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实验室模拟薄板坯连铸连轧(TSCR)流程制造高磁感取向硅钢,借助电子背散射衍射(EBSD)技术对不同Sn含量的热轧板织构进行了研究。研究结果表明:不同Sn含量热轧板表层及次表层均为高斯织构、铜型织构及黄铜织构的混合织构,中心层为{100}面织构;Sn含量为0.1%时,热轧板表层及次表层高斯织构组分最多,取向密度最大,成品磁感最高,达到1.875 T。 Texture of grain oriented silicon steel hot rolled by thin slab casting and rolling process(TSCR) in laboratory with different Sn contents was analyzed by electron back-scattered diffraction(EBSD).The results show that the hot rolled slabs with different Sn contents have the same texture,i.e.,Goss,Copper and Brass.Specifically,the texture of core layer is {100};While the hot rolled slab with 0.10% Sn,the surface layer and subsurface layer have a sharpness Goss texture and the finished products h... 
2013-11-28 47 5.8

通过对湿H2气氛下,相同退火温度、不同退火时间的CGO硅钢初次再结晶样品进行金相组织观察,并进行了EBSD微观织构分析,研究了CGO硅钢初次再结晶过程中的组织及再结晶织构演变行为。结果表明,在湿H2气氛下,820℃保温,CGO硅钢初次再结晶过程约在120 s时完成。随着退火时间的延长,γ面上{111}<112>织构含量逐渐减少,{111}<110>织构先减少后增多,随着再结晶的完成,部分{111}<112>取向晶粒向高斯{110}<001>取向转化的同时,也向{111}<110>取向转化,高斯{110}<001>织构含量逐渐增多。高斯取向晶粒较多是由{111}<112>取向晶粒转化而来,同时也证明了CGO硅钢高斯取向晶粒的二次再结晶异常长大生长机制为择优形核。 Microstructure development and texture evolution of conventional grain oriented silicon steel,which were annealed at same annealing temperature and different annealing time under wet H2 atmosphere,were investigated through metallographic observation and electron backscattered diffraction analyzing.The results show that the primary recrystallization finishes in 120 s at 820 ℃ under wet H2 atmosphere.With the extending of annealing time,{111}<112> texture decreases,{111}<110> texture d... 
2012-12-28 59 5.8

取向硅钢常化工序主要采用现场实测带钢温度的方式测定冷却速率,并通过稳定冷却水温、调整冷却水量及喷梁运行数量等方式保证合理的冷却速率,给常化工艺设计和生产带来诸多不便。通过对常化工艺水冷过程带钢的传热分析求解,在建立带钢水冷温度模型的基础上,研究了不同冷却工艺参数对带钢温度及冷却速率的影响规律以及冷却工艺的交互作用结果。结果表明:模型计算结果能够较好地反映取向硅钢在常化水冷过程中的温度及冷却速率的变化,其计算误差为0.80%~4.11%;在特定取向硅钢厚度规格和常化工艺下,随着常化冷却水量及有效冷却长度的增加,带钢水冷温度及冷却速率与呈非线性变化;常化水冷工艺主要通过调控带钢与冷却水之间热交换量和交换时间实现对带钢温度的控制,实际生产中需综合考虑机组速度、冷却水量及有效冷却长度之间的交互作用,选定喷梁投入数量和冷却水量以获得稳定的冷却速率。 The cooling rate of normalization process mainly determined by measuring the grain oriented silicon steel strip temperature on site, and ensures the cooling rate by stabilizing the cooling water temperature, adjusting the cooling water volume and the operation quantity of spray beam, which brings inconvenience to the normalization process design and production. Based on the heat transfer of strip in the water cooling section of normalization process, the water cooling temperature model for the n... 
2022-01-28 74 5.8

硅钢是钢铁产品中的\"工艺品\",是高附加值产品,通过对我国主要硅钢生产厂家的工艺设备,市场情况分析,简要介绍了我国硅钢生产消费现状,未来生产能力预测及硅钢未来发展趋势。 Silicon steel is the \"crafts\" of steel products,also is high value-added product.By analyzing process equipment and market condition of major silicon steel-making plant of China,it briefly introduces our current production consumption status,future production capacity prediction and future development trend of silicon steel. 
2011-03-28 61 5.8

通过微观组织表征、高温拉伸和断口形貌分析,研究了钇(Y)元素对6.5%Si无取向硅钢组织、高温拉伸及断裂机制的影响。研究结果表明,添加Y元素可以在钢液中形成YS和YP的复合析出。YS和YP可以充当异质形核基底,提高形核率,细化凝固组织。热轧组织不均匀,由表层至芯部分别形成等轴晶、等轴晶/拉长晶和拉长晶的混合组织。退火后,热轧变形组织转变为等轴晶,含Y实验钢的退火组织得到明显细化。500℃时效处理后,含Y实验钢具备较低的有序度,300℃的拉伸断口呈现韧性断裂特征,断后伸长率达到20.2%。相反,无Y实验钢发生脆性断裂,断后伸长率仅为2.1%。研究结果证实,Y元素可以通过组织细化和降低有序度提高6.5%Si无取向硅钢的中温塑性。 The effects of yttrium(Y)on microstructure,elevated-temperature tensile properties and fracture mechanism of 6.5% Si non-oriented electrical steel were investigated by means of microstructure characterization,high-temperature tensile test and fracture analysis.The results showed that the doping of Y introduced composite Y-rich precipitates(YS/YP)in the melt.YS and YP precipitates were qualified for heterogeneous nucleation agents,which thus raised the nucleation rate and refined the solidificati... 
2022-01-28 63 5.8

