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对两种硅钢水溶性极厚绝缘涂层进行了不同温度的热老化实验。通过TG-DTA,GDS,FT-IR,SEM和光泽度仪等测试方法对老化的涂层进行分析表征,提出了评估硅钢水溶性极厚绝缘涂层热老化性能的合理温度区间,探讨了涂层热老化行为,并分析了两种涂层热老化性能的差异。结果表明,涂层附着性随着老化时间的延长逐渐下降。FT-IR表征结果显示,热老化过程中,涂料交联形成的化学键未发生断裂,交联剂氨基树脂的三嗪环被破坏是聚合物三维网络结构坍塌的主要原因。 Thermal aging expriments at different temperature were carried out on two types of water-soluble and extra-thick insulation coatings for non-oriented silicon steel,and a series of test methods such as glossmeters,TG-DTA,FT-IR,GDS,SEM were applied in analysis.For evaluating the thermal aging effect of this kind of insulation coating,the proper temperature range was proposed.The difference of aging performance between two coatings was been investigated and the related behaviors were been discussed... 
2011-04-28 54 5.8

对碳-锰-硅钢进行不同配分温度的Q&P(Quenching and Partitioning)处理,测试了热处理后不同钢的力学性能和残余奥氏体含量,并用扫描电子显微镜和透射电镜观察其显微组织,分析了配分温度对显微组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明:试验钢显微组织基本由低碳板条状马氏体、块状铁素体和条状残余奥氏体组成;随配分温度的升高,试验钢的抗拉强度呈下降趋势,伸长率与奥氏体含量的变化趋势相同,但变化规律不确定;提高锰含量能稳定残余奥氏体,从而提高试验钢的伸长率,并使伸长率对配分温度不敏感。 The C-Mn-Si steel was quenched and partitioned at different partitioning temperatures,the mechanical properties and residual austenite contents were investigated,the microstructure was observed by SEM and TEM,and the effect of partitioning temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties was analyzed.The results show that the microstructure of the tested steel consisted of lath martensite with low carbon,nubby ferrite and banded residual austenite.The tensile strength of the tested steel ... 
2011-09-28 51 5.8

本文中简要介绍了武汉钢铁有限公司采用薄板坯连铸连轧CSP(compact strip production, CSP)工艺生产中低牌号无取向硅钢的实践情况.CSP工艺生产的硅钢具有成品磁性均匀、板形好的优势,但是在利用该技术生产中低牌号无取向硅钢时,常存在成品板表面瓦楞状缺陷严重、连铸生产效率低等问题.通过优化炼钢成分、热轧等相关工艺,可消除热轧板厚度方向中心的粗大形变组织,从源头上避免了粗大{100}<011>纤维组织的出现,消除了瓦楞状缺陷;通过提升冶炼效率和控制钢中夹杂物总量,可优化隧道炉的加热温度与在炉时间,大幅度提升了连铸生产效率,实现了中低牌号无取向硅钢的批量稳定制造,使CSP产线成为中低牌号无取向硅钢热轧板原料的主要供给生产线.如何进一步提升钢水纯洁度、提高连铸生产效率、降低生产成本,以及挖掘该产线生产薄带钢的技术优点,是未来工作的重点. This paper briefly introduces the practice of producing medium and low grade non oriented silicon steel(NGO) with CSP(compact strip production, CSP)technology in Wuhan Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.. This technology has the inherent advantages of uniform magnetic properties and good shape for silicon steel finished strip. However, in the actual production process, there are serious corrugated defects on the surface of silicon steel finished strip, and production efficiency of continuous casting is low... 
2023-01-28 94 5.8

某厂对电工钢的轧制策略进行了优化,粗轧道次由“1+5”改为“1+3”。在优化后的生产过程中,每次变换钢种,烫辊材就会出现窄尺现象,而紧随其后的电工钢板则出现超宽现象。文中针对该问题,介绍了宽度设定模型和宽度自适应模型的原理,阐述了该问题出现的原因及解决方案,并通过对宽度自适应模型的应用研究及优化攻关,有效地解决了问题,大幅提升了实物质量,降低了宽度封锁率。 The rolling strategy of electrical steel was optimized in a factory,and the rough rolling pass was changed from “1+5”to“1+3”.Subsequently,the following problems were occurred in the production process:when the steel grade changed,the roasting roller steel before the electrical steel appeared the narrow width phenomenon,and then the electrical steel appeared the ultra-wide phenomenon.This paper introduced the principle of width setting model and width adaptive model,and expounded the causes and s... 
2022-02-28 63 5.8

介绍了国内无底层取向电工钢生产技术水平、产量和用途,简述了无底层取向电工钢作为取向电工钢超/极薄带母料及应用于制作大型发电机组铁心、风电等电机铁心和变压器铁心等的情况。 The production technology level,output and application of domestic glassless grainoriented electrical steel were introduced,and the application of glassless grain-oriented electrical steel as parent material of ultra-thin strip of grain-oriented electrical steel and in making large-scale electric generator cores,wind power motor cores and transformer cores were briefly described. 
2022-02-28 73 5.8

