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研究了热处理工艺(退火温度、保温时间、冷却方式)对含Mn的Fe-6.5wt%Si高硅钢热轧带的显微组织及硬度的影响。结果表明,退火温度对Fe-6.5wt%Si合金的组织和显微硬度均有较大影响,随退火温度升高,平均晶粒尺寸和显微硬度均明显增大。小于1 h退火时,晶粒长大缓慢,而长时间(>1 h)退火时,一些次表层晶粒将发生异常长大。水冷组织比空冷组织略细小,但水冷显著降低了显微硬度。Mn含量提高能抑制850℃退火时晶粒的长大,并且促进退火后高硅钢的软化。 The influences of heat treatment process(annealing temperature,heating time,cooling methods) on the microstructure and microhardness of Fe-6.5wt%Si high silicon steel containing manganese for hot rolled strip were studied.The results show that the annealing temperature has a great effect on the microstructure and microhardness of Fe-6.5wt%Si alloy,and as the annealing temperature increases,the average grain sizes and microhardness will significantly increase.When annealing time for less than 1 h... 
2023-05-12 1.19k 5.8

研究了采用高温卷取热轧态原料和常化态原料生产高牌号冷轧无取向电工钢组织、织构和磁性能。研究发现钢卷采用750℃高温卷取,下线后立即采用\"保温罩\"对钢卷进行保温,时间96h,然后空冷至100℃时上线生产的工艺可取代常化工艺生产高牌号冷轧无取向电工钢。冷轧上线前,热轧态原料的表层为大量的再结晶组织,这部分组织包括了热轧轧制时保留下来的动态再结晶组织,钢卷本身高温回复后产生再结晶晶粒,以及在保温罩内保温时形成的再结晶组织。高温卷取的热轧态和常化态的热轧卷作为原料时,试样织构类型相似,取向分布密度接近,再结晶后织构类型仍然相似,取向分布密度仍然接近。Goss织构对磁性能增加有促进作用。实验钢中较好的磁性能对应的织构[{100}+Goss]/{111}的比值较高,体现了织构的遗传性。 Microstructure,texture and magnetic properties of high grade cold rolled nonoriented electrical steel which made of hot rolled material with high temperature coiling and with normalization were studied.Steels coiled in high temperature(at 750 ℃),stacked with insulation cover for 96hand air cooled to 100 ℃ were using to manufacture high grade nonoriented electrical steel.The process can replace the normalization process.There are a lot of recrystallized grains in the surface layer of the coil wit... 
2014-03-28 52 5.8

对1990~2010年在我国申请的冷轧无取向硅钢涂层的专利数量、专利技术领域分布进行了统计,对典型涂层专利技术进行了分析,探讨了无取向硅钢涂层的发展趋势。统计分析结果表明,目前无取向硅钢涂层典型的专利技术主要有自粘结涂层、无铬含稀土元素涂层、含钼酸盐环保涂层及采用有机-无机纳米杂化材料为主成膜物形成的涂层等。无取向硅钢涂层发展的趋势主要是无铬环保的半无机、半有机型涂层。 The patent quantity of cold-rolled non-oriented silicon steel coating and distribution of technology fields applied in China in 1990-2010 were summarized.The analysis results indicate that typical patent technologies include self-adhesion coating,chromium-free and with rare earth element coating,environment-friendly and with molybdate coating,coatings with organic-inorganic hybrid materials as main forming agent and so on.The main development trends of coatings on silicon steel are among semi-in... 
2011-02-28 71 5.8

利用场发射电镜及能谱仪研究了取向电工钢薄、厚板坯铸锭中不同区域的析出相差异,确定了MnS、AlN及Fe3C的析出顺序和形貌特征。结果表明AlN以先析出的MnS为形核核心,形成粗大微米级的复合析出相。针状Fe3C既可以在复合析出相表面形成也可以在基体中单独出现,主要受冷却速度的影响。在1250℃保温1~2 h,AlN、Fe3C均可完全回溶,但部分MnS仍不回溶。MnS尺寸随着保温时间延长而增大。导致热轧板中沿轧向分布的粗大MnS,减弱了粒子钉扎力。 Precipitates in thin and thick slabs of electrical silicon steel were investigated by means of field emission SEM and EDS analysis.The precipitation sequence and the morphology of MnS,AlN and Fe3C particles were identified.AlN particles are observed to be nucleated on surface of MnS forming micron-meter-sized complex particles.Acicular Fe3C can precipitate on surface of the complex MnS/AlN particles or directly from matrix depending on cooling rate of the slabs.After holding at 1250 ℃ for 1-2 h,... 
2011-08-28 44 5.8