【作者】 刘玲月; 李军辉; ...
2011-02-28 59 5.8

研究了冷轧大压下量,950℃退火时间对一种新型含铜无取向电工钢晶粒度和织构的影响。结果表明,大压下量冷轧,随压下量的增加,退火晶粒向γ线聚集,形成强{111}<112>织构。提高冷轧压下率,退火织构{111}<100>,{110}<001>强度减弱,增加退火时间,退火织构{111}<110>,{100}<001>,{110}<001>强度变弱。采用87.5%冷轧压下率和950℃退火60 s,有利织构{100},{110}占有率最大。 The effect of annealing(950 ℃) time with high cold rolling reduction on grain size and texture of a new non-oriented electrical steel containing copper was investigated.The results show that for high cold rolling reduction,most annealed grains are oriented along γ-fibre with increasing cold rolling reduction ratio and strong texture {111}<112> is formed.With increasing the cold rolling reduction ratio,the intensity of annealed texture {111}<110>,{011}<100> decreases.With increa... 
2011-01-28 75 5.8

针对攀枝花钢钒有限公司难以稳定生产w(S)≤0.006%高级别电工钢的问题,通过开发RH脱硫剂、钢包渣改性及工艺参数控制,形成了RH脱硫系统工艺技术。经工业试验表明,采用该工艺技术后,钢水脱硫率最高达到42%,成品w(S)控制在0.005%以下,全氧、氮含量也得到了较好的控制,且脱硫剂没有引起钢水增碳,满足高级别电工钢的生产要求。 In light of the difficulty of production of high level electrical steel w(S)≤0.006 % steadily in Panzhihua steel & vanadium Co.,Ltd.the process technology of RH desulfurization system has been formed by developing the RH desulfurizer,modifying the ladle slag and controlling the process parameters.Industrial experiments show that the desulfurization rate of hot metal rises to 42 % and the w(S) of the finished products is controlled in below 0.005 % and total oxygen and nitrogen contents are a... 
2013-01-28 50 5.8

针对某硅钢车间ST机组的除尘系统除尘效率较低、排放浓度不达标、二次污染较严重的问题,通过现场调研,对除尘系统、含尘气体组分与物性参数等进行测试和分析,运用管道伴热技术改善粉尘黏性后,再选取合适的除尘器对粉尘进行除尘处理,大大地提高了系统的除尘效率。 To solve the problems of low dust removal efficiency, substandard emission concentration and severe secondary pollution, some investigations are conducted to test and analyze the dust removal system,dust-gas composition and relevant physical parameters.Moreover, dust removal efficiency is greatly improved by the use of pipe heat tracing technology and by choosing appropriate dust remover. 
2014-02-28 26 5.8

以青海盐湖氯化镁为初级原料,采用喷雾热解法制备原料氧化镁。原料氧化镁通过水化制备氢氧化镁。将氢氧化镁过滤、洗涤、烘干、粉碎、煅烧,制备硅钢级氧化镁。本文重点考察煅烧温度、煅烧时间、料层厚度等因素对氧化镁水化率的影响,采用均匀实验设计和DPS数据处理,确定最优煅烧实验条件为:煅烧温度1250℃,煅烧保温时间4小时,料层厚度0.5cm。在此条件下得到的硅钢级氧化镁完全满足硅钢及氧化镁的行业标准。 The magnesium oxide is prepared by Spray pyrolysis process,which magnesium chloride from Qinghai Salt Lake is used as primary raw material,and hydrated to magnesium hydroxide,then obtained silicon steel magnesia through filtering,washing,drying,crushing and calcinations.In this paper,influences of some factors on magnesia hydration rate are studied,such as calcination temperature,calcination time and material thickness.After average experimental design and DPS data processing,optimal calcination... 
2013-05-28 48 5.8

目的提高硅钢的磁性能。方法采用多弧离子镀技术,在普通取向硅钢薄板两面沉积高硅FeSi合金层制得高硅梯度硅钢,并进行热处理,观察其显微组织,测量磁性能。结果退火态高硅梯度硅钢表面的高硅FeSi合金层与基底结合紧密,均匀致密。高硅梯度硅钢中硅含量呈梯度分布,最表层硅质量分数为11.0%,随着深度增加,硅含量逐渐降低,在距表面20μm处硅质量分数仍能达到6.5%。沉积态高硅梯度硅钢的电阻率ρ、低频铁损P10/50、高频铁损P10/1k及磁感应强度B8分别为68.6μΩ·cm,0.82W/kg,83.3 W/kg和1.73 T,退火后分别为63.1μΩ·cm,0.44 W/kg,54.38 W/kg和1.89 T。结论由于表层高硅FeSi合金层的存在,梯度高硅钢的低频磁学性能良好,但高频损耗需进一步改善。 Objective To improve the magnetic properties of silicon steel. Methods FeSi alloy coatings with high-silicon content were deposited on the surface of common grain-oriented silicon steel by cathodic arc plasma evaporation,and then a kind of high silicon gradient steel was prepared. The morphologies,content and magnetic properties of the samples were tested. Results FeSi alloy coatings were featured with compact microstructures and excellent adhesive quality with the substrates. The silicon conten... 
2014-03-28 52 5.8

【作者】 欧阳帆; 肖侃; ...
2023-05-09 100 5.8



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