在现普通冷轧无取向硅钢的基础上,降低Si含量,复合添加少量辅助元素,组合热轧板处理和成品退火加热技术,研制出了免常化处理的高磁感、低铁损并具有良好耐酸腐蚀性能的新系列无取向电工钢。 Based on existing common cold rolled non-oriented silicon steel,a new series of non-orientedelectrical steel with high induction,low core loss and excellent anti-corrosion property has been developed by reducing Si element,adding complexly a small amount of supplementary elements,and employing combined treatment of hot rolled sheet and finished product annealed heated technology.
采用双辊薄带连铸工艺制备了厚度为2.4mm的3.98%Si-0.71%Al无取向硅钢带,经常化、冷轧、不同温度退火后,对其显微组织、析出物、织构和磁性能进行了检测分析。结果表明:随着退火温度的提高,退火板晶粒尺寸增大,组织均匀性提高;退火板析出物主要是AlN和MnS与AlN复合析出物,尺寸较粗大,达0.5~2.5μm;退火板织构沿厚度方向变化明显,表层和1/2层存在较强的{100}织构,1/2层还存在较强的{111}织构,1/4层主要是{112}织构;随退火温度的升高相应的铁损和磁感应强度均降低。 Using twin roll thin strip continuous casting technique,the 3.98%Si-0.71%Al no-oriented silicon steel strip in thickness of 2.4mm was produced.The microstructure,precipitates,texture,and magnetic properties of the sheet after normalizing,cold rolling and annealing at different temperatures were studied.The results show that with annealing temperature increase,the grain size and uniformity of annealed sheet increased.The main precipitates in coarse size of 0.5-2.5μm in annealed sheet were AlN and...
针对目前大部分无取向电工钢处理液为含铬处理液、且需在较高温度下固化的情况,在分析成膜物质性质的基础上,试验研究了一种可低温快速固化的电工钢环保绝缘处理液,研究了其涂装工艺,并测定了涂层的附着性、绝缘性、耐热性、耐蚀性等性能。试验结果表明:该处理液可在150~250℃下快速烘干固化,涂层表面光滑且致密均匀,性能优良,可满足中小电机的使用要求。 At present,most of the insulating fluid for non-oriented electrical steel contains chromium,and should be cured at high temperature.On the basis of analyzing the characteristics of the film-forming substance,a kind of eco-friendly insulating fluid with lower curing temperature for non-oriented electrical steel sheet was developed in the experiments.Then its coating process was studied,and the adhesiveness,insulativity,heat resistance,corrosion resistance and other properties of the coating was m...
通过热力学计算及实验室研究,对钙处理前后50W600无取向硅钢退火冷轧板中夹杂物的类型、数量及尺寸进行了系统分析。结果表明,50W600无取向硅钢经钙处理后(w(Ca)=0.002 6%),钙在1 600℃的钢液中主要以固态的CaO·2Al2O3、CaO·6Al2O3及溶解钙的形式存在。在钢液的凝固过程中,钢中的溶解钙和硫反应生成了CaS和CaS-MnS复合夹杂,有效抑制了MnS的弥散析出,减少了钢中微细夹杂物的数量。同时钙处理促进了钢中微细夹杂物的聚合长大,导致显微夹杂物的数量增加。 Based on thermodynamic calculation and laboratory experiment,the type,quantity and size of inclusions in annealed cold-rolled steel sheets of 50W600 non-oriented silicon steel before and after calcium treatment were systematically studied.Results showed that after calcium treatment(w(Ca) = 0.002 6%),calcium was mainly in the form of CaO·2Al2O3,CaO·6Al2O3 and dissolved calcium in steel at 1 600 ℃.Dissolved calcium could combine with sulfur to form CaS inclusions and compound CaS-MnS inclusions du...
常化快冷是生产高牌号无取向硅钢和高磁感取向硅钢不可缺少的一个工艺环节,气-雾冷却则是实现常化快冷的关键方式之一。介绍了国内自主设计建设的常化酸洗机组气雾冷却系统的技术特性,并对其特点进行了系统分析,最后给出该系统在设计、运行参数的选择上若干注意事项,对气-雾冷却系统设计和使用具有一定的指导作用。 The normalizing rapid cooling is a indispensable process to high grade non-oriented silicon steel and high magnetic induction oriented silicon steel’ s production. The fog cooling is a key ways of coming true the normalizing rapid cooling. This paper introduces the technical features of the fog cooling system in normalizing pickling line which is the domestic independent design and construction. Meanwhile,the fog cooling system’s characteristic is analyzed systematacially. In the end,this paper ...
采用Nb对Fe-6.5%Si(质量分数)高硅钢进行微合金化处理,结果表明:Nb在高硅钢薄板制备过程中细晶效果明显.铸态、锻态和热轧态组织的晶粒分别细化了17.50%,24.51%和30.13%.铸态样品压缩强度由1365 MPa提高至1520 MPa,延伸率提高77.78%;温轧板试样室温拉伸强度由573 MPa提高至621 MPa,延伸率提高44.44%.利用XRD对厚度为0.30—1.68 mm的温轧板的板面织构演变过程进行跟踪测量,结果发现:初始织构以(011)〈100〉Goss织构为主,单道次变形量为26.2%的情况下,Goss织构完全转化为(100)〈011〉旋转立方织构,随后,在单道次变形为22.6%的情况下,旋转立方织构完全转化为{111}面织构,即纤维织构,并稳定保持至0.30 mm. Fe-6.5%Si(mass fraction) alloy possess perfect magnetic properties,though intermetallics of Fe14Si2 phase brought 6.5%Si leads to room temperature brittleness and hinder this significant materials industrialization.Nb was adopted into micro-alloying of Fe-6.5%Si high silicon steel. OM,thermal simulated test machine and XRD were employed to study the influence of Nb on high silicon steel in processing stages.Textures of warm-rolled high silicon steel strips were determined b...
