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6.5%(质量分数)Si高硅钢具有优异的软磁性能和广阔的应用前景,然而其室温脆性和低的热加工性极大地制约了它的发展。近年来,人们对高硅钢制备技术的研究已经取得了很大的进展,如何通过织构的优化提高高硅钢的磁性能越来越受到人们的关注,归纳和总结了不同工艺制备的高硅钢中的织构演变规律和特点,以及对应的典型磁性能。 6.5wt% Si high silicon steel has excellent soft magnetic properties and wide application prospect.However,the brittleness of room-temperature and poor workability of cold rolling limit its deve-lopment.Recently,the researches of the preparations of high silicon steel have been already made great breakthroughs,and then,more and more attentions are focused on how to optimizing the texture of high silicon steel so as to obtain the best magnetic properties.The evolution of textures of 6.5% Si high s... 
2014-11-28 76 5.8

采用磁控溅射方法,分别在纯Fe以及低硅钢基片上沉积富Si膜,并对其进行真空扩散热处理.通过能谱分析及X射线衍射研究了Si在纯Fe与低硅钢基体中的扩散特征,运用DICTRA软件建立了扩散模型.研究发现Si在纯Fe基体中扩散时发生γ-Fe(Si)→α-Fe(Si)相转变,扩散速率受控于相界面的迁移.当沿截面Si含量梯度不足以驱动相界面正向迁移时,延长扩散时间会发生相界面回迁现象,最终趋于单一相内均匀化扩散过程.Si在低硅钢基体中的扩散符合Fick扩散第二定律. Si-rich films were deposited on pure iron and low-Si steel substrates by direct current magnetron sputtering,and then were subjected to vacuum annealing.The distribution characteristics of Si across Fe and low-Si steel substrates were studied by energy spectrum analysis(EDS) and X-ray diffraction(XRD).DICTRA software was used to simulate the diffusion models.It is found that the diffusion behavior of Si in the Fe substrate is from γ-Fe(Si) phase to α-Fe(Si) phase and the rate of diffusion is con... 
2012-10-28 38 5.8

结合工业化生产的50A1300牌号无取向硅钢,分析了化学成分、RH精炼脱氧方式、板坯装炉温度以及热轧平整工艺等对磁性能的影响,探讨成品钢磁性能的改善。结果表明,采取改善后,50A1300牌号无取向硅钢的磁性能得到明显改善。2012年,该钢种平均铁损、磁感应强度分别达到5.26 W/kg、1.762 T,能够较好地满足用户市场需求及同行对标需要。 Based on the industrial manufacture of 50A1300 grade non-oriented silicon steel sheets,effects of chemical composition,deoxidization method in RH vacuum refining,charging temperature of steel slabs,hot rolling and flattening progress on magnetic properties are analyzed.The optimization methods of magnetic properties of steels are discussed. Results show that the magnetic properties are obviously improved by the adopted measures above. In 2012,the average core loss and the magnetic induction of 5... 
2014-02-28 80 5.8

通过观察冲剪边缘组织,测量冲剪边缘的显微硬度、残余应力的分布情况和磁性能的变化研究了冲剪加工对无取向硅钢50WW800边缘组织和磁性能的影响。对冲剪后硅钢片进行750℃退火,分析退火对组织和磁性能的影响。结果表明,硅钢片剪切边缘会存在0.4 mm的形变硬化层,边缘应力大,铁损增加。退火后变形减小,形变硬化层变小,残余应力大幅度减少,铁损减少。 The influence of punching process on cutting edge microstructure and magnetic properties of non-oriented silicon steel 50WW800was studied by observing microstructure and measuring microhardness near cutting edge.The residual stress distribution in the silicon steel tooth and magnetic properties were measured.Effect of annealing at 750 ℃ on microstructure and magnetic properties of the silicon steel was analyzed.The results show that a cut-edge hardening layer up to 0.4 mm is observed,residual st... 
2023-04-28 103 5.8