【作者】 韩超; 代智肄; ...
2022-04-28 70 5.8

利用EBSD技术对CGO硅钢热轧、中间退火、脱碳退火及二次再结晶退火组织及织构进行分析,研究了CGO硅钢各阶段加工制备过程中高斯{110}<001>晶粒的形状、尺寸及分布特点,分析了高斯取向晶粒在各工序过程中的遗传继承性特点。结果表明,CGO硅钢热轧板的次表层存在Goss取向晶粒,历经一次冷轧及中间退火后Goss取向晶粒基本消失,一次再结晶之后Goss织构仍不是主要织构,主要织构为{111}<110>和{111}<112>,说明Goss取向晶粒在二次再结晶退火前数量及尺寸上并不占优势,二次再结晶过程中Goss取向晶粒异常长大形成锋锐Goss织构。{111}<110>和{111}<112>织构组分的强度在一次冷轧中不断增加,{111}<112>织构组分的强度在二次冷轧后达到最大而{111}<110>织构组分是在初次再结晶后变强。 Grain shape,size and distribution of { 110} < 001 > Goss grains in CGO steel and the hereditary characteristics of Goss orientated grains during each processing period were investigated,based on the analysis of the microstructure and texture of the CGO silicon steel during hot rolling,intermediate annealing,decarburizing annealing and secondary recrystallization annealing by means of EBSD. The results show that Goss orientated grains exist in the subsurface of the hot rolled plate,and Goss... 
2014-10-28 46 5.8

运用EBSD和光学显微镜,研究了0.25%~0.45%Cu对无取向电工钢热轧板显微组织,成品板显微组织、织构和磁性能的影响。实验结果表明:卷取过程中Cu元素在热轧板表层的偏聚作用显著阻碍了热轧板表层再结晶晶粒长大,导致热轧板表层晶粒尺寸随着Cu含量增加而逐渐较小,但热轧板中间晶粒尺寸变化不大。同时发现Cu元素能够明显改善织构类型,使有利织构组分增加,不利织构组分减少,同时减弱织构强度。从实验结果可知0.35%Cu能够显著改善电工钢的磁性能,铁损P15/50最低达到4.1 W/kg,磁感B50最高值达到1.8 T。 Effects of high content Cu on microstructure of hot rolled plates and microstructure,texture and magnetic properties of annealed finish product plates of non-oriented electrical steel were examined by means of EBSD technique and optical microscope. The results show that surface segregation of Cu significantly hindered recrystallized grain growth of surface layer in hot rolled plate during the coiling,as a result,the surface grain sizes of the hot-rohed plates decrease with the increase of Cu con... 
2013-11-28 50 5.8

用Gleeble1500D模拟试验机在变形温度为950~1 200℃、应变速率为0.01~8s-1、最大变形程度为60%的条件下,对硅钢50A1300做单道次压缩试验,首先分析了不同参数对流变应力的影响,然后用回归法确定了应力模型中的变形激活能及材料常数,得到硅钢50A1300在峰值应力条件和稳态应力条件下的变形激活能分别为270.360和91.557kJ/mol,同时得到了流变峰值应力模型,模型的相关系数为0.997。最后通过作lnθ-ε图的方法找到了硅钢50A1300发生动态再结晶的临界应变量,并回归得到峰值应变量、临界应变量与参数Z/C的关系式。 To analyze the effects of different parameters on the flow stress and critical strain of the dynamic recrystallization,single-pass compression experiments were carried out with silicon steel 50A1300 specimens using a Gleeble1500D thermal simulator at a temperature range of 950-1 200 ℃ and strain rate range of 0.01-8 s-1 under the condition of maximum deformation of 60%.The average deformation activation energy is respectively 270.360 and 91.557 kJ/mol under the peak stress and steady-state stres... 
2012-11-28 39 5.8

对无取向电工钢中的夹杂进行了系统的分析。利用小样电解,采取不同电解液,不同的分离方法对无取向电工钢中稳定和不稳定夹杂物进行了提取、分离和收集。利用扫描电镜(SEM)、X-射线衍射、ICP等对电解分离收集的夹杂物进行了定性和定量分析。 The inclusion analysis of the non-oriented electrical steel has been investigated.By using small sample electrolytic analysis,with different electrolytes and different separation ways,the stable inclusions and unstable inclusions was drew,separated,and collected.With utilizing the methods of SEM,X-ray and ICP,the qualitative and quantitative analysis of inclusions in the non-oriented electrical steel was obtained. 
2023-05-09 104 5.8

【作者】 卢鹏; ...
2013-03-28 24 5.8

从取向硅钢生产路线的选择、工艺技术的改进和生产设备的改造三方面进行了生产取向硅钢的节能降耗技术改造.通过完善多元抑制剂配方生产低温取向硅钢,通过加抛丸的酸洗、带面超声波清洗、改进连续退火炉以及余热循环利用等技术改造,使2012年取向硅钢的产量与未进行技术改造前的2009年相比提高了2.5倍,产品磁性上升了一个半牌号,能耗下降了8.9%,成材率提高了6.4%,生产成本下降了22%,综合效益显著. Energy saving technological transformation was carried out in the production of grain oriented silicon steel from three aspects of the oriented silicon steel production process route selection,technology improvement and equipment renovation.Through the improvement of multiple inhibitor formulations for producing low-temperature grain-oriented silicon steel,and by adding the blasting pickling,the belt surface ultrasonic cleaning,improvement of continuous annealing furnace,waste heat recycling tec... 
2013-02-28 71 5.8



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