结合工业化生产的无取向硅钢,进行了RH精炼添加稀土合金实验。结果表明,1.15%(质量分数)Si钢的脱硫反应,主要发生在添加稀土合金之后的前5min。最佳的稀土合金添加量为0.6~0.9kg/t钢。钢液经过稀土处理后,加入的稀土总量越多,稀土氧硫化物夹杂物的尺寸就越大,但热轧带钢再结晶效果会逐渐变差,成品带钢晶粒尺寸先是快速长大,而后逐渐减小。最佳的钢中存留稀土含量与钢的化学成分有关,应严格控制在2.0×10-3%~6.0×10-3%(质量分数)。在此范围内,钢的铁损先是快速降低,而后缓慢升高,钢的磁感应强度则单调降低。 Based on the industrial production of non-oriented electrical steel,rare earth(RE) alloy treatment during the RH refining process was studied.The results showed that the effects of desulfurization and total concentration of RE remained in steel mainly depended on the chemical compositions of different steel grades.For 1.15wt% Si steel grade,the desulfurization reaction mainly focused on the initial 5min after RE alloy added during the RH refining process.The suitable RE alloy addition was 0.6-0....
为了消除硅钢在连续退火机组产生的浪形缺陷,对浪形缺陷产生的主要原因进行了分析。制定了相应控制措施,对炉内带钢张力、冷却段输出、碳套辊与带钢的同步性、无氧化炉燃烧状态等参数进行了调整;在生产组织上安排高低牌号宽窄规格穿插生产、定期更换碳套辊等,实施后效果明显。 The main cause leading to waviness defects of silicon steel is analyzed in order to eliminate the waviness defects of silicon steel in continuous annealing line.And thus corresponding measures for controlling these defects are made by means of adjusting these parameters such as the tension of silicon steel coils in continuous annealing furnace,the output in cooling section and the combusting condition of the non-oxidation furnace as well as keeping the synchronization between carbon sleeved roll...
研究了冷轧大压下量,950℃退火时间对一种新型含铜无取向电工钢晶粒度和织构的影响。结果表明,大压下量冷轧,随压下量的增加,退火晶粒向γ线聚集,形成强{111}<112>织构。提高冷轧压下率,退火织构{111}<100>,{110}<001>强度减弱,增加退火时间,退火织构{111}<110>,{100}<001>,{110}<001>强度变弱。采用87.5%冷轧压下率和950℃退火60 s,有利织构{100},{110}占有率最大。 The effect of annealing(950 ℃) time with high cold rolling reduction on grain size and texture of a new non-oriented electrical steel containing copper was investigated.The results show that for high cold rolling reduction,most annealed grains are oriented along γ-fibre with increasing cold rolling reduction ratio and strong texture {111}<112> is formed.With increasing the cold rolling reduction ratio,the intensity of annealed texture {111}<110>,{011}<100> decreases.With increa...
为了优化激光刻痕降低取向硅钢铁损的工艺,寻找刻痕速度、脉冲能量、扫描间距等重要刻痕参数的最佳匹配关系,提出了一种基于人工神经网络与遗传算法的优化模型,并利用这种模型对30Q130取向硅钢材料的刻痕工艺进行了优化实验,结果表明,这种模型稳定可靠,可以作为取向硅钢刻痕工艺优化的一种有效的措施。 A laser is often considered to scribe the grain-oriented silicon steel surfaces after cold-rolling and annealing to reduce the core loss.It is necessary to select the best scribing parameters to maximize the reduction in this process.This paper proposes an optimization method of genetic algorithm during laser scribing of 30Q130 steel,by developing an artificial neural network prediction model using a database form a designed orthogonal experiment.The objective is to determine the best combinatio...
针对本钢薄板坯铸机在生产无取向电工硅钢的过程中存在的铸坯拉断、中包增碳、增氮等问题,进行了连铸工艺优化。通过采用新型无碳中间包覆盖剂、环保中间包干式料及专用结晶器保护渣后,降低了铸坯增碳量;通过控制钢包到中间包的增氮环节,降低钢水增氮;适当增大二冷水量,控制钢水过热度,防止铸坯拉断等生产事故的发生。改进工艺后,精炼后到成品铸坯的平均增碳量能控制在10×10-6以内,平均增氮量能控制在4×10-6以内。 The technology optimization has been adopted for preventing nitrogen increasing and carbon increasing in Benxi thin slab producing non-oriented silicon steel.Measures accordingly were adopted and satisfactory results were achieved.
目前随着电工钢用户冲压设备的升级,冲压速度逐步提高,对电工钢产品的硬度和强度指标提出了更高的要求。与普通硬度级别的无取向硅钢相比,高硬度50BW600的Hv硬度提高15~20,达到125以上,同时对电磁性能指标也有较高要求。本钢通过化学成份和热轧及冷轧连退生产工艺的设计,经过小批量生产试验,满足用户要求。通过对工艺的严格控制,在大批量生产过程中,保证了产品的力学性能和电磁性的检验合格率。 Currently with upgrading of stamping equipment of silicon steel user, gradually increasing of stamping speed, propose higher demand for hardness and strength of silicon steel. Compared with conventional 50BW600, high hardness 50BW600 have higher hardness, reach greater than 125Hv. Through design of chemical composition with hot mill and annealing, production test of small quantities, stamping performance meet user request.
