通过固溶度积公式计算及热模拟实验,对不同热装和加热温度条件下的无取向硅钢铸坯中析出相进行了研究.在低于950℃热装时,铸坯中AlN的析出量和尺寸不再变化,但MnS和AlN-MnS的数量及平均尺寸随着热装温度降低而进一步增加,并在温度低于600℃时达到最大值后保持不变.与1200℃相比,1100℃加热的铸坯中AlN、MnS的总固溶量相对更少.相比850℃热装,600℃热装再加热到1100℃的铸坯中AlN和MnS的总固溶量更少,且AlN和MnS尺寸更大.合适的热装温度和加热温度分别为600℃和1100℃. Based on solubility product calculation and thermal simulation experiments,precipitated phases in continuous casting slabs of non-oriented silicon steel were systematically studied at different hot charging and heating temperatures.When the hot charging temperature is below 950 ℃,the content and size of AlN remain unchanged,but the quantity and size of MnS and AlN-MnS increase when the hot charging temperature decreases,reach maximum and remain unchanged when the hot charging temperature is belo...
双辊连铸技术是冶金及材料领域内的一项前沿技术,对于生产高品质硅钢具有独特优势.本实验研究了一种双辊铸轧w[Si]=4.5%的无取向硅钢,考察其铸态和常化处理后样品的组织、织构及析出相尺寸特征.结果表明:铸带组织以与铸带法向成5~20(°)倾角的柱状晶为主,晶内存在少量0.3~0.4μm的AlN析出相,铸带织构以λ(<001>//ND)织构为主,表层织构漫散.950℃/10 min常化处理后,析出相尺寸增大,表层λ织构增强. As an advanced technique of metallurgy and material science,twin- roll strip casting has unique advantages for producing high quality silicon steel. The present study was aimed at a 4. 5% Si non- oriented electrical steel for analyzing the structure,texture and the size of precipitates at the initial and normalized state. The results revealed that the initial structure mainly consisted of columnar grains with 5 ~ 20( °) angle to the normal of cast strip,and some AlN precipitates of 0. 3 ~ 0. 4 μ...
采用双辊薄带连铸技术试制了3.98%Si-0.71%Al无取向硅钢铸带,研究了二次冷轧法对硅钢组织和磁性能的影响。结果表明:硅钢铸带显微组织为等轴晶组织,铸带再结晶较完全,常化对铸带显微组织影响较小。二次冷轧工艺和一次冷轧工艺下,最终退火后成品显微组织为等轴晶组织,二次冷轧法最终退火后的晶粒尺寸小于一次冷轧法。二次冷轧法能够提高成品磁性能. Effect of double cold rolling on magnetic properties and microstructure of 3.98%Si-0.71%Al non-oriented silicon Steel Sheets cast by twin-roll thin strip casting process were investigated.The results show that the structure of the thin strip is equiaxed crystal,the recrystallization is complete and normalizing has lesser effect on microstructure.Using both cold rolled and double cold rolled process,the microstructure is equiaxed grain after final annealing.The average grain size of annealed shee...
研究了薄板坯连铸连轧流程(TSCR)条件下热轧工艺对3.2%Si-0.7%Al无取向硅钢组织、织构演变及磁性能的影响规律。结果表明,提高均热温度和热轧温度有助于获得粗大的变形组织和强烈的{001}〈110〉织构,进而对后续的组织、织构演变进程及磁性能产生有利的遗传影响。与低温均热和低温热轧相比,高温均热和高温热轧得到的最终成品板的再结晶晶粒较粗大,λ纤维再结晶织构较强而γ纤维再结晶织构较弱,磁感应强度较高。 It was investigated that the effects of thin slab cast rolling(TSCR) hot rolling processes on microstructural,textural evolution and magnetic properties of 3.2%Si-0.7%Al non-oriented silicon steel.The results show that much larger hot rolling deformed microstructure and much stronger {001}〈110〉 texture could be obtained by increasing the soaking and hot rolling temperatures,which had good heritable effects on subsequent microstructural,textural evolution and magnetic properties.The final sheets ...
