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取向硅钢因其高磁导率、低矫顽力和大电阻系数等特性,被广泛应用于大中型变压器和大型电动机铁芯的制造。因取向硅钢性能和成分控制严格,生产工艺复杂,故其产品代表了钢铁企业特殊钢生产的最高水平。本文介绍了新钢公司卷板厂1580热连轧线生产取向硅钢过程中出现的窄尺问题,研究了取向硅钢产品的特点,分析了热轧过程中的组织转变,并结合生产实际提出了改进措施。通过对加热炉钢坯加热模式、粗轧轧制策略、精轧轧制工艺、二级模型等方面的优化和改进,取向硅钢窄尺情况明显好转,提高了产品的成材率和市场口碑。 The oriented silicon steel is widely used in the iron core manufacture of large and mediumsized transformers and large motors because of its high permeability, low coercivity and large resistance coefficient. Due to the performance and composition control of oriented silicon steel is strict, the production process is complex,therefore, its products represent the highest level of special steel production in iron and steel enterprises. This paper introduces the problem of narrow gauge in the produ... 
2022-06-28 78 5.8

通过对激光粒度分析仪测量硅钢级氧化镁(MgO)的分析条件进行优化,如分散介质、分散方式、样品预处理、仪器暗淡度等,探讨了硅钢级MgO粒度范围测量重现性较好的试验方法,满足硅钢生产过程控制对MgO粒度的要求。 The analysis condition of the laser particle size analyzer on grain oriented silicon-steel grade magnesium oxide is optimized,including the dispersion medium,dispersion methods,sample preparation,and instrument obscuration,etc.Therefore,particle size measurement with good reproducibility for silicon-steel magnesium oxide is discussed,which may meet the requirement of MgO particle size for silicon-steel process control. 
2011-02-28 78 5.8

为了提升新能源车用驱动电机的功率密度,各大电机厂商都在不断地提升电机转速,随之而来的问题就是电机的铁耗也在不断增高,如何降低电机铁耗成为了电机厂商必须要解决的难题。本文讨论了电机铁耗的组成部分及影响因素,并对1台8极48槽的永磁同步电机分别使用3种不同厚度的材料进行仿真,对比其效率及铁耗分布,推导出驱动电机中硅钢厚度、铁耗及成本的关系,最后对驱动电机选材提出建议。 In order to increase the power density of traction motor for new energy vehicles,major motor manufacturers have been constantly increasing the motor speed.The following problem that manufacturers have to solve is how to reduce the increasing iron loss when the motor speed is increased.The components and influencing factors of motors’ iron loss were discussed in this paper,and an 8-pole 48-slot permanent magnet synchronous motor using three different thickness materials was simulated.To compare i... 
2022-01-28 78 5.8

采用热模拟方法及EBSD技术,研究Fe-3 wt%Si电工钢在不同温度下组织的动、静态再结晶及晶粒取向特征,特别是少量奥氏体对铁素体动、静态再结晶组织及取向的影响。结果表明,不同温度形变的组织主要分三类:形变长条铁素体、珠光体和等轴细小铁素体。长条形变铁素体内发生动态回复或连续式的动态再结晶,奥氏体周围的铁素体动态再结晶加速,部分以传统的不连续方式动态再结晶。铁素体、奥氏体都可发生静态再结晶。奥氏体的静态再结晶在1050℃以上明显,铁素体的静态再结晶随温度的升高逐渐进行,最显著的再结晶发生在1050℃。不同温度形变的样品,其形变晶粒取向主要以<111>和<100>为主,小等轴铁素体晶粒除与大形变铁素体取向相近外,出现了<110>取向及其它取向。 Static and dynamic recrystallization and grain orientations in a hot-compressed Fe-3 wt% Si electrical steels were studied at different temperatures using Gleeble simulator and EBSD technique,particularly focusing on the effect of small amount of austenite on ferritic microstructure and orientations.The results show that microstructure of the compressed steel,depending on deformation temperature,consisted of elongated and deformed ferrite,pearlite and fine equal-axed ferrite.The elongated ferrit... 
2011-01-28 78 5.8

