖掘、数据分析方法应用到实际,一定程度上解决了现场实际生产中的痛点,为现场生产提供决策支撑,避免了以前通过人工识别判定存在疏漏和无法定量判断的问题,形成了一套具有鲁棒性和可操作性的钢铁生产过程数据分析方法。通过智慧决策系统平台获取实际生产和表检仪数据,基于Pearson相关系数算法进行变量挑选和特征工程,并应用随机森林算法对数据建立分类预测模型,实现了质量问题的溯源和监控,通过数据量化预测了炉辊印缺陷是否可通过轧制消除的质量问题,识别准确率达到96.43%。 In views of the normalizing annealing furnace roll marks problem occurred in the process of normalizing annealing of silicon steel in Baosteel,by combining big data from actual production with product quality problems,data mining and data analysis methods were applied to actual production to solve the pain points and provide decision support,a robust and practical data analysis method for the steel production process has been developed,which avoided the previous problems of omission and non-quan... 
2022-01-28 76 5.8

借助光学显微镜、扫描电镜、交流磁性能测量仪和万能拉伸试验机研究了0.3 mm厚高强无取向电工钢冷轧板在780、820、860和900℃退火保温2 min后的组织、织构和性能。结果表明:在退火温度范围内,试验钢均发生了完全再结晶,得到等轴状的铁素体晶粒;随着退火温度的升高,平均晶粒尺寸从9.2μm增长到41.3μm,工频铁损和400 Hz高频铁损均先大幅减小后趋于平缓,磁感应强度先升高后降低。在820℃退火时,铁损P1.5/50=5.51 W/kg,P1.0/400=33.22 W/kg均处于较低值,磁感应强度B5000最大,为1.649 T。试验钢的屈服强度和抗拉强度均随退火温度的升高而降低,780℃退火时屈服强度为496 MPa, 900℃退火时降低至407 MPa。综合磁性能和力学性能考虑,试验钢的最佳退火温度是820℃。 Microstructure, texture and properties of 0.3 mm thick high strength non-oriented electrical steel cold rolled sheet annealed at 780 ℃, 820 ℃, 860 ℃ and 900 ℃ for 2 min were studied by means of optical microscope, scanning electron microscopy, AC magnetic property tester and universal tensile testing machine. The results show that in the annealing temperature range, complete recrystallization of the experimental steel occurs and equiaxed ferrite grains are obtained. With the increase of annealin... 
2022-01-28 76 5.8

研究了退火温度对3.1%Si无取向硅钢组织和磁性能的影响规律。结果表明:退火温度从940℃提高至1 000℃,平均晶粒尺寸由98μm增加到145μm,铁损P1.5/50从2.576 W/kg降低至2.408W/kg。随着退火温度的升高,γ不利织构组分强度逐渐降低,{111}〈112〉织构组分强度降低约16%,磁感B50逐渐升高,磁性能水平提高。 The effects of annealing temperature on microstructure and texture and magnetic properties of 3.1%Si non-oriented silicon steel were investigated in this paper.The results showed that,when the annealing temperature increased from 940℃ to 1 000℃,the average grain size of metallographic structure increased from 98μm to 145μm,the iron loss value P1.5/50 decreased from2.576 W/kg to 2.408 W/kg.And as the annealing temperature increased,the strength of the unfavorable texture componentγgrad... 
2022-01-28 75 5.8

采用光学显微镜、X射线衍射仪等分析了宁波钢铁有限公司生产的取向硅钢不同工序下的组织及织构演变规律。结果表明:铸坯经过热轧后,沿着厚度方向组织不均匀;一次冷轧并经脱碳退火后,组织由条状纤维状变成等轴状的初次再结晶晶粒,初次再结晶平均晶粒尺寸为18.17μm,织构主要以α织构和γ织构为主;在二次冷轧后,晶粒再次被压缩,转变为纤维状,织构主要为γ织构;经过高温退火后,发生二次再结晶,晶粒异常长大,晶粒尺寸达到厘米级,织构成分为单一且锋锐的Goss织构。 The microstructure and texture evolution of oriented silicon steel produced by Ningbo Iron and Steel Co.,Ltd.were analyzed by optical microscope and X-ray diffraction.The results showed that the microstructure of the slab was inhomogenous along the thickness direction after hot rolling.After first cold rolling and decarburizing annealing,the microstructure changed from strip fibrous to equiaxed primary recrystallized grains,and the average grain size of the primary recrystallization microstructu... 
2022-01-28 75 5.8