运用电子背散射衍射(EBSD)技术,研究了50W600无取向硅钢在热轧→冷轧→退火工序间织构的演变。结果表明:由于热轧板沿板厚方向的应力场和温度场存在差异,导致热轧板不同层织构类型和强度存在差异;热轧板表层主要存在铜型、黄铜和高斯织构,1/4层织构主要为α纤维织构和较弱的高斯织构,中心层织构较单一,主要为α纤维织构;和热轧板相比,冷轧板各层织构差异较小,为典型的轧制织构(α纤维织构和γ纤维织构);退火板各层都表现为γ纤维织构增强、α纤维织构减弱,旋转立方织构基本消失。 The texture evolution of 50W600non-oriented silicon steel in hot rolling,cold rolling and annealing process was investigated by electron back-scatter diffraction(EBSD)technology.Results show that the hot rolled plate texture types and intensities along thickness direction were different because of the different stress fields and temperature fields.The major texture types in the surface of hot rolled plate were copper,brass and Gauss texture.The texture was composed ofαfibre texture and weaker Ga...
研究了CSP工艺流程生产的硅含量为1.5%的无取向电工钢在不同常化温度下对磁性能的变化。研究结果表明:随着常化温度的提高,热轧板的晶粒尺寸增大,且组织均匀性提高;此外成品的有利织构组分{100}<0vw>、α、η增强,不利织构组分减弱;铁损P1.5/50呈下降趋势,磁感B50上升平缓。在常化工艺为970℃×2.5min下,对应的铁损P1.5/50<3.4W/kg,磁感B50>1.74T。 The effect of normalizing temperature on the magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel containing 1.5%silicon produced by CSP process was studied.The results show that with increasing normalizing temperature,the average grain size of hot-rolled plate increases and the microstructure uniformity is improved.Furthermore,the texture components of finished products are improved through enhancing of{100}<0vw>,αandηtextures and weakening of{111}<112>texture;the core loss P1.5/50 ...
为了确定普通冷轧取向硅钢最优的中间完全脱碳退火工艺,在其一次冷轧后进行5种不同工艺的脱碳退火处理,借助扫描电镜及电子背散射衍射技术研究了不同工艺脱碳退火后的组织、织构和脱碳效果。结果表明:经5种工艺脱碳退火处理后,初次再结晶的平均晶粒尺寸均约为19μm,且不随退火温度和时间的变化而变化;经840℃×10min工艺退火后的晶粒最均匀,高斯织构位向更准确,高斯织构面积分数最多,为3.1%,可将碳脱至0.003 5%。 In order to determine the optimal intermediate complete decarburizing annealing processes for common grain-oriented(CGO)silicon steel,five kinds of intermediate decarburizing annealing processes were conducted,the microstructure,texture and decarbonization after different decarburizing annealing processes were studied by scanning electron microscopy and electro back-scattered diffraction(EBSD)technology.The results show that the average grains sizes of primary recrystallization were about 19μm a...
采用EBSD技术研究了有、无拉应力作用下无取向硅钢在晶粒长大过程中织构转变及晶界变化的规律。结果表明:在晶粒生长期间,无应力作用下的硅钢中,{111}〈112〉,{111}〈110〉织构组分强化,而{100}〈001〉织构组分弱化;与无拉应力作用下的情况相比,施加5MPa的拉应力时,{111}〈112〉,{111}〈110〉织构组分强化的速率下降,{100}〈001〉织构组分变化不明显。对于在晶粒生长期间持续变化的{111}〈112〉,{111}〈110〉和{100}〈001〉织构组分而言,虽然有、无拉应力作用下硅钢的{111}〈112〉和{111}〈110〉织构组分的高取向差角度晶界频率均下降,而{100}〈001〉织构组分的高取向差角度晶界频率则上升,但当有拉应力作用后,{111}〈112〉和{111}〈110〉织构组分的高取向差角度晶界频率下降的速率变小,{100}〈001〉织构组分的高取向差角度晶界频率上升的速率稍有变小。通过对无取向硅钢在晶粒长大过程中织构转变及晶界变化规律的研究,分析了合金原子在晶界的偏聚行为。 The rules of texture and grain boundary transformation in the nonoriented silicon steel under applied stress or without applied stress during grain growth were investigated by EBSD.The results show that the {111}〈112〉 and {111}〈110〉 components in the nonoriented silicon steel without stress are strengthened during grain growth whereas {100}〈001〉 component is weakened,but the growth rate of {111}〈112〉 and {111}〈110〉 component decreases,while the area fraction of {100}〈001〉 component doesn’t chang...