研究了组织和析出物对高效电机用无取向硅钢退火板磁性能的影响。结果表明:随着退火温度升高,退火板平均晶粒尺寸增加,P15/50明显降低,B50略有升高。退火温度在1 000℃时,退火板的综合性能较好。析出物主要是AlN、(MnS+AlN)和(MnS+Al2O3)复合析出物,尺寸较粗大,主要集中在1.0~2.5μm,还发现少量百纳米以下的细小AlN和TiN。实验室模拟TSCR流程试制的高效电机用无取向硅钢,铁损平均值小于4.00 W/kg,磁感应强度大于1.75 T,适合作中小型高效电机铁芯材料。 Effects of microstructure and precipitation on magnetic property of non-oriented silicon steel sheets after annealing for high-efficiency motor are studied in the paper by experiments.The annealed sheet exhibits a larger average grain size,obviously decreasing iron loss and slightly raising magnetic induction with increasing temperature.The annealed sheet has better comprehensive properties at a annealing temperature of 1 000 ℃.The main precipitates are compounds of AlN、(MnS+AlN)and(MnS+Al2O3) w...
研究了冷轧大压下量,950℃退火时间对一种新型含铜无取向电工钢晶粒度和织构的影响。结果表明,大压下量冷轧,随压下量的增加,退火晶粒向γ线聚集,形成强{111}<112>织构。提高冷轧压下率,退火织构{111}<100>,{110}<001>强度减弱,增加退火时间,退火织构{111}<110>,{100}<001>,{110}<001>强度变弱。采用87.5%冷轧压下率和950℃退火60 s,有利织构{100},{110}占有率最大。 The effect of annealing(950 ℃) time with high cold rolling reduction on grain size and texture of a new non-oriented electrical steel containing copper was investigated.The results show that for high cold rolling reduction,most annealed grains are oriented along γ-fibre with increasing cold rolling reduction ratio and strong texture {111}<112> is formed.With increasing the cold rolling reduction ratio,the intensity of annealed texture {111}<110>,{011}<100> decreases.With increa...
通过金相分析和电子背散射衍射技术研究了一种新型含铜无取向电工钢在950℃退火不同时间(3~180s)空冷后的组织和织构取向的演变。结果表明:该钢在退火3s时的主要织构为α和γ线织构,{100}<110>织构最强;退火20s时织构以<111><112>、{111}<110>、{112}<110>、高斯织构和立方织构为主,随着退火时间的延长,高斯织构和立方织构强度呈减弱趋势;合理控制保温时间有利于提高{100}、{110}面织构的占有率。 Evolution of microstructure and texture oriented of a new non-oriented electrical steel during annealing at 950℃for different times(3-180) s and air cooling was studied by metallography and electron back-scattering diffraction analysis.The results show that after annealing for 3 s most of the texture oriented alongα-fibre andγ-fibre,the intensity of {100}〈110〉was the strongest.{111}〈112〉,{111}〈110〉,{112}〈110〉,Gauss texture and cube texture were the main texture after annealing for 20 s,with the ...