介绍了普通取向硅钢(CGO)和高磁感取向硅钢(Hi-B)铸坯高温加热两次冷轧、一次冷轧和铸坯低温加热两次冷轧、一次冷轧法4种成熟生产工艺的主要技术参数,取向硅钢理论研究(Goss晶核和抑制剂)和生产技术现状。取向钢的发展趋势为:提高(110)[001]晶粒取向度,降低取向硅钢铁损,发展铸坯低温加热(≤1 300℃)和薄板坯连铸连轧流程生产取向硅钢工艺。 Main technology parameters of four developed process:cast bloom higher temperature heating-double cold rolling or single cold rolling,lower temperature heating-double cold rolling or single rolling process for production of common grain oriented silicon steel(CGO) and high magnetic induction grain oriented silicon steel(Hi-B),theory research on grain oriented steel(Goss nucleus and inhibitor) and present situation of process are summarized in this paper.The development trend of grain oriented si...
抑制回硅是低硅品种钢冶炼的重点和难点,南钢中厚板卷厂通过转炉出钢弱脱氧操作,精炼炉弱脱氧升温,脱氧、脱硫造渣,连铸严格的保护浇注及吹氩塞棒、吹氩浸入式上水口的应用等一系列工艺优化和操作的改进,使整个冶炼过程钢水回硅量稳定控制在200×10-6以内,钢水终点成分完全满足低硅钢要求。 Control of increasing silicon is the emphasis and difficulty in low silicon varieties steel smelting.The Nisco Wide Plate/Coil Plant can control the silicon content in molten steel keeping within 200×10-6 through whole steelmaking process by using oxygen residual operation in converter tapping,oxygen residual and increasing temperature,deoxidation,desulfurization,slag refining,protection cast,blowing argon by plugged nozzle,blowing argon by submerged entry nozzle in continuous casting,and other ...
研究了冷轧95%变形量无取向硅钢不同退火温度(710~1 050℃)下再结晶织构特征.再结晶刚完成时(710℃退火),呈现强γ({111<112>~<134>)与弱{114}<481>织构特征;随退火温度升高至900℃,γ明显减弱,{114}<481>组分持续增强,形成典型的{h,1,1}<1/h,1,2>织构;进一步升温至1 050℃,再结晶织构不再发生明显变化.基于EBSD分析,{114}<481>组分的持续强化可归因于其明显的尺寸优势以及较高频率的高能晶界(取向差角为20°~45°). A non-oriented silicon steel was heavily rolled to 95% reduction and subsequently annealed at 710~1 050 ℃ to investigate recrystallization texture evolution.When annealed at 710 ℃ with complete recrystallization,the texture is characterized by a strong partial γ fiber spreading from {111}<112> to {111}<134> and a weak {114}<481> component.As annealing at 900 ℃,γ fiber is decreased significantly while {114}<481> is increased consistently,producing a typical {h,1,1}<1/h,...
通过对35W300高牌号0.35 mm冷轧无取向电工钢卷(/%:0.002C、2.71Si、0.22Mn、0.015P、0.003S、0.0020N、0.55Als)头、中、尾组织、织构及对应的磁性能的试验研究,发现因热轧时12 MPa高压水连续冷却造成接触轧辊的钢卷头、中、尾在不同温度下轧制,卷取后钢卷头部处于卷心、温度略高而冷却速度略低于钢卷尾部,致使钢卷纵向组织、织构不同,成品卷头、尾各250 m内磁感逐渐增加,铁损逐渐降低,250 m外至钢卷中部磁性能稳定。通过将热轧辊的冷却方式改为周期冷却和卷取后的层流冷却改为钢卷70 m后开始冷却,至钢卷尾部70 m前停止冷却的方式使得钢卷纵向铁损差异明显减小,磁感差异略有改善。 According to the test research on structure and texture of head,meddle and end of 35W300 high grade 0.35 mm cold rolled non-oriented electrical steel strip coil(/%:0.002C,2.71Si,0.22Mn,0.015P,0.003S,0.002 0 N,0.55Als) and corresponding magnetic properties,It is found that due to 12 MPa high pressure water continuous cooling the roller in hot rolling process led to head,middle and tail of strip rolling at different temperature and after coiling the head of strip coil being in center of coil led t...
