硅钢是钢铁产品中的\"工艺品\",是高附加值产品,通过对我国主要硅钢生产厂家的工艺设备,市场情况分析,简要介绍了我国硅钢生产消费现状,未来生产能力预测及硅钢未来发展趋势。 Silicon steel is the \"crafts\" of steel products,also is high value-added product.By analyzing process equipment and market condition of major silicon steel-making plant of China,it briefly introduces our current production consumption status,future production capacity prediction and future development trend of silicon steel.
以CaO-CaF2复合渣系为脱硫剂,在RH精炼过程采用真空投入法进行高牌号无取向电工钢深脱硫工业试验,采用KTH模型计算分析了RH炉渣成分对硫容量CS的影响。研究结果表明,炉渣成分控制在w((CaO))/w((SiO2))为5~7,w((CaO))/w((Al2O3))为1.5~1.8,w((Al2O3))为25%~30%,w((FeO+MnO))<5%,脱硫剂加入量为6~8kg/t时,钢中硫质量分数从平均0.003 1%降低到0.001 8%,最高脱硫率达到47.1%,平均脱硫率为41.7%。 The industrial trials on deep desulphurization of high grade non-oriented electrical steel were finished through using CaO-CaF2complex based fluxes in RH process.Using the KTH model,the effect of refining slag composition on the sulfide capacities was analyzed.The results show that the chemical composition of refining slag(mass fraction,%)is w((CaO/SiO2))between 5to 7,w((CaO))/w((Al2O3))beween 1.5to 1.8,w((Al2O3)) between 25%to 30%,w((FeO+MnO))less than 5%,and the desulphurizer addition level of...
涂层技术在高磁感取向硅钢生产中起着重要的作用.根据生产实践,介绍了高磁感取向硅钢生产中涂层的种类和作用、涂料的成分和对产品性能的影响、涂层工艺质量控制要点和检验方法等,并提出了通过优化涂层工艺改善高磁感取向硅钢性能和外观质量的方法. Surface coating technique plays an important role in producing high magnetic inductivity grain-oriented silicon steel.Based on production practice,this paper describes the types and function of the coating,the composition of the coating and its effect on the product performance,the quality control and inspection method for the coatings,as well as proposes ways to improve the magnetic property and surface quality of the steel by optimizing the coating process.
就冷轧硅钢废水处理生产中面临的主要问题进行分析,从技术角度及运行管理角度提出工艺优化升级改进措施及应对策略;同时从后续深度处理,逐步实现零排放目标的角度进行探讨,为冷轧硅钢废水减量化、出路乃至废水零排放提供一些思路。 The main problems in the wastewater treatment process of cold-rolled silicon steel lines are analyzed and process upgrading measures and optimization strategy are put forward from both technical and management views.At the same time,downstream deep treatment to gradually achieve the target of zero discharge is discussed,to provide some ideas for reduction or even zero discharge of wastewater from cold-rolled silicon steel lines.
结合冶炼无取向硅钢的生产实际,对钢中硫的来源,以及炉渣性质、钢水温度、底吹强度对脱硫的影响进行了分析。研究表明,转炉钢中硫的主要来源为铁水、废钢、铁水渣及石灰带入;冶炼硅钢时,终渣碱度为3.0~3.5,w((FeO))≤20%,终点钢水温度大于等于1 680℃,加大底吹搅拌强度能提高转炉脱硫效果。硅钢平均出钢硫的质量分数为0.004 8%,能满足无取向硅钢对硫含量的要求。 With the actual production of non-oriented silicon steel,the source of sulphur and the effect of metallugic parameters like slag properties,temperature of molten steel and bottom stirring on desulphurizing ability were investigated.The results show that the main source of sulphur is molten metal,scrap,the remaining slag volume in hot metal and lime.The degree of desulphurization for smelting silicon steel can be increased through adopting the following measures,such as the basicity of finishing ...
实验室模拟薄板坯连铸连轧(TSCR)流程制造高磁感取向硅钢,借助电子背散射衍射(EBSD)技术对不同Sn含量的热轧板织构进行了研究。研究结果表明:不同Sn含量热轧板表层及次表层均为高斯织构、铜型织构及黄铜织构的混合织构,中心层为{100}面织构;Sn含量为0.1%时,热轧板表层及次表层高斯织构组分最多,取向密度最大,成品磁感最高,达到1.875 T。 Texture of grain oriented silicon steel hot rolled by thin slab casting and rolling process(TSCR) in laboratory with different Sn contents was analyzed by electron back-scattered diffraction(EBSD).The results show that the hot rolled slabs with different Sn contents have the same texture,i.e.,Goss,Copper and Brass.Specifically,the texture of core layer is {100};While the hot rolled slab with 0.10% Sn,the surface layer and subsurface layer have a sharpness Goss texture and the finished products h...
针对采用含钒铁水生产无取向电工钢存在的铁水脱硫率低、转炉冶炼过程回硫量大、成品硫含量偏高的问题,通过对含钒钛铁水脱硫,减少转炉冶炼过程回硫以及RH脱硫技术等方面的研究,大幅度降低了电工钢成品硫含量。生产表明钢中w(S)=0.001 9%~0.006 9%,平均为0.004 2%;w(S)≤0.008%的比例达到了100%,且w(S)≤0.005%的比例也达到了91.43%。 In cognizance of the problems of low desulphurization rate for hot metal,large sulfur-recovery in converter as well as high sulfur content in products in producing non-orientation electrical steel with vanadium-content hot metal countermeasures have been carried out.Sulfur content in non-orientation electrical steel is decreased obviously by way of study on technologies of desulphurization for hot metal with vanadium & titanium,sulfur-recovery control in converter and desulphurization in RH ...