以市场上购买的取向硅钢成品板为原料,经不同压下率冷轧至0.23~0.08 mm不等。借助X射线衍射仪(XRD)检测了冷轧后样品中的织构组分及其含量,利用电子背散射技术(EBSD)测量了试样的取向因子分布情况。观察了孪晶的形貌与晶体学特征,分析了硅钢超薄带的塑性变形行为。结果发现,在平面压缩应力下,{112}<111>滑移系的取向因子较大。随冷轧压下率的增加,Goss织构的含量逐渐减少,{212}<141>织构组分的含量先增加后减少,{111}<112>织构组分的含量逐渐增加,织构组分以{110}<001>→{212}<141>→{111}<112>顺序演变。冷轧后样品中出现了孪晶,其晶体取向为{001}<110>,冷轧过程中孪晶取向没有发生变化。 The commercial finished oriented silicon steel plate as the raw material were rolled to 0.23-0.08 mm. With the X-ray diffractometer(XRD), the texture components and their volume fractions in the cold-rolled samples were detected. And the orientation factor distribution of the cross-section of the samples was measured by the electron backscattering technique(EBSD). The morphology and crystallographic characteristics of twins were observed, and the plastic deformation behaviors of the ultra-thin o...
薄带连铸流程下取向硅钢粗大λ晶粒(〈100〉//ND,normal direction)的“遗传”会导致磁性能恶化.为解决这一问题,针对取向硅钢的热轧孪生行为开展研究,结果表明:凝固组织粗大的取向硅钢在650℃热轧时可产生大量{112}〈111〉形变孪晶,这与具有高层错能的硅钢在较高温度下难以孪生变形的传统认知不同.热轧过程中复杂的应力状态降低了变形孪晶的取向依赖性,由于具有更高的储存能,孪晶界/孪晶界及孪晶界/晶界交叉点成为再结晶形核的优先位置,大大提高了常化过程中的再结晶率,受沿孪晶界应变分布及孪晶间距离的限制,沿孪晶界形核的再结晶晶粒通常呈“饼状”,最终形成以细小且取向漫散的再结晶晶粒为主的常化组织,消除了初始凝固组织中有害的粗大λ晶粒. In strip casting grain-oriented silicon steels, the inheritance of coarse λ grains(〈100〉//ND, normal direction) can deteriorate their magnetic properties. To solve the problem, twinning behaviors in strip casting grain-oriented silicon steels during hot rolling were investigated in this work. It is found that after rolling at 650 ℃, a number of {112}〈111〉deformation twins are formed in the coarse solidification microstructure of the steels, in contrast to the well-accepted view that it is diffic...
基于TEAM(Testing Electromagnetic Analysis Methods)Problem 21基准模型和不同类型的磁化曲线Bm-Hm及Bm-Hb数据,分别在50 Hz至200 Hz的频率范围内计算了基准模型的硅钢叠片内的损耗及磁通,并考虑集肤效应和材料的电-磁各向异性的影响。数值计算结果与实验测量结果具有很好的一致性。提出的有限元建模方法和基于模拟结果的分析、结论有助于提高大型电力变压器的电磁设计的有效性。 Based on TEAM(Testing Electromagnetic Analysis Methods) Problem 21 standard model and the different B-H(such as Bm-Hm and Bm-Hb) curves,the iron loss and magnetic flux inside the grain-oriented(GO) silicon steel lamination are modeled under different frequency(from 50 Hz to 200 Hz) in this paper,And the influences of skin effect and electric-magnetic anisotropy on the numerical simulation results have been examined.The calculated and measured results with respect to the model are in good agreeme...
以取向电工钢成分为基础,制备了含C或Mn和S的4种实验钢。观察了接近平衡析出状态实验钢经60%冷轧后在600~1000℃范围再结晶退火过程中微观组织演变,统计分析了再结晶体积分数随退火时间的变化规律,进而计算了各实验钢静态再结晶的激活能。观察了高含C实验钢退火初期再结晶晶粒优先出现的部位。结果表明900~1000℃范围内各实验钢铁素体的化学成分相似,因而其再结晶激活能基本一致。在600~800℃范围内铁素体内会有阻碍再结晶进程的三次渗碳体析出,从而使再结晶激活能明显提高。高C含量实验钢中还会有从奥氏体转变而来的粗大珠光体或渗碳体,轧制过程中其附近形成的变形区会促进600~800℃加热时该区域附近率先发生再结晶形核、降低再结晶激活能。固溶的Mn、S元素可微弱提高再结晶激活能,但高Mn、S含量会改变粗渗碳体从奥氏体析出时的形态。 Four experimental steels based on grain oriented electrical steel containing C,or Mn and S were prepared.Microstructure evolution of the steels close to a state of equilibrium precipitation were observed during annealing processes at 600-1000 ℃after 60% cold rolling,the changes of recrystallization volume fraction were analyzed statistically as the annealing was prolonged,and the activation energy for static recrystallization of the steels were calculated.The locations,where the recrystallizatio...