无氧化炉具有加热效率高、投资与运营成本低、作业率高、表面质量及板型良好、NOx排放相对低等优势,在硅钢热处理领域应用前景广泛。本文阐述了确定无氧化炉(NOF)加热能力详细过程,涵盖炉温、炉断面尺寸、炉长、热平衡结算、加热能力计算等,为今后无氧化炉(NOF)在硅钢热处理应用时的设计提供了借鉴,同时也为今后明火直接加热的工业炉设计提供了参考。 Non-oxidation furnace has the advantage s of high heating efficiency, low investment and operation cost, high operation rate, good surface quality and plate shape, and relatively low NOxemission,and it still has wide application prospect in the field of silicon steel heat treatment. The detailed process of determining the heating capacity of a non-oxidizing furnace(NOF) is described, covering furnace temperature, furnace section size, furnace length, heat balance settlement, heating capacity cal...
近年来,在节能减排背景之下,国内外众多研究者对无取向电工钢磁性能的提升做了大量研究。为了探索无取向电工钢磁性能提升的方法,对锡或锑对无取向电工钢磁性能的作用机制(晶粒尺寸和晶体织构的控制)进行分析。基于该作用机制,介绍锡或锑的添加对无取向电工钢磁性能的影响。经研究发现,适量的锡或锑在晶界偏聚,不会阻碍晶界的移动并且致使晶粒尺寸降低;与此同时,锡或锑在晶界偏聚不仅抑制{111}织构在原始晶界处形核及生长,还降低(100)晶粒表面能,促进(100)晶粒生长。因此,适量添加锡或锑,可使无取向电工钢铁损下降、磁感提升。最后结合生产工艺,建议无取向电工钢的研究方向应为稀土含量对高牌号无取向硅钢夹杂物尺寸和数量分布的影响,锡或锑的添加量和常化工艺参数(常化时间、常化温度)对常化晶粒尺寸的影响。 In recent years, due to the background of energy saving and emission reduction, numerous researchers all around the world have done a lot of investigations on the improvement of magnetic properties for non-oriented electrical steel. In order to explore the method of improving the magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel, the mechanism of tin or antimony on the magnetic properties(the control of grain size and crystallographic texture) of non-oriented electrical steel is illuminated. ...
采用X-射线衍射分析技术测定了取向硅钢热轧板在不同压下率下不同厚度处的织构。结果表明,在压下率低于80%的情况下,几乎所有试样的不同厚度处的织构均为旋转立方织构类型{100}<011>,但不同压下率、不同厚度处的织构强度存在很大差异;在压下率大于80%的情况下,不同试样的不同厚度处的织构类型发生了变化,其织构类型为旋转立方织构或高斯织构{011}<100>,且当织构类型为旋转立方织构时,织构强度存在很大差异,而当织构类型为高斯织构时,织构强度差异相对较小。 The texture of the grain oriented silicon steel hot rolled plate at different compressibility has been measured.The experimental results have shown that the texture of all samples at different thickness is {100}<011> when the compressibility is below 80%,and its intensity at different compressibility and thickness is difference.The texture of all samples at different thickness is variable when the compressibility is above 80%,it is {100}<011> or {011}<100>,and the intensity of ...
利用XRD和EBSD研究了长轴分别平行于轧向(RD)、横向(TD)和轧面法向(ND)的柱状晶样品在热轧、冷轧及退火过程中的组织、织构演变规律,并分别从几何诱导和取向诱导两个方面分析了晶界的交互作用.结果表明,热轧时由表面摩擦剪切作用引起的组织和织构梯度直接影响并遗传给后续冷轧及退火样品.热轧后,不同样品的初始晶粒形状各向异性差异消失,形成相同的各向异性晶界组织,但晶体学各向异性发生改变,导致随后冷轧、退火组织及织构的变化均不同于直接冷轧的柱状晶样品.研究中特别关注了对磁性能有利的{100}取向区域与晶界的关系. Columnar grains show their special characteristics of morphological and crystallographic anisotropies, and thus markedly influence the microstructure and texture evolution during rolling and annealing process in electrical steel. The rolling and annealing microstructure and texture of three columnar grained samples with the long axes arranged along different directions were investigated by means of XRD and EBSD techniques, and the effects of columnar grain boundaries were analyzed from the view ...