6.5%Si硅钢具有优异的磁学性能和广泛的应用前景。本文综述了6.5%Si硅钢的物理、机械及磁学特性,讨论了传统轧制、温轧、薄带连铸、快速凝固、CVD、粉末轧制等不同制备工艺的关键技术及特点,概括了6.5%Si硅钢在高效节能电机、汽车马达及磁屏蔽等领域中的主要应用,介绍了硅钢的制备技术取得的研究进展,并指出了其广阔的发展前景。 6.5% Si silicon steel has good magnetic properties and wide applications.In this paper physical and mechanical magnetic properties were summarized,and key technology and characteristic of several preparation methods,such as traditional rolling,warm rolling,thin strip continuous casting,rapid solidification,CVD and powder rolling,were discussed.Main applications of 6.5% Si steel in the fields of high-efficiency electrical motors,automobile motors,transformer cores and magnetic shielding were gene... 
2012-06-28 53 5.8

采用电解法和扫描电镜研究了300 t转炉-RH精炼钙处理对无取向硅钢板(%:≤0.005C、1.2~2.2Si、0.2~0.6Mn、≤0.20P、≤0.005S、0.2~0.6Al、0~0.01Ca)中夹杂物的影响。结果表明,钢中Al含量为0.25%和0.35%时,钢中溶解氧均小于1×10-4%,钙处理后都会产生CaS夹杂物,尤其是含0.35%Al的钢水;钙处理可以有效减少钢中的夹杂物数量,尤其是0.5μm以下的微细夹杂物数量;钙处理后夹杂物的种类以AlN、CaS为主,同时还含有少量的氧化物夹杂物以及AlN-CaS复合夹杂物,尺寸主要为1.5~5.0μm。 The effect of 300 t converter-RH refining calcium treatment on inclusions in non-oriented silicon steel sheet (%:≤0.005C,1.2~2.2Si,0.2~0.6Mn,≤0.20P,≤0.005S,0.2~0.6A1,0~0.01Ca) has been studied by electrolysis and scanning electron microscope.Results show that with 0.25%and 0.35%Al content in steel,all the dissolved oxygen in liquid is less than 1×10-4%,and the CaS inclusions are produced after calcium treatment,especial for the liquid containing 0.35%Al;the amount of inclusions in ste... 
2011-01-28 64 5.8

介绍了重庆钢铁股份有限公司炼钢厂生产低碳低硅钢的脱氧工艺,对连铸过程中水口结瘤的原因进行分析,并提出了优化措施。生产实践表明:钢水中的活性氧质量分数控制在10×10-6~30×10-6时,单中包浇铸炉数由6~7炉提高到11~12炉,同时能保证连铸顺行和减少铸坯气孔。 The deoxidation process of low-carbon and low-silicon steel in steel plant of Chongqing Steel was introduced.The nuzzle clogging was analyzed and some measures were put forward.Production experiments showed that when the active oxygen was controlled between 10×10-6~30×10-6,the amount of furnaces would rise from 6~7 to 11~12,which will make the casting process work well and reduce casting holes. 
2011-05-28 41 5.8

试验了通过NaCl-KCl-NaF-SiO2熔盐在电流密度50 mA/cm2、电沉积脉冲电流正反向比9:1和750850℃60min电沉积下阴极(/mm)20×20×0.5的1.6Si无取向冷轧硅钢片断面层硅的分布,并通过计算得出Si的扩散系数。结果表明,电沉积温度由750℃提高至850℃时,试样中Si含量增加,扩散的深度由18μm提高到40μm;电沉积温度与Si在钢中的扩散系数近似符合Arrhenius指数关系。 The distribution of silicon at cross section of cathode(/mm) 20 × 20 × 0.5 sheet of 1.6Si non-oriented cold rolled silicon steel after electro-deposit treatment by NaCl-KCl-NaF-SiO2 molten salt with current intensity 50 mA/cm2,electro-deposit pulse current positive-negative ratio 9:1 at 750 850 ℃ for 60 min has been tested and the diffusion coefficient of Si is obtained by calculation.Results show that with increasing electro-deposit temperature from 750 ℃ to 85... 
2014-06-28 66 5.8