介绍了双蓄热燃烧技术的特点和高温硅钢加热炉的特点,探讨了双蓄热燃烧技术在高温硅钢加热炉中使用的技术难点,分析了双蓄热燃烧技术在高温硅钢加热炉上使用的可能性。 Introduced characteristics of double regenerative combustion technology and high temperature silicon steel reheating furnace,discussed technical difficulties for using double regenerative combustion technology,analyzed the possibility of double regenerative combustion technology applied to high temperature silicon steel reheating furnace. 
2013-03-28 30 5.8

双辊连铸技术是冶金及材料领域内的一项前沿技术,对于生产高品质硅钢具有独特优势.本实验研究了一种双辊铸轧w[Si]=4.5%的无取向硅钢,考察其铸态和常化处理后样品的组织、织构及析出相尺寸特征.结果表明:铸带组织以与铸带法向成5~20(°)倾角的柱状晶为主,晶内存在少量0.3~0.4μm的AlN析出相,铸带织构以λ(<001>//ND)织构为主,表层织构漫散.950℃/10 min常化处理后,析出相尺寸增大,表层λ织构增强. As an advanced technique of metallurgy and material science,twin- roll strip casting has unique advantages for producing high quality silicon steel. The present study was aimed at a 4. 5% Si non- oriented electrical steel for analyzing the structure,texture and the size of precipitates at the initial and normalized state. The results revealed that the initial structure mainly consisted of columnar grains with 5 ~ 20( °) angle to the normal of cast strip,and some AlN precipitates of 0. 3 ~ 0. 4 μ... 
2014-03-28 52 5.8

抑制回硅是低硅品种钢冶炼的重点和难点,南钢中厚板卷厂通过转炉出钢弱脱氧操作,精炼炉弱脱氧升温,脱氧、脱硫造渣,连铸严格的保护浇注及吹氩塞棒、吹氩浸入式上水口的应用等一系列工艺优化和操作的改进,使整个冶炼过程钢水回硅量稳定控制在200×10-6以内,钢水终点成分完全满足低硅钢要求。 Control of increasing silicon is the emphasis and difficulty in low silicon varieties steel smelting.The Nisco Wide Plate/Coil Plant can control the silicon content in molten steel keeping within 200×10-6 through whole steelmaking process by using oxygen residual operation in converter tapping,oxygen residual and increasing temperature,deoxidation,desulfurization,slag refining,protection cast,blowing argon by plugged nozzle,blowing argon by submerged entry nozzle in continuous casting,and other ... 
2013-05-28 43 5.8

对碳-锰-硅钢进行不同配分温度的Q&P(Quenching and Partitioning)处理,测试了热处理后不同钢的力学性能和残余奥氏体含量,并用扫描电子显微镜和透射电镜观察其显微组织,分析了配分温度对显微组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明:试验钢显微组织基本由低碳板条状马氏体、块状铁素体和条状残余奥氏体组成;随配分温度的升高,试验钢的抗拉强度呈下降趋势,伸长率与奥氏体含量的变化趋势相同,但变化规律不确定;提高锰含量能稳定残余奥氏体,从而提高试验钢的伸长率,并使伸长率对配分温度不敏感。 The C-Mn-Si steel was quenched and partitioned at different partitioning temperatures,the mechanical properties and residual austenite contents were investigated,the microstructure was observed by SEM and TEM,and the effect of partitioning temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties was analyzed.The results show that the microstructure of the tested steel consisted of lath martensite with low carbon,nubby ferrite and banded residual austenite.The tensile strength of the tested steel ... 
2011-09-28 51 5.8