为探究铬、锰元素及退火温度对高强无取向硅钢性能的影响规律,借助OM、SEM、EBSD与万能拉伸试验机等分析不同制造工艺下3组不同含量铬、锰元素的无取向硅钢热轧、常化及退火处理后组织与性能。结果表明,试验钢热轧后组织不均匀,心部为沿轧向分布纤维状组织,边部为少量再结晶晶粒,常化处理能显著改善热轧板组织均匀性,消除热轧板中心部位的纤维状组织。经冷轧及退火后得到多边形铁素体晶粒,其中960℃退火,晶粒尺寸偏大,有利织构{100}组分体积分数减少,不利织构{111}组分体积分数增加,成分为0.2Mn-1Cr的1号试验钢960℃退火后铁损最大,磁感强度偏小;成分为0.5Mn-1Cr的2号试验钢930℃退火后,磁性能与强度等综合性能最佳,工频铁损P1.5/50为2.41W/kg,高频铁损P1.0/400为17.36W/kg,磁感应强度B5 000为1.638T,抗拉强度为685MPa。 In order to study the effect of Cr,Mn and annealing temperature on the properties of high-strength non-oriented silicon steel,the microstructure and properties of three groups of non-oriented silicon steel with different Cr,Mn content under different manufacturing processes were analyzed by means of OM,SEM,EBSD and universal tensile tester.The results show that the structure of experimental steel is not uniform after hot rolling,and the core is distributed in fibrous structure along the rolling ... 
2020-05-28 76 5.8

利用热模拟试验机、光学显微镜和X射线衍射仪对Fe-3.2%Si低温取向硅钢热轧工艺参数对组织及织构的影响进行了研究。结果表明,Fe-3.2%Si硅钢在1110℃粗轧、880℃终轧,轧后以10℃/s的速度冷却到550℃卷取,然后空冷到室温,热轧硅钢板沿板厚方向的显微组织不均匀性显著,对后续发展完善的二次再结晶有重要作用。无论是热轧板,常化板还是冷轧板,它们的织构集中分布在γ取向线上,γ取向线的织构除取向密度不同外,织构种类是一致的,这说明γ取向线上织构是有继承性的。从热轧到常化,织构取向密度显著减小,经二次冷轧后,织构密度又显著升高,可见,轧制变形有助于织构的形成并使织构强度升高。 The influence of hot-rolled process parameters on the microstructure and texture of Fe-3.2%Si low temperature hot rolled grain-oriented silicon steel were researched by hot simulation experiment machine,light microscope and X-ray diffractometer.The results show that,Fe-3.2%Si silicon steel is rolled by the technology with a temperature of rough rolling of1110℃,finish rolling of 880℃,coiling with the speed of 10℃ /s,and then cooled to room temperature with air.The microstructure of hot-rolled sil... 
2014-12-28 77 5.8

阐述了国内外高磁感取向硅钢的生产研究水平与发展趋势,包括通过提高高斯晶粒取向度、细化磁畴、涂覆张力涂层、减薄钢片厚度进一步降低铁损以及低温加热技术和短流程技术新工艺。分析高磁感取向硅钢在我国大型电力变压器上的应用情况,结果表明,发展更薄规格高磁感、低铁损、低磁致伸缩取向硅钢可为大型变压器的安全性、节能性及环保性提供有效保障。 The research progress and development trend of high magnetic induction grain-oriented silicon steel at home and abroad are summarized,including the technology of improving the Goss alignment,refining domain wall,adding stress coating,decreasing thickness of sheet,and the new technique of reducing heating temperature of casting slab and shortening operational.Moreover,the application of high magnetic induction grain-oriented silicon in power transformer is presented.Developing grain-oriented sili... 
2014-11-28 81 5.8



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