采用EBSD技术研究了有、无拉应力作用下无取向硅钢在晶粒长大过程中织构转变及晶界变化的规律。结果表明:在晶粒生长期间,无应力作用下的硅钢中,{111}〈112〉,{111}〈110〉织构组分强化,而{100}〈001〉织构组分弱化;与无拉应力作用下的情况相比,施加5MPa的拉应力时,{111}〈112〉,{111}〈110〉织构组分强化的速率下降,{100}〈001〉织构组分变化不明显。对于在晶粒生长期间持续变化的{111}〈112〉,{111}〈110〉和{100}〈001〉织构组分而言,虽然有、无拉应力作用下硅钢的{111}〈112〉和{111}〈110〉织构组分的高取向差角度晶界频率均下降,而{100}〈001〉织构组分的高取向差角度晶界频率则上升,但当有拉应力作用后,{111}〈112〉和{111}〈110〉织构组分的高取向差角度晶界频率下降的速率变小,{100}〈001〉织构组分的高取向差角度晶界频率上升的速率稍有变小。通过对无取向硅钢在晶粒长大过程中织构转变及晶界变化规律的研究,分析了合金原子在晶界的偏聚行为。 The rules of texture and grain boundary transformation in the nonoriented silicon steel under applied stress or without applied stress during grain growth were investigated by EBSD.The results show that the {111}〈112〉 and {111}〈110〉 components in the nonoriented silicon steel without stress are strengthened during grain growth whereas {100}〈001〉 component is weakened,but the growth rate of {111}〈112〉 and {111}〈110〉 component decreases,while the area fraction of {100}〈001〉 component doesn’t chang...
无取向硅钢中夹杂物的存在会抑止晶粒生长,使基体的均匀连续性中断,其在钢中的形态、含量及分布情况都不同程度影响着硅钢的性能,尤其是对磁性能起关键的作用。因此,全尺度分布考察夹杂物对无取向硅钢夹杂物的研究极为重要。本实验确定了适用于不同牌号无取向硅钢夹杂物全尺度分布的分析方法:样品制备—小样电解—过滤喷金—根据不同牌号的要求选择合适的放大倍率扫描观测—夹杂物颗粒的分类统计。通过统计的结果,结合电解的失重量可以得到不同尺度的体积分布数据。实验分析了不同牌号和工艺无取向硅钢夹杂物的种类、形貌、大小和尺度分布,并初步考查了夹杂物与磁性能的关系,对无取向硅钢的工艺研究具有一定参考价值。 Inclusions in non-oriented silica steel could inhibit the growth of grain and cause discontinuity of micro-structure.The configuration,content and size distribution of inclusion have different effects on the performance of silica steel,especially significant on the magnetic property.Therefore,it is very useful to completely characterize inclusions with full size distribution in silica steel.In our research,full size analysis method for inclusion in silica steel had been established as follows: s...
实验室模拟薄板坯连铸连轧(TSCR)流程制造高磁感取向硅钢,借助电子背散射衍射(EBSD)技术对不同Sn含量的热轧板织构进行了研究。研究结果表明:不同Sn含量热轧板表层及次表层均为高斯织构、铜型织构及黄铜织构的混合织构,中心层为{100}面织构;Sn含量为0.1%时,热轧板表层及次表层高斯织构组分最多,取向密度最大,成品磁感最高,达到1.875 T。 Texture of grain oriented silicon steel hot rolled by thin slab casting and rolling process(TSCR) in laboratory with different Sn contents was analyzed by electron back-scattered diffraction(EBSD).The results show that the hot rolled slabs with different Sn contents have the same texture,i.e.,Goss,Copper and Brass.Specifically,the texture of core layer is {100};While the hot rolled slab with 0.10% Sn,the surface layer and subsurface layer have a sharpness Goss texture and the finished products h...
利用光学显微镜、TEM和EBSD研究了退火温度对双辊连铸无取向硅钢再结晶组织的影响。结果表明,900℃退火后组织分布不均匀,有大量带状组织,平均晶粒尺寸29.5μm。提高退火温度,晶粒尺寸增大,组织均匀化程度增加,1050℃退火时,带状组织基本消失,平均晶粒尺寸42.2μm。 Effect of annealing temperature on recrystallization microstructure of non-oriented electrical steel produced by twin-roll casting process was investigated using OM,TEM and EBSD.The results show that the recrystallization microstructure is uneven because of many banded grains existing,average grain size is 29.5 μm.With annealing temperature increasing,the recrystallization grain size increases,microstructure becomes more homogeneous.When 1050 ℃ annealing,the banded structure almost disappear and...