利用OM,TEM,EDS与XRD技术,对Fe-3.15%Si低温取向硅钢热轧板不同常化处理后的显微组织、析出相及最终产品的磁性能进行了分析研究,并对热轧板和常化板经过冷轧后的冷轧板织构进行了对比分析.结果表明,采用1120℃保温3 min二段式冷却的常化处理工艺,常化板表层显微组织均匀,沿板厚方向的显微组织的不均匀性显著,对后续过程中形成高取向的Goss织构最有利,取向硅钢的磁性能最高;采用二段式冷却的常化冷却工艺最优,在此冷却工艺下析出的细小的析出物数量最多,且弥散分布在基体中,抑制剂的抑制效果最好,对成品获得高磁性最有利;热轧板、常化板经过冷轧后的冷轧板织构均主要由{111}〈110〉和{111}〈112〉织构组成,但常化板较热轧板冷轧后的冷轧板γ取向线织构密度明显增高,由此可以证实常化处理有助于取向硅钢最终获得高取向的Goss织构. The decreasing of slab heating temperature for grain-oriented silicon steel will reduce the amount of precipitates in hot rolled plate,and be disadvantage to the formation of ultimate Goss texture.The aim of normalizing is to control and adjust the amount,size and distribution of precipitates.Microstructures,precipitates and magnetic characteristics of finished products with different normalizing technologies for Fe-3.15%Si low temperature hot rolled grain-oriented silicon steel are researched,a...
为了解决目前冷轧产线硅钢现有切边技术存在的微裂纹、应力、毛刺和边浪等问题,采用光纤激光器进行了高速切割实验,对激光功率、切割速度、激光模式等影响因素进行了分析,同时对高速切割时的切割前沿形状进行了研究。结果表明,切割最高速度随着功率的增加而增加;随着离焦量的增加,切割质量下降,挂渣增多,切缝宽度增加,切割深度变浅;基模激光器能量密度更高,所以薄板切割时的切割速度高于多模激光器;切割前沿随着切割速度的增加会变得平缓,速度足够大时,切割前沿甚至接近与切割方向平行,此时切缝下部存在挂渣现象。 In order to solve the problems such as micro crack,stress,burr,edge waves and so on,existing in cold rolling production line of silicon steel side cutting,experimentsof high speed laser cutting using fiber laser were carried out.Laser power,cutting speed,laser mode and other factors were analyzed,at the same time,cutting front geometries were studied.The results show that the maximum speed increases with power.And the increases of defocus result in poor quality,wider kerf and shallowerkerf.Energ...
在Gleeble-3500热/力模拟试验机上对HW600钢进行高温压缩试验,研究在不同试验条件下的变形抗力。试验结果表明:变形温度对变形抗力的影响最为显著,在相同的变形速率下,随着变形温度的升高,变形抗力降低;在同一变形温度下,变形速率增大,变形抗力增加;在同一变形温度、变形速率下,随着变形程度的增加,变形抗力急剧增大,真应变达到0.1后,变形抗力增加趋势变缓。 The high-temperature compression test is done for HW600 steel with Gleeble-3500 thermal simulation testing machine to research its resistance to deformation under different test conditions.It is showed from result that deformation temperature has greatest effect on the resistance,and along with the temperature getting higher the resistance lowered under same deformation rate;the resistance increases along with deformation rate getting greater under same temperature;and under same deformation tem...
