采用自主研发的脉冲磁场退火装置,在取向硅钢脱碳退火过程中分别施加不同强度的磁场,并采用光学显微镜和X射线衍射仪研究了脉冲磁场脱碳退火后试样的显微组织和宏观织构。结果表明,脱碳退火过程中施加脉冲磁场后取向硅钢的平均晶粒尺寸均增加,当磁场强度为40 mT时,平均晶粒尺寸最大,为13.06μm。此外,取向硅钢试样的立方织构{001}<100>强度减弱,高斯织构{110}<001>和{111}<112>织构增强,有利于获得更好的成品织构和磁性能。 Self-developed pulsed magnetic field annealing device was used to apply magnetic field of different intensities during decarburization annealing of an oriented silicon steel, and microstructure and macro-texture of the specimens after decarburization annealing in a pulsed magnetic field were studied by using optical microscope and X-ray diffractometer. The results show that the average grain size of the oriented silicon steel increases with the application of pulsed magnetic field during decarbu...
为满足用户对无取向电工钢中硫含量的要求,采用CaO-CaF2复合渣系为脱硫剂,利用RH投入法对无取向电工钢进行深脱硫试验。试验结果表明,RH精炼渣成分控制在w CaO43%~51%、w Al2O325%~31%、w MgO4%~6%、w SiO29%~12%、w(FeO+MnO)3%~6%,在脱硫剂加入量为6~8 kg/t时,钢中平均硫含量从32×10-6降低到18×10-6,RH平均脱硫率为43.3%,最高达47.1%。利用KTH模型计算精炼终渣平均硫容量为0.003 1,RH精炼结束时渣-钢间实际平均硫分配比从14增加到52。 In order to satisfy the requirements of consumers on sulfur content in non-oriented electrical steel,taking( CaO-CaF 2) based flux as desulfurizer,industrial experiments on deep desulphurization of non-oriented electrical steel were carried out during RH process. The results show that as the compositions of refining slag are appropriately controlled with w CaO of 43% ~ 51%,w Al2O3 of 25% ~ 31%,w MgO of 4% ~ 6%,w SiO2 of 9% ~ 12%,and w( FeO + MnO) of 3% ~ 6%,and the desulfurizer added are at 6 ~ ...
利用本钢技术中心试验厂技术手段,并与北京钢铁研究院合作,试制了用作家电用电机、微电机、小电机或部分中型电机铁芯的冷轧无取向电工钢。试制钢硅含量小于0.5%,钢板表面平滑,公称厚度0.5mm,且厚度均匀偏差小,性能测定结果表明,产品的磁性能、力学性能满足其使用要求。 BX STEELTechnology Center pilot plant using technical means,and with Beijing Iron and Steel Research Institute,trial cold rolled non-oriented electrical steel that has been used as appliance motor core,micro motor core,small motor core,or part of the medium-sized motor core。Trial steel of silicon content is less than 0.5%,steel plate surface is smooth,the nominal thickness of 0.5mm,and the thickness deviation is small,performance measurement results show that the magnetic properties,mechanical p...
分析了冲裁硅钢芯片时出现的质量问题,针对影响硅钢芯片冲裁质量的4大因素——人、原材料状态、工艺和工装进行了工艺试验和分析,根据原材料状态的差异,采用不同工艺方案,特别是如何合理选择冲裁模具间隙,解决了硅钢芯片冲裁时产生的主要质量问题,使冲裁的硅钢芯片达到最佳质量状态,并满足硅钢芯片的使用性能。 The problems occurred during silicon steel chip punching and the factors that affect the quality of silicon steel chip punching were analyzed,the factors include 4aspects,that is,people,raw material status,process and frock,at the same time,process tests and analysis aimed at the factors that affect punching quality were did,according to the difference of raw material status,corresponding process schedules wee taken,especially in how to reasonably select punching dies clearance,which solved the ...
文章以国内某公司硅钢厂连续退火机组1号辐射管加热段为研究对象,分析炉内传热机理,建立并开发了辐射管加热段的传热模型。采用生产实际数据对模型进行了验证,以总燃料消耗量最小为目标,得出该炉段长度方向上燃料的最佳分配机制。所得结论为该公司连续退火机组节能控制提供理论依据。 Taking the radiant tube heating section of No.1 continuous annealing unit in a silicon steel plant of a domestic company as the research object, the heat transfer mechanism in the furnace is analyzed, and the heat transfer model of the radiant tube heating section is established and developed. The model is verified by the actual production data. Aiming at the minimum total fuel consumption, the optimal fuel distribution mechanism in the length direction of the furnace section is obtained. The co...