对硅钢板材分别进行异步和同步轧制,研究了轧制参数包括速比、压下量和道次对板材表面显微组织的演变的作用.结果表明,异步轧制硅钢板材表面形成了晶粒尺寸为10~50 nm,取向接近随机分布的纳米晶,而同步轧制板材的表面只形成了位错胞,证明异步轧制可以诱发表面纳米化.异步轧制板材表面纳米晶的形成过程为:在剪切力的反复作用下,高密度位错形成、滑移、湮灭和重组形成亚微米尺度的亚微晶/位错胞.随着压下量和轧制道次增加,高密度位错重复以上过程使晶粒尺寸减小、取向差增大,最终形成取向接近随机分布的纳米晶组织.大压下量和多道次是异步轧制诱发板材表面纳米化的关键,而速比的增加可以加快纳米化进程. Surface nanocrystallization(SNC) can effectively enhance the surface and global properties of the metallic materials,such as microhardness,intensity,fatigue,wear and corrosion resistances,therefore provides more promising practical industrial applicability.Up to now,several SNC treatment methods were developed based either on the principles of ball impactions or friction sliding,however,difficulty still exists for the surface treatment of large-dimensional samples with high efficiency.Recently,m... 
2014-09-28 78 5.8

利用热模拟试验机、光学显微镜和X射线衍射仪对Fe-3.2%Si低温取向硅钢热轧工艺参数对组织及织构的影响进行了研究。结果表明,Fe-3.2%Si硅钢在1110℃粗轧、880℃终轧,轧后以10℃/s的速度冷却到550℃卷取,然后空冷到室温,热轧硅钢板沿板厚方向的显微组织不均匀性显著,对后续发展完善的二次再结晶有重要作用。无论是热轧板,常化板还是冷轧板,它们的织构集中分布在γ取向线上,γ取向线的织构除取向密度不同外,织构种类是一致的,这说明γ取向线上织构是有继承性的。从热轧到常化,织构取向密度显著减小,经二次冷轧后,织构密度又显著升高,可见,轧制变形有助于织构的形成并使织构强度升高。 The influence of hot-rolled process parameters on the microstructure and texture of Fe-3.2%Si low temperature hot rolled grain-oriented silicon steel were researched by hot simulation experiment machine,light microscope and X-ray diffractometer.The results show that,Fe-3.2%Si silicon steel is rolled by the technology with a temperature of rough rolling of1110℃,finish rolling of 880℃,coiling with the speed of 10℃ /s,and then cooled to room temperature with air.The microstructure of hot-rolled sil... 
2014-12-28 77 5.8

研究了电工钢SXRC的显微结构和疲劳性能,并与DP钢进行了比较。结果表明,退火温度低温化能够有效的抑制电工钢的再结晶。该钢在固溶铌的作用下,能够在保证电机磁性的同时具有一定的强度。与DP钢相比,SXRC钢的抗疲劳性能更好。 The microstructures and fatigue properties of the electrical steel SXRC we re investigated, and the properties were also compared with the steel DP. The results show that the recrystallization of the electrical steel can be suppressed at lower annealing temperature. The steel presents favorable motor magnetic and also a compatible strength with the help of solid-solution Nb. Compared with the steel DP, the fatigue resistance of the steel SXRC is preferable. 
2014-09-28 77 5.8

采用光学显微镜和X射线衍射仪研究了常化退火处理对无取向硅钢热轧板和成品退火板显微组织和织构的影响。结果表明:常化退火处理消除了热轧板中的变形组织,促使变形晶粒完成再结晶;常化退火处理使高斯织构和立方织构易通过再结晶在变形带内形核和长大,可显著降低成品退火板的{111}和{112}不利织构组分的占有率,提高{100}和{110}有利织构组分的占有率,从而有利于提高无取向硅钢成品板的磁性能。 The effect of normalizing annealing treatment on microstructure and texture of non-oriented silicon steel hot rolled plates and final products were investigated by means of optical microscope and X-ray diffractometer analysis.The results show that the deformed microstructure of the hot rolled plates transformed into recrystallized grain after normalizing annealing treatment.The grains of Goss texture and cubic texture crystallographic orientation were formed and grown by recrystallization in the... 
2013-02-28 77 5.8

