基于TEAM(Testing Electromagnetic Analysis Methods)Problem 21基准模型和不同类型的磁化曲线Bm-Hm及Bm-Hb数据,分别在50 Hz至200 Hz的频率范围内计算了基准模型的硅钢叠片内的损耗及磁通,并考虑集肤效应和材料的电-磁各向异性的影响。数值计算结果与实验测量结果具有很好的一致性。提出的有限元建模方法和基于模拟结果的分析、结论有助于提高大型电力变压器的电磁设计的有效性。 Based on TEAM(Testing Electromagnetic Analysis Methods) Problem 21 standard model and the different B-H(such as Bm-Hm and Bm-Hb) curves,the iron loss and magnetic flux inside the grain-oriented(GO) silicon steel lamination are modeled under different frequency(from 50 Hz to 200 Hz) in this paper,And the influences of skin effect and electric-magnetic anisotropy on the numerical simulation results have been examined.The calculated and measured results with respect to the model are in good agreeme...
分析总结退火工艺各参数对冷轧无取向硅钢磁性能的影响,结合设计和生产实践经验介绍退火工艺中各参数的实际生产取值,并针对现生产工艺过程中出现的典型问题提出解决办法。 It is analyzed and summarized the great influences on magnetism of cold rolled non-oriented silicon steel affected by various annealing process data in this article.The relevant settled ways is raised.According to the actual value presetting ways for various annealing process data based on design and production,as well as typical problems occurred during production.
介绍了重庆钢铁股份有限公司炼钢厂生产低碳低硅钢的脱氧工艺,对连铸过程中水口结瘤的原因进行分析,并提出了优化措施。生产实践表明:钢水中的活性氧质量分数控制在10×10-6~30×10-6时,单中包浇铸炉数由6~7炉提高到11~12炉,同时能保证连铸顺行和减少铸坯气孔。 The deoxidation process of low-carbon and low-silicon steel in steel plant of Chongqing Steel was introduced.The nuzzle clogging was analyzed and some measures were put forward.Production experiments showed that when the active oxygen was controlled between 10×10-6~30×10-6,the amount of furnaces would rise from 6~7 to 11~12,which will make the casting process work well and reduce casting holes.
在50Kg氧化镁坩埚真空感应炉上进行高硅电工钢的脱氧试验。结果表明,通过控制原料的成分、高真空下的碳氧反应和炉衬分解向钢液中的供氧,可使钢液的总氧含量≤15×10-6;在维持高温高真空条件下,当钢液中的反应达到一定程度后,延长精炼时间并不能降低钢液的总氧含量;完成精炼后加入硅钙合金沉淀脱氧可进一步降低钢液的总含氧量,但脱氧效果有限。 The test of high-silicon electric steel deoxidation has been carried out in 50Kg vacuum induction furnace with magnesium oxide crucible.Results show that the total oxygen could be ≤15×10-6in molten steel by controlling material components,carbon-oxygen reaction in high vacuum and oxygen contamination from crucible materials on molten steel;And when the reaction was carried through to a certain extent,total oxygen in molten steel could not be reduced by the extension of refining period in high va...
结合工业化生产过程中出现的同卷带钢头、尾磁性能差异现象,对50SW1300牌号无取向硅钢同卷带钢头、尾试样的夹杂物、晶体织构和显微组织进行了分析研究。结果表明,夹杂物、晶体织构是影响成品钢卷磁性能的重要因素。夹杂物是造成同卷带钢头、尾铁损差异的主要原因。夹杂物数量越多,尤其是小尺寸的夹杂物数量越多,对成品带钢的磁性能影响越大,对于本试验而言,AlN和MnS是影响成品带钢磁性能的主要夹杂物。晶体织构是造成同卷带钢头、尾磁感应强度差异的主要原因。有益的{100}和Goss织构含量越大,有害的{111}<110>和{111}<112>织构含量越小,即有益织构与有害织构含量比越大,成品带钢的磁感应强度越大。 Based on the industrial manufacture of non-oriented silicon steel sheets 50SW1300, the magnetic property variation of head and tail of the same finished steel sheets was discussed by analyzing non-metallic inclusion, crystal texture, and microstructure. Results show that, both of the non-metallic inclusion and the crystal texture will affect the magnetic properties significantly. The non-metallic inclusion is the key factor of the core loss variation of head and tail of the same finished steel s...