测试了高强无取向电工钢的S-N曲线,并借助光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、透射电子显微镜分析了实验钢组织,疲劳断口形貌和位错结构。结果表明:室温条件下,频率为20Hz,应力比R为0.1,循环10~7周次时,实验钢的疲劳强度为360MPa,疲劳裂纹萌生于实验钢的次表面,裂纹萌生点附近有沿晶开裂现象,疲劳裂纹扩展区域有解理台阶与疲劳条纹,瞬间断裂区是韧性断裂,有大量韧窝。实验钢在循环应力作用下基体中产生了大量位错,并有驻留滑移带终止在晶界位置。 The S-N curve of a high strength non-oriented electrical steel was tested.The microstructure and fatigue fracture morphology and dislocation were analyzed by optical microscope,scanning electron microscope,transmission electron microscope.The results showed that:at room temperature and the frequency of 20 Hz and the stress ratio Rof 0.1,the fatigue strength of the experimental steel was 360 MPa when the cycle was 10~7 cycles.The fatigue crack initiation at the surface of the steel and the interg... 
2022-01-28 53 5.8

研究了热轧卷取时间对无取向电工钢晶粒组织、织构演变、铁损和磁感的影响。结果表明,成品晶粒尺寸在120~140μm之间,随卷取时间的增加,成品晶粒尺寸增大。成品织构主要由γ纤维、а纤维和高斯织构等构成。随着保温时间的增加,{111}<110>和{112}<110>织构强度降低。随卷取时间的增加,成品P1.5降低。热轧板最佳的卷取工艺为550℃保温2~3 h,电工钢的综合磁性能优良。 The effects of hot-rolling coiling time on microstructure,texture,core loss and magnetic induction of a new cold-rolled non-oriented electrical steel containing copper were investigated.The test results showed that for final product the grain sizes are 120-140um,with the increase of coiling time,the grain size increase.For final product there are mainly γ-fibre,а-fibre,and {110}<001> texture,Coiling at 550℃ for hot rolled plate,the {111}<110>,{112}<110> texture was weaked with ... 
2023-05-09 95 5.8

研究了CSP工艺流程生产的硅含量为1.5%的无取向电工钢在不同常化温度下对磁性能的变化。研究结果表明:随着常化温度的提高,热轧板的晶粒尺寸增大,且组织均匀性提高;此外成品的有利织构组分{100}<0vw>、α、η增强,不利织构组分减弱;铁损P1.5/50呈下降趋势,磁感B50上升平缓。在常化工艺为970℃×2.5min下,对应的铁损P1.5/50<3.4W/kg,磁感B50>1.74T。 The effect of normalizing temperature on the magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel containing 1.5%silicon produced by CSP process was studied.The results show that with increasing normalizing temperature,the average grain size of hot-rolled plate increases and the microstructure uniformity is improved.Furthermore,the texture components of finished products are improved through enhancing of{100}<0vw>,αandηtextures and weakening of{111}<112>texture;the core loss P1.5/50 ... 
2014-03-28 43 5.8

运用电子背散射衍射(EBSD)技术,研究了50W600无取向硅钢在热轧→冷轧→退火工序间织构的演变。结果表明:由于热轧板沿板厚方向的应力场和温度场存在差异,导致热轧板不同层织构类型和强度存在差异;热轧板表层主要存在铜型、黄铜和高斯织构,1/4层织构主要为α纤维织构和较弱的高斯织构,中心层织构较单一,主要为α纤维织构;和热轧板相比,冷轧板各层织构差异较小,为典型的轧制织构(α纤维织构和γ纤维织构);退火板各层都表现为γ纤维织构增强、α纤维织构减弱,旋转立方织构基本消失。 The texture evolution of 50W600non-oriented silicon steel in hot rolling,cold rolling and annealing process was investigated by electron back-scatter diffraction(EBSD)technology.Results show that the hot rolled plate texture types and intensities along thickness direction were different because of the different stress fields and temperature fields.The major texture types in the surface of hot rolled plate were copper,brass and Gauss texture.The texture was composed ofαfibre texture and weaker Ga... 
2014-08-28 53 5.8



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