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对商用50W330型无取向硅钢成品在930℃下保温2 h固溶并以不同方式冷却处理,利用磁性检测仪检测分析了处理前后的磁感和铁损变化,应用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射仪观测分析了显微组织结构的演变。考察了平均晶粒尺寸、织构组分比及第二相粒子状态对磁性能的影响规律,结果表明:固溶处理前后平均晶粒尺寸的变化对硅钢磁性能的影响非常显著;当平均晶粒尺寸相差不大时,织构组分比[Goss+{100}]/{111}越大,磁感会越高;固溶处理会将细小弥散的第二相粒子重新回溶到基体中,减小了其对磁畴壁的钉扎作用,铁损随之下降。 The commercial 50W330 non-oriented silicon steel samples were heat treated at 930℃ for 2 h and cooled in different ways,then the iron loss and the magnetic induction of the samples before and after solution treatment were measured with a magnetic detector.The evolution of microstructural texture was analyzed by optical microscopy,scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffractometry.The effects of average grain size,texture composition ratio and the second phase particles on the magnetic propert... 
2012-04-28 83 5.8

针对某硅钢车间ST机组的除尘系统除尘效率较低、排放浓度不达标、二次污染较严重的问题,通过现场调研,对除尘系统、含尘气体组分与物性参数等进行测试和分析,运用管道伴热技术改善粉尘黏性后,再选取合适的除尘器对粉尘进行除尘处理,大大地提高了系统的除尘效率。 To solve the problems of low dust removal efficiency, substandard emission concentration and severe secondary pollution, some investigations are conducted to test and analyze the dust removal system,dust-gas composition and relevant physical parameters.Moreover, dust removal efficiency is greatly improved by the use of pipe heat tracing technology and by choosing appropriate dust remover. 
2014-02-28 26 5.8

综述了退火温度、时间对无取向电工钢磁性的影响。退火温度主要影响无取向电工钢不同织构的占有率,退火时间主要影响晶粒尺寸的大小,晶粒尺寸的变化对织构的形成也有一定的影响。磁感最高点出现在纤维组织完全消失,(111)面织构组分较弱的组织状态。铁损的降低主要依赖于磁滞损耗的降低,织构的影响不大。 The effects of annealing temperature and time on the non-oriented electrical steel magnetic properties were reviewed.Annealing temperature and time mainly affects the different textures share and the grain sizes of non-oriented electrical steel respectively.Changes of the grain sizes also have a certain effect on textures formation.The highest point of the magnetic induction value in the fibrous tissue completely disappears and{111} plane texture has a lower state of the component content.Iron l... 
2013-10-28 52 5.8

研究了罩式炉常化工艺对50W350硅钢热轧板组织、夹杂物和性能的影响。研究结果显示,罩式炉常化工艺在温度一定的情况下,随着保温时间延长,硅钢晶粒逐步再结晶并长大,同时析出物也在聚集长大。通过制定合理的罩式炉常化工艺,可以实现硅钢晶粒的再结晶和长大,从而达到连续退火炉常化工艺产品技术要求。 The influence of normalization process with a bell furnace on the structure,inclusions and properties of 50W350electrical steel hot-rolled sheet was studied.The research results showed that:when the steel was normalized at a certain temperature in the bell furnace,the silicon steel grains gradually recrystallized and grew up with the extension of the annealing holding time,and at the same time,the precipitates also gathered and grew up.The recrystallization and growth of the silicon steel grains... 
2022-02-28 90 5.8

无取向硅钢的磁性能主要取决于铁素体的晶粒尺寸、晶体织构和钢中的夹杂物。通过合适的化学成分设计以及采用适宜的夹杂物控制技术,可以获得最佳的夹杂物控制效果,使其纯净度大幅度提高或者无害,最终获得磁性能优良的高级别无取向硅钢。同时,为满足节能、环保、高效需求,无取向硅钢正朝着节能降耗、环境友好以及多功能、高效率、易加工等方向发展。 The magnetic properties of non-oriented silicon steel mainly depend on the grain size of ferrite,the crystallographic texture,and the inclusions in the steel.The optimum inclusion control effects can be obtained through a suitable chemical composition design and an appropriate inclusion control technique,and then the liquid steel will get be clean or the inclusion will get be harmless,finally the excellent magnetic property of the non-oriented silicon steel can be obtained.Meanwhile,in order to ... 
2013-03-28 62 5.8

选取了三种50W 800无取向电工钢,分析了化学成分、晶粒尺寸、织构、以及200℃时效处理48 h前后的磁性能和第二相粒子析出状态的变化。结果表明,钢板中第二相粒子的分布密度对钢板铁损有最重要的影响。降低钢中C、N元素含量,或改进钢板热加工参数以降低成品钢板中第二相粒子形成元素的过饱和度均有利于明显降低钢板磁时效过程中的铁损增幅。钢板中对磁性能有利的织构也有利于降低钢板铁损的时效幅度。 The evolution of chemical composition,grain size,texture,as well as magnetic property after aging treatment at 200 ℃ for 48 h and distribution of second phase particles precipitation in three selected 50W800 non-oriented electrical steels were analyzed.The results show that the distribution density of second phase particles has great influence on core loss.Reducing C and N content,or improving hot-working parameters to reduce the supersaturation of elements forming second phase particles in prod... 
2011-08-28 73 5.8