对熔融态钢液进行处理,研究了电脉冲对于取向硅钢凝固组织的影响作用,利用正交试验法研究了脉冲电容、频率、处理时间和电压等脉冲参数的作用效果。结果表明:电脉冲对钢锭晶粒组织具有明显的细化作用,凝固组织的等轴晶比例大幅上升,影响等轴晶比例的最显著性因素为脉冲频率,最优正交试验参数为电容1 200μF,脉冲频率1 Hz,处理时间5 s,脉冲电压800 V。随着输入能量的增大等轴晶率先增大后减小,脉冲输入能量为某值时,等轴晶率最大,利用经典形核理论和热力学对这一现象进行了解释。 The influence of electric pulse on the solidification structure of oriented silicon steel was investigated by applying electric pulse in molten steel.The affection due to different electric pulse parameters such as electric capacity,frequency,applied time and voltage was studied by orthogonal design test.The result showed that solidification structure of oriented silicon steel could be improved by the electric pulse,and the equiaxed crystal ratio increased obviously.The most influential paramete...
以市场上购买的取向硅钢成品板为原料,经不同压下率冷轧至0.23~0.08 mm不等。借助X射线衍射仪(XRD)检测了冷轧后样品中的织构组分及其含量,利用电子背散射技术(EBSD)测量了试样的取向因子分布情况。观察了孪晶的形貌与晶体学特征,分析了硅钢超薄带的塑性变形行为。结果发现,在平面压缩应力下,{112}<111>滑移系的取向因子较大。随冷轧压下率的增加,Goss织构的含量逐渐减少,{212}<141>织构组分的含量先增加后减少,{111}<112>织构组分的含量逐渐增加,织构组分以{110}<001>→{212}<141>→{111}<112>顺序演变。冷轧后样品中出现了孪晶,其晶体取向为{001}<110>,冷轧过程中孪晶取向没有发生变化。 The commercial finished oriented silicon steel plate as the raw material were rolled to 0.23-0.08 mm. With the X-ray diffractometer(XRD), the texture components and their volume fractions in the cold-rolled samples were detected. And the orientation factor distribution of the cross-section of the samples was measured by the electron backscattering technique(EBSD). The morphology and crystallographic characteristics of twins were observed, and the plastic deformation behaviors of the ultra-thin o...
目的提高硅钢的磁性能。方法采用多弧离子镀技术,在普通取向硅钢薄板两面沉积高硅FeSi合金层制得高硅梯度硅钢,并进行热处理,观察其显微组织,测量磁性能。结果退火态高硅梯度硅钢表面的高硅FeSi合金层与基底结合紧密,均匀致密。高硅梯度硅钢中硅含量呈梯度分布,最表层硅质量分数为11.0%,随着深度增加,硅含量逐渐降低,在距表面20μm处硅质量分数仍能达到6.5%。沉积态高硅梯度硅钢的电阻率ρ、低频铁损P10/50、高频铁损P10/1k及磁感应强度B8分别为68.6μΩ·cm,0.82W/kg,83.3 W/kg和1.73 T,退火后分别为63.1μΩ·cm,0.44 W/kg,54.38 W/kg和1.89 T。结论由于表层高硅FeSi合金层的存在,梯度高硅钢的低频磁学性能良好,但高频损耗需进一步改善。 Objective To improve the magnetic properties of silicon steel. Methods FeSi alloy coatings with high-silicon content were deposited on the surface of common grain-oriented silicon steel by cathodic arc plasma evaporation,and then a kind of high silicon gradient steel was prepared. The morphologies,content and magnetic properties of the samples were tested. Results FeSi alloy coatings were featured with compact microstructures and excellent adhesive quality with the substrates. The silicon conten...
结合冶炼无取向硅钢的生产实际,对钢中硫的来源,以及炉渣性质、钢水温度、底吹强度对脱硫的影响进行了分析。研究表明,转炉钢中硫的主要来源为铁水、废钢、铁水渣及石灰带入;冶炼硅钢时,终渣碱度为3.0~3.5,w((FeO))≤20%,终点钢水温度大于等于1 680℃,加大底吹搅拌强度能提高转炉脱硫效果。硅钢平均出钢硫的质量分数为0.004 8%,能满足无取向硅钢对硫含量的要求。 With the actual production of non-oriented silicon steel,the source of sulphur and the effect of metallugic parameters like slag properties,temperature of molten steel and bottom stirring on desulphurizing ability were investigated.The results show that the main source of sulphur is molten metal,scrap,the remaining slag volume in hot metal and lime.The degree of desulphurization for smelting silicon steel can be increased through adopting the following measures,such as the basicity of finishing ...