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【作者】 王桦; 舒子龙; ...
2013-01-28 27 5.8

【摘要】 <正>3月15日,随着第5754卷HiB钢下线,武钢...
2011-02-28 56 5.8

通过Axio Imager金相显微镜考察4.5%~7.0%硅(质量分数)对高硅钢材料组织形貌的影响,并利用Fe-6.5%Si高硅钢薄板制备方法对其进行轧制,通过DDL50电子万能试验机对阶段产品进行力学性能测试。结果证明,硅含量为5.58%的高硅钢在实验硅含量区间内存在最大延伸率及最小铸态组织晶粒尺寸。 An investigation about the influence of 4.5%-7.0% Si on microstructure and mechanical properties of high-silicon steel was presented.SEM was adopted to take an observation towards microstructure during fabrication,and DDL50electronic universal testing machine was applied into the detection of tensile curves.The results show that silicon steel with 5.58% Si provides the maximum elongation and minimum grain size as cast. 
2023-05-09 86 5.8

结合扫描电镜和大样电解研究了CSP流程W800牌号无取向电工钢表面线状缺陷中夹杂物成分及来源,采用SPSS软件回归分析了生产过程各因素对表面线状缺陷的影响。研究表明:稳态浇铸过程铸坯中大型夹杂物含量为5.39 mg/10 kg。引起无取向电工钢表面线状缺陷的大型夹杂物主要为脱氧产物、镁铝尖晶石和钢包顶渣,主要类型为Al2O3、MgO-Al2O3、CaO-Al2O3-MgO和CaO-Al2O3-SiO2。非稳态浇铸过程钢水洁净度明显降低,热轧板表面线状缺陷比例上升。影响表面线状缺陷的主要因素为RH出站时顶渣的w(CaO)/w(Al2O3)、RH脱氧结束氧位及中间包最低吨位。 Combining scanning electron microscopy and large sample electrolysis, the composition and source of inclusions in the surface linear defects of W800 grade non-oriented electrical steel in the CSP process were studied. SPSS software was used to regress and analyze the main factors which affected the surface linear defects in the steelmaking process. Research shows that the content of large inclusions in the steady state casting process is 5.39 mg/10 kg. The large inclusions which cause linear def... 
2022-02-28 88 5.8

【摘要】 <正>国家硅钢技术研究中心自2008年落户武...
2011-06-28 37 5.8

分析了太原钢铁(集团)有限公司第二炼钢厂80 t RH生产冷轧硅钢脱碳、脱硫原理及影响因素,认为通过合理控制RH到站钢水碳和氧含量、加大插入管内径、采用快速抽真空度等可提高脱碳效果。降低顶渣中FeO和MnO含量,保证脱硫剂加入后的循环时间可以提高RH脱硫率。 The present article analyzes the principle of decarburization and desulfurization in refining the cold rolled silicon steel in the 80 t RH in No.2 Steelmaking Plant of Taiyuan Iron & Steel(Group) Corp.,and its influencing factors.It’s determined that the decarburization effect can be achieved by properly controlling the cabon and oxygen contents in the hot metal coming into the RH station,enlarging the inner diameter of snorkel and adopting the fast evacuation method.In the meanwhile the des... 
2013-04-28 38 5.8

以能量平衡和辐射换热理论为基础,通过合理假定,建立了硅钢无氧化加热炉数学模型。采用数值计算的方法,通过自编程序,完成对带钢加热过程温度场的仿真。结果显示:数学模型能够反映带钢在无氧化炉内的加热过程,其升温曲线能够与工艺曲线相吻合;现行炉温分布并非最优,数学模型能够为炉温分布的优化、炉段的设计提供理论依据。 Mathematical model of NOF Section of Continuous Annealing Furnace is established based on energy balance and radiation heat exchange. The temperature field of steel is simulated by mathematical computation. The simulating results show that the mathematical model can reflect the heating process of silicon steel in NOF section, and the heat-up curve is coincide with the processing curve. From the results,it is known that the current furnace temperature gradient is not the best, and the mathematica... 
2013-06-28 63 5.8