介绍了烟气余热利用系统的工艺流程及控制思想,结合该系统在钢厂硅钢连续退火机组中的应用实践,估算出烟气余热利用系统每年可节约蒸汽5 040 t,经济效益良好,同时分析了该系统存在的问题及对策。 Introduced a method about the process and control of the application of waste heat system, which had been used into a silicon steel continuous annealing line and profiting a good economic benefit by saving a large number of steam every year, which has been estimated about 5 040 tons, and analyzed the problems and solutions existed in this system. 
2014-02-28 28 5.8

采用硅钢自动测量装置及X射线衍射仪检测出样品在实验前后的磁性能参数和织构强度.结果表明:较低的电压、9 Hz、较长的处理时间以及退火温度为650℃有利于增高铁损降低比例;较低的电压、较高的频率以及退火温度为650℃有利于增加磁感应强度增高比例.最佳的提高磁性能的实验参数是:频率为9 Hz,电压为500 V,处理时间为6 min,退火温度为650℃.通过织构分析可以验证:取向硅钢磁感应强度的变化取决于{110}<001>晶粒取向度值,而{110}<001>取向度值可看成是一个反映总体平均偏离角大小情况的综合值. An automatic measurement system for silicon steel and an X-ray diffraction meter were used for measuring the magnetic property parameters and texture of ex-processed samples and processed samples.It is shown that under the condition of a lower voltage,9Hz,a longer processed time and an annealing temperature of 650℃,the decrease rate of iron loss can be increased;a lower voltage,a higher frequency and an annealing temperature of 650℃ are in favor of improving the increase rate of magnetic inducti... 
2011-08-28 53 5.8

冷轧取向硅钢工程中有很多的超长、大体积以及薄壁的混凝土结构,裂缝控制是土建施工的关键。在工程中,按照\"抗放兼施、先放后抗、以抗为主\"的原则,采用\"无缝分块跳仓法\",防止超长混凝土结构收缩产生裂缝;在隧道和池体的底板与墙板施工中,采用\"整体浇筑\"法,避免了墙板因约束应力而产生的裂缝。 In the Cold-rolled grain-oriented silicon steel project,there are many overlength,bulk mass,thin-walled concretes structures,how to control the crack is the key of civil engineering construction.In these projects,according to the principle of\"release with resist,resist before release,resist is dominant \",the crack of the over-long structure and shrinkage can be prevented by the method of\"seamless block skip bin \".In the construction of the bottom plate and wall of the tunnel and the pool,the cra... 
2023-05-12 1.18k 5.8

热卷箱位于热连轧带钢生产线粗轧与精轧机之间,是热连轧生产中比较理想的中间保温设备。由于取向硅钢变形温度区间较窄,在生产中易出现边裂现象,同时中间坯的边部温度难于得到保证,因此一般不采用热卷箱设备生产,限制了传统热连轧生产线产品开发的品种。通过合理优化热卷箱控制工艺参数,解决了某厂传统热连轧生产线用热卷箱生产取向硅钢的边部质量问题,成功地生产出取向硅钢带。 The hot coil-box is an ideal heat retaining apparatus for hot rolling,lined between roughing mill and finishing mill. But oriented silicon steel has a narrow deformation temperature range,so that the edge crack easily occurs and it is difficult to insure the temperature of the intermediate blank. Therefore,the hot coil-box is rarely used in producing oriented silicon steel,which restricts the product development of the traditional hot rolling line. The article reasonable optimized process parame... 
2013-10-28 49 5.8

目前高磁感冷轧硅钢生产过程中,采用经验方法确定的乳化液流量设定值往往会造成硅钢产品的磁感性能达不到预期目标,针对此情况,基于轧机轧制机理研究了的乳化液流量数学模型,确定了乳化液流量设定值。实践表明,使用该数学模型输出的乳化液流量设定值,可提高轧制过程中乳化液流量控制精度,从而提高高磁感冷轧硅钢的轧制性能。 In view of the current production process of high magnetically inductive cold-rolled silicon steel, the mathematical model of emulsified fluid flow based on mill rolling mechanism is studied in view of the situation in which the magnetic sensing performance of silicon steel products is often not up to the expected target by using empirical method to determine the emulsified liquid flow setting. Practice shows that the emulsified fluid flow setting value output from this mathematical model improv... 
2022-01-28 57 5.8

以能量平衡和辐射换热理论为基础,通过合理假定,建立了硅钢无氧化加热炉数学模型。采用数值计算的方法,通过自编程序,完成对带钢加热过程温度场的仿真。结果显示:数学模型能够反映带钢在无氧化炉内的加热过程,其升温曲线能够与工艺曲线相吻合;现行炉温分布并非最优,数学模型能够为炉温分布的优化、炉段的设计提供理论依据。 Mathematical model of NOF Section of Continuous Annealing Furnace is established based on energy balance and radiation heat exchange. The temperature field of steel is simulated by mathematical computation. The simulating results show that the mathematical model can reflect the heating process of silicon steel in NOF section, and the heat-up curve is coincide with the processing curve. From the results,it is known that the current furnace temperature gradient is not the best, and the mathematica... 
2013-06-28 63 5.8



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