以市场上购买的取向硅钢成品板为原料,经不同压下率冷轧至0.23~0.08 mm不等。借助X射线衍射仪(XRD)检测了冷轧后样品中的织构组分及其含量,利用电子背散射技术(EBSD)测量了试样的取向因子分布情况。观察了孪晶的形貌与晶体学特征,分析了硅钢超薄带的塑性变形行为。结果发现,在平面压缩应力下,{112}<111>滑移系的取向因子较大。随冷轧压下率的增加,Goss织构的含量逐渐减少,{212}<141>织构组分的含量先增加后减少,{111}<112>织构组分的含量逐渐增加,织构组分以{110}<001>→{212}<141>→{111}<112>顺序演变。冷轧后样品中出现了孪晶,其晶体取向为{001}<110>,冷轧过程中孪晶取向没有发生变化。 The commercial finished oriented silicon steel plate as the raw material were rolled to 0.23-0.08 mm. With the X-ray diffractometer(XRD), the texture components and their volume fractions in the cold-rolled samples were detected. And the orientation factor distribution of the cross-section of the samples was measured by the electron backscattering technique(EBSD). The morphology and crystallographic characteristics of twins were observed, and the plastic deformation behaviors of the ultra-thin o... 
2022-02-28 71 5.8

通过实验室25 kg真空感应炉冶炼和锻轧研究了0.26%~0.95%Al含量对0.5 mm 2.2%Si无取向硅钢冷轧板组织、织构和磁性能的影响。试验结果表明,0.26%~0.81%Al含量时,随钢中Al含量的增加,成品退火钢板的晶粒尺寸增加同时铁损减少;当Al含量大于0.81%时,随Al含量增加,钢板的晶粒尺寸减小,同时铁损增加。Al含量对硅钢板磁感的影响没有明显的规律。2.2%Si无取向硅钢的合适Al含量为0.48%~0.81%。 The effect of 0.26%~0.95%Al content on structure,texture and magnetic performance of 0.5 mm cold rolled sheet of 2.2%Si non-oriented silicon steel has been studied by a 25 kg vacuum induction furnace smelting,and forging -rolling in laboratory.Results show that as 0.26%~0.81%Al,with increasing Al content in steel the grain size of annealed finished sheet increases while iron loss of sheet decreases,and as Al content in steel is more than 0.81%,the grain size of sheet decreases while iron loss in... 
2011-06-28 51 5.8

对冷轧无取向硅钢在冶炼过程中各个工序的顶渣进行了检测,分析了顶渣变化原因,并得出结论:硅钢生产宜采用复吹转炉,以降低吹炼终点渣中TFe含量,进而减轻对精炼的压力;使用低S、低Al2O3含量中间包覆盖剂;RH脱氧及合金化顺序采用先加硅铁后加铝;首罐宜经LF提温并降低渣中TFe。 The top-surface slag used for the various production processes in smelting coldrolled non-oriented electrical steel is tested and based on tested results the cause of the top surface slag change is analyzed.So it is concluded that the combined blown converter is more suitable to be used for smelting electrical steel in order to reduce the content of TFe in slag at blow end point and then much better results can be achieved during the period of refining.Secondly the tundish flux contenting low co... 
2013-03-28 53 5.8

采用双辊薄带连铸技术试制了3.98%Si-0.71%Al无取向硅钢铸带,研究了二次冷轧法对硅钢组织和磁性能的影响。结果表明:硅钢铸带显微组织为等轴晶组织,铸带再结晶较完全,常化对铸带显微组织影响较小。二次冷轧工艺和一次冷轧工艺下,最终退火后成品显微组织为等轴晶组织,二次冷轧法最终退火后的晶粒尺寸小于一次冷轧法。二次冷轧法能够提高成品磁性能. Effect of double cold rolling on magnetic properties and microstructure of 3.98%Si-0.71%Al non-oriented silicon Steel Sheets cast by twin-roll thin strip casting process were investigated.The results show that the structure of the thin strip is equiaxed crystal,the recrystallization is complete and normalizing has lesser effect on microstructure.Using both cold rolled and double cold rolled process,the microstructure is equiaxed grain after final annealing.The average grain size of annealed shee... 
2013-10-28 59 5.8



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