以不断增长的薄板坯流程为背景,与传统流程对比分析了薄板坯流程无取向电工钢热轧晶粒组织特征;以50W800和50W1300钢为典型实例,探讨了两种流程下成品板晶粒组织、织构、磁性能及其磁时效行为的基体差异和相关原理。研究表明,薄板坯流程热轧板组织较粗大,有利于在成品板中获得粗大的晶粒和有利的织构,从而得到较低的铁损和较高的磁感。然而,薄板坯流程会造成第二相粒子的细小弥散分布与不充分析出,容易因磁时效而使磁性能恶化。 Based on the rapid development of compact strip production(CSP) processing,the characteristics of hot band grain structure produced by CSP processing were analyzed in comparison with those of conventional technology.The basic differences in grain size,texture,magnetic properties and the magnetic aging behaviors of the final sheet products produced by the two processing technologies and the corresponding principles were discussed,while steel 50W800 and 50W1300 were taken as examples.It is indicat...
冷轧取向硅钢工程中有很多的超长、大体积以及薄壁的混凝土结构,裂缝控制是土建施工的关键。在工程中,按照\"抗放兼施、先放后抗、以抗为主\"的原则,采用\"无缝分块跳仓法\",防止超长混凝土结构收缩产生裂缝;在隧道和池体的底板与墙板施工中,采用\"整体浇筑\"法,避免了墙板因约束应力而产生的裂缝。 In the Cold-rolled grain-oriented silicon steel project,there are many overlength,bulk mass,thin-walled concretes structures,how to control the crack is the key of civil engineering construction.In these projects,according to the principle of\"release with resist,resist before release,resist is dominant \",the crack of the over-long structure and shrinkage can be prevented by the method of\"seamless block skip bin \".In the construction of the bottom plate and wall of the tunnel and the pool,the cra...
针对不同牌号的无取向硅钢产生结疤缺陷的难易程度和表面结疤缺陷的外形特征及分布规律,分析了该缺陷产生的原因。通过调整剪前导板的对中度,设置精轧侧导板开度余量及短行程数值,及时修补与更换侧导板,减少带坯与侧导板挤撞程度,有效地降低了结疤缺陷发生率。 This article analyses the cause of the scab defects according to the defects appearance characters and distribution law,degree of difficulty to form scar of non-oriented silicon steel. It can effectively decrease the scabs by different methods,such as adjusting the center line of guide plate,setting the opening margin and short stroke value of the side guide on finishing mill,timely repairing and replacing of side guide,decreasing the collision between the strip and side guide.
以轻烧氧化镁粉为原料,经消化、碳化制得重镁水,在热解反应前采用络合剂对重镁水中的杂质钙、铁进行络合掩蔽,再经热解得到碱式碳酸镁,碱式碳酸镁经煅烧可制得钙、铁杂质含量较低的氧化镁。在重镁水络合除杂过程中,考察了络合剂三乙醇胺、柠檬酸、草酸单独和复合使用的除铁、除钙效果。以三乙醇胺为络合剂时,在200 mL重镁水中加10 mL三乙醇胺(1∶1),氧化镁产品中w(氧化镁)=99.3%、w(氧化钙)=0.31%、w(氧化铁)=0.042%;使用草酸和柠檬酸作为复合络合剂时,在200 mL重镁水中加入1.0 g柠檬酸和2.0 g草酸,氧化镁产品中w(氧化镁)=98.2%、w(氧化钙)=0.24%、w(氧化铁)=0.030%。 Light-burned magnesia as a raw material was hydrated and carbonated to obtain magnesium bicarbonate liquor.Before the pyrolyzing of magnesium bicarbonate liquor,complexants were used to cover Fe and Ca impurities.Then the treated liquid was pyrolyzed to obtain basic magnesium carbonate which was calcined to magnesium oxide with low calcium and iron content.During the complexing purification of magnesium bicarbonate liquor,the Fe and Ca removing effects of single or compound complexing agents,suc...
研究了电工钢SXRC的显微结构和疲劳性能,并与DP钢进行了比较。结果表明,退火温度低温化能够有效的抑制电工钢的再结晶。该钢在固溶铌的作用下,能够在保证电机磁性的同时具有一定的强度。与DP钢相比,SXRC钢的抗疲劳性能更好。 The microstructures and fatigue properties of the electrical steel SXRC we re investigated, and the properties were also compared with the steel DP. The results show that the recrystallization of the electrical steel can be suppressed at lower annealing temperature. The steel presents favorable motor magnetic and also a compatible strength with the help of solid-solution Nb. Compared with the steel DP, the fatigue resistance of the steel SXRC is preferable.
从取向硅钢生产路线的选择、工艺技术的改进和生产设备的改造三方面进行了生产取向硅钢的节能降耗技术改造.通过完善多元抑制剂配方生产低温取向硅钢,通过加抛丸的酸洗、带面超声波清洗、改进连续退火炉以及余热循环利用等技术改造,使2012年取向硅钢的产量与未进行技术改造前的2009年相比提高了2.5倍,产品磁性上升了一个半牌号,能耗下降了8.9%,成材率提高了6.4%,生产成本下降了22%,综合效益显著. Energy saving technological transformation was carried out in the production of grain oriented silicon steel from three aspects of the oriented silicon steel production process route selection,technology improvement and equipment renovation.Through the improvement of multiple inhibitor formulations for producing low-temperature grain-oriented silicon steel,and by adding the blasting pickling,the belt surface ultrasonic cleaning,improvement of continuous annealing furnace,waste heat recycling tec...