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【作者】 宋波; 朱一知; ...
2011-10-28 31 5.8

【作者】 杨佳直; ...
2013-05-28 30 5.8

为了更好的解决电力系统防污闪涂料RTV-Ⅰ长期应用暴露出来的问题以及目前RTV-Ⅱ防污闪涂料存在的一些不足,结合具体实际需求,在电力系统外绝缘领域,应用新型防污闪硬质涂层——防污闪纳米硅钢涂层,并对分别喷涂了防污闪纳米硅钢涂层以及RTV涂料的绝缘子进行对比运行情况研究分析。研究结果表明,防污闪纳米硅钢涂层是一种同时具有优异憎水性迁移性能和自洁性能的新型涂层,具有良好的应用前景。 In order to solve the problem exposed of anti-pollution flashover coating RTV-Ⅰwhich has been used long-term in power system,as well as to better solve some shortcomings of the current anti-pollution flashover coating RTV-Ⅱ,in this paper,a new anti-pollution flashover hard coating — anti-pollution flashover nanometer silicon hard coating(NSHC) is applied in the field of power system insulation for the specific practical needs.At the same time insulators which are separately sprayed by the NSHC a... 
2013-05-28 30 5.8

介绍了硅钢CSP工程辊底式均热炉的技术特性,详细阐述了辊底式均热炉工艺特点。根据硅钢均热要求,通过采取不同烧嘴布置方法和燃烧控制技术,选用耐火纤维模块和绝热材料等相关技术措施,满足了出钢温度要求。 The technical specialty for roller hearth furnace of silicon steel CSP Plant was introduced,and the technology characteristics of the roller hearth furnace were illuminated in detail.According to the reheating require of the silicon steel,different burner arrangement and combustion control methods were applied,and technology measures such as selecting refractory fiber module and insulation material and so on were taken,the temperature requirement of silicon steel was met. 
2011-06-28 30 5.8

介绍了双蓄热燃烧技术的特点和高温硅钢加热炉的特点,探讨了双蓄热燃烧技术在高温硅钢加热炉中使用的技术难点,分析了双蓄热燃烧技术在高温硅钢加热炉上使用的可能性。 Introduced characteristics of double regenerative combustion technology and high temperature silicon steel reheating furnace,discussed technical difficulties for using double regenerative combustion technology,analyzed the possibility of double regenerative combustion technology applied to high temperature silicon steel reheating furnace. 
2013-03-28 30 5.8

【作者】 马芳; 张春红; ...
2014-02-28 30 5.8

【机构】 商务部进出口公平贸易局; ...
2013-02-28 30 5.8

根据现场实际的生产控制情况,指出了热轧原料断面轮廓缺陷以一定的比列遗传给了冷轧带钢,分析了不同热轧原料断面轮廓对冷轧电工钢尺寸精度的具体影响,提出了相应的规律。并阐明了严格控制热轧原料断面轮廓形貌,对保证冷轧电工钢尺寸精度具有重大意义,对于中国现行的冷轧电工钢生产具有指导意义。 Based on the actual situation of production control,it was pointed out that the section profile defects of hot-rolled raw materials were geneticed to the cold-rolled strip.The specific impact analysis for the profile of different hot-rolled raw materials to the dimensional accuracy of cold-rolled silicon steel was analyzed.As a result, the corresponding orderliness are given;And the strict control to section profile of the hot-rolled material is of great significance to ensure the dimensional ac... 
2014-01-28 30 5.8

【作者】 李波; 杨晓江; ...
2014-03-28 29 5.8

【作者】 杨佳直; ...
2013-01-28 29 5.8



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