为探究铬、锰元素及退火温度对高强无取向硅钢性能的影响规律,借助OM、SEM、EBSD与万能拉伸试验机等分析不同制造工艺下3组不同含量铬、锰元素的无取向硅钢热轧、常化及退火处理后组织与性能。结果表明,试验钢热轧后组织不均匀,心部为沿轧向分布纤维状组织,边部为少量再结晶晶粒,常化处理能显著改善热轧板组织均匀性,消除热轧板中心部位的纤维状组织。经冷轧及退火后得到多边形铁素体晶粒,其中960℃退火,晶粒尺寸偏大,有利织构{100}组分体积分数减少,不利织构{111}组分体积分数增加,成分为0.2Mn-1Cr的1号试验钢960℃退火后铁损最大,磁感强度偏小;成分为0.5Mn-1Cr的2号试验钢930℃退火后,磁性能与强度等综合性能最佳,工频铁损P1.5/50为2.41W/kg,高频铁损P1.0/400为17.36W/kg,磁感应强度B5 000为1.638T,抗拉强度为685MPa。 In order to study the effect of Cr,Mn and annealing temperature on the properties of high-strength non-oriented silicon steel,the microstructure and properties of three groups of non-oriented silicon steel with different Cr,Mn content under different manufacturing processes were analyzed by means of OM,SEM,EBSD and universal tensile tester.The results show that the structure of experimental steel is not uniform after hot rolling,and the core is distributed in fibrous structure along the rolling ...
采用轧制法制备出具有低铁损高磁感0.23mm厚6.4%(质量分数)Si高硅钢。沿轧制方向的最终磁性能为B8=1.474 T,B50=1.714 T;P10/50=0.30W/kg,P15/50=0.88W/kg。利用X射线衍射及背散射电子衍射(EBSD)技术分析了高硅钢在轧制及退火过程中的织构演变过程。结果表明,通过采用大压下率热轧,确保热轧板次表层中产生更多的高斯织构,随后进行遗传;温轧板中粗大的晶粒有利于冷轧剪切带的形成;冷轧板经脱碳退火后生成强{210}〈001〉织构及次表层较强的高斯织构是在轧向上获得高磁感的原因,归因于其在{111}〈112〉冷轧形变晶粒内的剪切带优先形核并长大;最终退火后虽出现了随机取向,但以{310}〈001〉织构为代表的η织构得以保留并且增强,进一步提高了磁感。随着退火温度的升高及保温时间的延长,高硅钢薄板晶粒尺寸不断增大,铁损明显降低。 6.4wt%Si high silicon steel sheets(0.23mm thick)with low iron loss and high magnetic induction were successfully produced by rolling process.The final magnetic properties along the rolling direction(RD) were:B8=1.474T,B50=1.714T;P10/50=0.30 W/kg,P15/50=0.88 W/kg.The texture evolution during rolling and annealing was investigated by means of X-ray diffraction and electron backscatter diffraction(EBSD).It was found that more Goss textures formed in the subsurface of hot rolled plates by using larg...
硅钢连续退火线是无取向硅钢生产的成品线。由于受机组布置的影响,带钢经转向辊进出口活套后,当套量达到60%后就出现偏离生产线的情况,从而影响最终产品的质量及成材率,甚至损坏设备。针对某冷轧厂硅钢连续退火机组出口活套入口处带钢跑偏开展纠偏研究,利用Matlab对该纠偏系统进行动态仿真研究,分析系统的稳定性。 Silicon steel continuous annealing line is non oriented silicon steel production of finished product line.Due to the influence of unit layout,strip by roll Import & Export loop,when the set volume reached 60% after the emergence of deviation from the production line,thus affecting the quality of the final product and the rate of finished products,and even damage the equipment.For the export of continuous annealing line in cold rolling silicon steel strip deviation rectification loop at the e...