对熔融态钢液进行处理,研究了电脉冲对于取向硅钢凝固组织的影响作用,利用正交试验法研究了脉冲电容、频率、处理时间和电压等脉冲参数的作用效果。结果表明:电脉冲对钢锭晶粒组织具有明显的细化作用,凝固组织的等轴晶比例大幅上升,影响等轴晶比例的最显著性因素为脉冲频率,最优正交试验参数为电容1 200μF,脉冲频率1 Hz,处理时间5 s,脉冲电压800 V。随着输入能量的增大等轴晶率先增大后减小,脉冲输入能量为某值时,等轴晶率最大,利用经典形核理论和热力学对这一现象进行了解释。 The influence of electric pulse on the solidification structure of oriented silicon steel was investigated by applying electric pulse in molten steel.The affection due to different electric pulse parameters such as electric capacity,frequency,applied time and voltage was studied by orthogonal design test.The result showed that solidification structure of oriented silicon steel could be improved by the electric pulse,and the equiaxed crystal ratio increased obviously.The most influential paramete... 
2011-01-28 77 5.8

研究了组织和析出物对高效电机用无取向硅钢退火板磁性能的影响。结果表明:随着退火温度升高,退火板平均晶粒尺寸增加,P15/50明显降低,B50略有升高。退火温度在1 000℃时,退火板的综合性能较好。析出物主要是AlN、(MnS+AlN)和(MnS+Al2O3)复合析出物,尺寸较粗大,主要集中在1.0~2.5μm,还发现少量百纳米以下的细小AlN和TiN。实验室模拟TSCR流程试制的高效电机用无取向硅钢,铁损平均值小于4.00 W/kg,磁感应强度大于1.75 T,适合作中小型高效电机铁芯材料。 Effects of microstructure and precipitation on magnetic property of non-oriented silicon steel sheets after annealing for high-efficiency motor are studied in the paper by experiments.The annealed sheet exhibits a larger average grain size,obviously decreasing iron loss and slightly raising magnetic induction with increasing temperature.The annealed sheet has better comprehensive properties at a annealing temperature of 1 000 ℃.The main precipitates are compounds of AlN、(MnS+AlN)and(MnS+Al2O3) w... 
2011-04-28 76 5.8

观察了取向硅钢极薄带经冷轧至不同厚度,并经过不同工艺热处理后的显微组织及亚结构。结果表明:冷轧压下量越大,显微组织中位错密度越高,冷变形组织越多,等轴晶粒越少;增加冷轧压下量可以使试样的再结晶温度降低,当钢带厚度为0.08 mm时,在650℃退火时就能发生明显的再结晶。 Microstructure and substructure of the grain oriented ultra-thin silicon steel sheets is analyzed,which are rolled down to different thickness and treated with different heat treatment process.The result shows that there are higher dislocation density,more cold deformation structure and less equiaxed crystal grain in microstructure of the steel sheets with more cold rolled reduction.Increase of cold rolled reduction will decrease recrystallization temperature,and when thickness of the steel shee... 
2012-11-28 76 5.8

为探究铬、锰元素及退火温度对高强无取向硅钢性能的影响规律,借助OM、SEM、EBSD与万能拉伸试验机等分析不同制造工艺下3组不同含量铬、锰元素的无取向硅钢热轧、常化及退火处理后组织与性能。结果表明,试验钢热轧后组织不均匀,心部为沿轧向分布纤维状组织,边部为少量再结晶晶粒,常化处理能显著改善热轧板组织均匀性,消除热轧板中心部位的纤维状组织。经冷轧及退火后得到多边形铁素体晶粒,其中960℃退火,晶粒尺寸偏大,有利织构{100}组分体积分数减少,不利织构{111}组分体积分数增加,成分为0.2Mn-1Cr的1号试验钢960℃退火后铁损最大,磁感强度偏小;成分为0.5Mn-1Cr的2号试验钢930℃退火后,磁性能与强度等综合性能最佳,工频铁损P1.5/50为2.41W/kg,高频铁损P1.0/400为17.36W/kg,磁感应强度B5 000为1.638T,抗拉强度为685MPa。 In order to study the effect of Cr,Mn and annealing temperature on the properties of high-strength non-oriented silicon steel,the microstructure and properties of three groups of non-oriented silicon steel with different Cr,Mn content under different manufacturing processes were analyzed by means of OM,SEM,EBSD and universal tensile tester.The results show that the structure of experimental steel is not uniform after hot rolling,and the core is distributed in fibrous structure along the rolling ... 
2020-05-28 76 5.8



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