6.5%Si电工钢是一种优异的软磁材料,织构对其磁性能影响很大。利用温轧工艺对6.5%Si电工钢热轧板进行不同压下率轧制,研究了温轧板织构随压下率的变化规律。实验结果显示,随着压下率的增大,{100}〈110〉、{110}〈100〉和γ纤维织构在薄板表层中的强度先增强后减弱,当压下率达到75%时,沿板厚方向形成3个组织区域:表层细晶粒区({110}〈100〉取向为主)、过渡层({111}〈110〉和{111}〈112〉变形晶粒区)和中心层(以拉长的γ纤维织构和{100}〈110〉取向晶粒为主),这种组织和织构不均性对后期织构的发展有重大影响。 6.5wt% Si electric steel has excellent soft magnetic properties,on which texture play important role.In this experiment,warm rolling technique was employed to investigate the effect of rolling reduction on texture.It was found that the density of {100}〈110〉,{110}〈100〉 and γ-fiber textures first increased and then decreased with increasing of the rolling reduction.At 75% reduction,the microstructure along the thickness of the sheet formed three zones,containing surface layer with {110}〈100〉 orien... 
2023-05-09 103 5.8

为了消除硅钢在连续退火机组产生的浪形缺陷,对浪形缺陷产生的主要原因进行了分析。制定了相应控制措施,对炉内带钢张力、冷却段输出、碳套辊与带钢的同步性、无氧化炉燃烧状态等参数进行了调整;在生产组织上安排高低牌号宽窄规格穿插生产、定期更换碳套辊等,实施后效果明显。 The main cause leading to waviness defects of silicon steel is analyzed in order to eliminate the waviness defects of silicon steel in continuous annealing line.And thus corresponding measures for controlling these defects are made by means of adjusting these parameters such as the tension of silicon steel coils in continuous annealing furnace,the output in cooling section and the combusting condition of the non-oxidation furnace as well as keeping the synchronization between carbon sleeved roll... 
2013-03-28 55 5.8

研究了锰含量对w(Si)=1.8%Si无取向电工钢组织和性能的影响。结果表明,钢中锰含量从0.3%增加到1.2%时,由于α_γ相变的产生,铸坯低倍组织、热轧板金相组织及成品织构等均发生了不同程度的变化,对成品表面质量及磁性能产生了明显的影响。 The effects of manganese content on structure and properties of w(Si)=1.8% non-oriented electrical steels have been studied.Results show that with increasing manganese content to 1.2% from 0.3%,macrostructure of continuous casting slab,hot rolled band metallurgical structure and finished product texture vary in some extent because of the occurrence of α-γ phase transformation,the surface quality and magnetic properties of finished product are affected greatly. 
2011-03-28 58 5.8

研究了冷轧大压下量,950℃退火时间对一种新型含铜无取向电工钢晶粒度和织构的影响。结果表明,大压下量冷轧,随压下量的增加,退火晶粒向γ线聚集,形成强{111}<112>织构。提高冷轧压下率,退火织构{111}<100>,{110}<001>强度减弱,增加退火时间,退火织构{111}<110>,{100}<001>,{110}<001>强度变弱。采用87.5%冷轧压下率和950℃退火60 s,有利织构{100},{110}占有率最大。 The effect of annealing(950 ℃) time with high cold rolling reduction on grain size and texture of a new non-oriented electrical steel containing copper was investigated.The results show that for high cold rolling reduction,most annealed grains are oriented along γ-fibre with increasing cold rolling reduction ratio and strong texture {111}<112> is formed.With increasing the cold rolling reduction ratio,the intensity of annealed texture {111}<110>,{011}<100> decreases.With increa... 
2011-01-28 75 5.8

【摘要】 <正>编号:2012016获奖等级:特等完成单位:...
2012-11-28 59 5.8



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