以一种新的Fe-Si合金制备工艺为出发点,研究了不同放电等离子体快速烧结工艺(SPS)和Si含量变化对Fe-Si合金材料显微组织与磁性能的影响。结果表明,在烧结温度为1 000℃时制备的Fe-6.5%Si合金(质量分数,下同)的综合磁性能较好,其在50Hz下的铁损为0.549W/kg,最大磁感应强度为0.124 3T,矫顽力245.6 A/m,磁导率0.338mH/m。另外,材料的最大磁感应强度随Si含量的增加显著增长,1 000Hz下,Fe-10.0%Si的最大磁感应强度可达到Fe-6.5%Si合金的5倍左右。 The effects of Si content and SPS technology on microstructure and magnetic properties of Fe-Si alloy material were studied in the paper.It shows that the magnetic properties are the best when the content of Si is 6.5wt% and the sintering temperature is 1 000℃,the iron loss is 0.549W / kg in 50Hz,maximum magnetic induction is 0.124 3T,coercive force is 245.6A / m and permeability is 0.338mH / m。And,the maximum magnetic induction increases significantly with the increase of Si.The maximum magneti...
本文以热轧常化板为初始材料,采用二次冷轧法与三次冷轧法制备了0.1 mm厚的取向硅钢薄带,测定相应的磁性能,并通过EBSD取向成像技术检测了二次冷轧法与三次冷轧法各工艺过程中织构与组织演变规律。结果表明,采用最终冷轧压下率适中的三次冷轧法,能在冷轧至0.1 mm时保存较多的高斯晶核,使得高温退火后的磁性能明显优于二次冷轧法。最终冷轧压下率通过影响脱碳退火后样品中的{111}<112>织构组分及Goss晶粒数量对最终二次再结晶产生重要影响。 Grain-oriented silicon steel sheets with a thickness of 0. 1 mm were produced from hot-rolled and normalized sheets by two-step-rolling and three-step-rolling methods. Their magnetic properties were measured,and the textures were detected by EBSD technique. The results show that the three-step-rolling method,which has a moderate reduction rate of final cold rolling,can maintain more { 110} < 001 >nucleus,and thus obtaining better magnetic properties compared with the two-step-method. The f...
以不断增长的薄板坯流程为背景,与传统流程对比分析了薄板坯流程无取向电工钢热轧晶粒组织特征;以50W800和50W1300钢为典型实例,探讨了两种流程下成品板晶粒组织、织构、磁性能及其磁时效行为的基体差异和相关原理。研究表明,薄板坯流程热轧板组织较粗大,有利于在成品板中获得粗大的晶粒和有利的织构,从而得到较低的铁损和较高的磁感。然而,薄板坯流程会造成第二相粒子的细小弥散分布与不充分析出,容易因磁时效而使磁性能恶化。 Based on the rapid development of compact strip production(CSP) processing,the characteristics of hot band grain structure produced by CSP processing were analyzed in comparison with those of conventional technology.The basic differences in grain size,texture,magnetic properties and the magnetic aging behaviors of the final sheet products produced by the two processing technologies and the corresponding principles were discussed,while steel 50W800 and 50W1300 were taken as examples.It is indicat...
采用固溶强化、细晶强化和位错强化方法,模拟TSCR流程试开发高强度无取向电工钢,试开发钢的主要合金成分为3%Si、0.83%Al和2.99%Mn。分析热轧、常化、退火后的钢板组织,并针对不同的成品板组织,详尽地分析了相应的力学性能和磁性能。试验电工钢平均晶粒直径为12.37μm时,R p0.2为530 MPa,R m为618 MPa;当退火制度为700℃×4 min,成品组织完全为未再结晶的回复组织时,R p0.2为853.5 MPa,R m为895.5 MPa。该成分的电工钢P15/50或P10/400最小时,对应的平均晶粒直径都大于59.67μm;P10/800或P10/1000最小时,对应的平均晶粒直径都处于12.37~59.67μm尺寸区间。 TSCR was simulated to develop high-strength non-oriented electrical steel with 3% of Si,0.83% of Al and 2.99% of Mn by solution strengthening,grain refinement strengthening and dislocation strengthening.The microstructures of hot rolled plates,normalized plates and annealed plates were analyzed.Furthermore,the mechanical properties and magnetic properties of products with different microstructures were detailedly studied.As the average grain diameter of the steel was 12.37 μm,the yield strength ...