利用FE-SEM、EDS分析了含不同抑制剂成分的成品取向硅钢中夹杂物的组成和形貌,统计其尺寸及数量分布;结合对磁性能测试的结果,分析了Sn、Cu、Nb和Cr对取向硅钢磁性能影响的机理。结果表明:含Sn的取向硅钢试样中夹杂物主要为块状的微米级Al-Ti-C-N-O复合物,还有少量的球形Al-N-O颗粒和块状Ti-C-N-O颗粒,棒状夹杂物较少;含Cr的取向硅钢试样中夹杂物主要为球形的微米级Al2O3,还有少量Cu-Al-N-O-S复合物,棒状夹杂物和不规则夹杂物均较少;含Cr试样中1~3μm夹杂物的平均尺寸较含Sn试样小,但数量多,而大于3μm夹杂物的平均尺寸较含Sn试样大,但数量很少。磁性能测试结果表明,外场为800A/m和2500A/m时,含Cr试样磁感应强度偏低,铁损值P1.7/50较含Sn试样高,为1.171W/kg。 The composition and morphology of inclusions in the finished grain-oriented silicon steels are analyzed by using FE-SEM and EDS, and the number density and size distribution of the inclusions are counted. The influence mechanism of Sn, Cu, Nb, and Cr on the magnetic properties of the steel is also discussed. Results show that the inclusions composition in the grain-oriented silicon steel samples containing Sn is mainly block Al-Ti-C-N-O, compounding with a few spherical Al-N-O and block Ti-C-N-O...
利用OM、EBSD等手段研究了热轧板两段式正火时在700℃保温不同时间(0、10、30、60 min)对含Sb冷轧无取向电工钢磁性能的影响。结果表明,700℃保温10 min处理的样品铁损最小,磁感最高。对成品板的组织分析结果表明,试样的晶粒尺寸随700℃保温时间的延长先增大后减小,保温10 min时晶粒尺寸达到最大;分析成品试样织构发现,有利织构组分随700℃保温时间的延长先增加后减少,保温10 min时有利织构组分所占百分比最高。因此,含Sb冷轧无取向电工钢两段式正火时在700℃保温10 min时磁性能最好。 Effect of two-stage normalization on magnetic property of non-oriented electrical steel containing antimony was investigated by using optical microscope(OM) and electron back-scattered diffraction technology(EBSD).The experimental results show that the iron loss and magnetic permeability of the specimen insulated at 700 ℃ for 10 min are lowest and highest respectively.The grain size of the finish specimens increases first and then decreases with the increase of holding time.Similarly,the advanta...
目前高磁感冷轧硅钢生产过程中,采用经验方法确定的乳化液流量设定值往往会造成硅钢产品的磁感性能达不到预期目标,针对此情况,基于轧机轧制机理研究了的乳化液流量数学模型,确定了乳化液流量设定值。实践表明,使用该数学模型输出的乳化液流量设定值,可提高轧制过程中乳化液流量控制精度,从而提高高磁感冷轧硅钢的轧制性能。 In view of the current production process of high magnetically inductive cold-rolled silicon steel, the mathematical model of emulsified fluid flow based on mill rolling mechanism is studied in view of the situation in which the magnetic sensing performance of silicon steel products is often not up to the expected target by using empirical method to determine the emulsified liquid flow setting. Practice shows that the emulsified fluid flow setting value output from this mathematical model improv...
含铜抑制剂作为取向硅钢的主抑制剂或辅助抑制剂不仅可以抑制初次晶粒的长大,促进二次再结晶,还可以降低铸坯的加热温度。取向硅钢中主要抑制剂为10~50 nm Cu2S,在钢的铸坯、热轧、冷轧、脱碳等工艺过程均可析出;(Cu,Mn)1.8S、Cu1.8S、ε-Cu等主要作为辅助抑制剂,尺寸一般为30~50 nm(或大于50 nm),主要在热轧阶段析出。总结了国内外有关取向硅钢中含铜抑制剂析出行为的研究进展,当前主要研究不同生产流程和工序中含铜抑制剂的析出行为和作用机理。 As main inhibitor or auxiliary inhibitor for grain-oriented silicon steel,the particles of inhibitor bearing copper not only inhibit the primary crystal growing and promote the secondary recrystallization,but also decrease the heat temperature of casting slab.The main inhibitor for grain-oriented silicon steel is 10~50 nm Cu2S,which precipitate in process and procedure including steel casting slab,hot rolling,cold rolling and decarburizing process,while the 30~50 nm or more than 50 nm...