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【作者】 姚昌国; ...
2011-05-28 52 5.8

通过测试取向硅钢不同工艺条件下的碳含量,探讨了CGO取向硅钢碳含量控制的最优处理条件,研究了脱碳温度和脱碳时间对相同初始碳含量取向硅钢的脱碳效果的影响。结果表明,在气氛为(15%~20%)H2+(75%~80%)N2,炉压差为10~20 Pa的条件下,CGO取向硅钢合适的脱碳温度为1 073 K~1 123 K,脱碳时间为10~20 min。在该处理条件下,能取得较好的脱碳效果。 By means of testing carbon content of oriented silicon steel below the distinct technical conditions,inquires the excellent handle terms of carbon content controlling for CGO oriented silicon steel,studies effects of decarburization annealing temperature and decarburization annealing time to the oriented silicon steel decarburization efficiency in same initial carbon content.The results show that,under the condition of atmosphere(15% ~ 20%) H2+(75% ~ 80%)N2 and furnace pressure difference 10 ~ 2... 
2013-03-28 52 5.8

通过对辉光放电发射光谱参数的优化,以铁元素为内标来消除基体效应,建立了测定硅钢薄板中微量硼元素的方法。优化的实验参数为:放电电压1200 V,放电电流50 mA,预溅射时间40 s,积分时间10 s。校准曲线硼元素含量范围0.0001%~0.022%,相关系数大于0.999,测量结果与认定值一致,相对标准偏差小于10%。完全能够满足日常分析测试的要求。 A glow discharge optical emission spectrometry(GD-OES) method for determining trace boron element in silicon steel sheets were established through optimization of instrumental parameters and using Fe element as an internal standard to eliminate the matrix effect.The optimized instrumental parameters included discharge voltage,discharge current,pre-sputtering time and integration time,which are 1200 V,50 mA,40 s,and 10 s,respectively.The content of boron element that can be determined from the ca... 
2011-03-28 52 5.8

为提高无取向硅钢导磁性能,研究了不同剪切方式对无取向硅钢剪切处磁畴结构的影响。利用纳米磁流体观测无取向硅钢剪切后边部磁畴结构。结果表明,硅钢无论在机械剪切还是线切割后的边部磁畴都会发生不同程度的改变:线切割对边部磁畴结构改变较小,边部磁畴分布均匀且连续,在距边缘0~20μm范围内出现磁畴宽度变小现象;机械剪切对磁畴的改变较为严重,剪切处磁畴零乱且不连续,在距边缘20μm处仍难以观察到完整的磁畴结构。 The effects of different shearing modes on magnetic domain structure of cold rolled non-oriented silicon steel are studied in this paper.The magnetic domain of cold rolled non-oriented silicon steel is observed by nanometer magnetic fluid pattern method.The results show that the edge magnetic domain structure will be changed by mechanical shear and wire-electrode cutting,the variation of edge magnetic domain structure wire-electrode cutting edge is very small,the magnetic domain structure is wel... 
2012-04-28 52 5.8

简述了无取向硅钢环保涂层发展背景,分析了硅钢环保涂层的特点及国内、外研究进展,提出了硅钢保涂层下一步的发展方向。 The back ground of environmental protection coating of non-oriented silicon steel was described in this paper.The characteristics and study progress in domestic and foreign of environmental protection coating of non-oriented silicon steel were analysised.The next development direction of environmental protection coating of non-oriented silicon steel was put forward. 
2013-04-28 52 5.8

冷轧无取向硅钢(/%:0.003C,2.35Si,0.22Mn,0.011P,0.002S,0.36A1,0.003 0N)经890℃或940℃3 min常化的2.3 mm热轧板冷轧成0.35 mm薄板。研究了常化温度和800920℃3 min退火对该钢高频(400Hz)磁性能和抗拉强度的影响。结果表明,830920℃退火时高频铁损P10/400值最低,随退火温度增加,晶粒尺寸增大,钢的抗拉强度降低;该钢的最佳热处理工艺为常化温度940℃,退火温度830℃,其抗拉强度Rm、高频铁损P10/400和磁感应强度J50分别为565 MPa,21.5 W/kg和1.69 T。 The cold-rolled non-oriented silicon steel(/%:0.003C,2.35Si,0.22Mn,0.011P,0.002S,0.36A1,0.003 0N) is cold-rolled to 0.35 mm sheet from 2.3 mm hot-rolled plate normalized at 890 ℃ or 940℃ for 3 min.The effect of normalizing temperature and annealing process at 800 920 °C for 3 min on high frequency(400 Hz) magnetic properties and tensile strength of the steel has been tested and studied.Results show that with annealing at 830 920 ℃the high frequency iron loss value P10... 
2014-03-28 52 5.8

【作者】 张正贵; 李战库; ...
2013-05-28 52 5.8

双辊连铸技术是冶金及材料领域内的一项前沿技术,对于生产高品质硅钢具有独特优势.本实验研究了一种双辊铸轧w[Si]=4.5%的无取向硅钢,考察其铸态和常化处理后样品的组织、织构及析出相尺寸特征.结果表明:铸带组织以与铸带法向成5~20(°)倾角的柱状晶为主,晶内存在少量0.3~0.4μm的AlN析出相,铸带织构以λ(<001>//ND)织构为主,表层织构漫散.950℃/10 min常化处理后,析出相尺寸增大,表层λ织构增强. As an advanced technique of metallurgy and material science,twin- roll strip casting has unique advantages for producing high quality silicon steel. The present study was aimed at a 4. 5% Si non- oriented electrical steel for analyzing the structure,texture and the size of precipitates at the initial and normalized state. The results revealed that the initial structure mainly consisted of columnar grains with 5 ~ 20( °) angle to the normal of cast strip,and some AlN precipitates of 0. 3 ~ 0. 4 μ... 
2014-03-28 52 5.8

硅钢连续退火线是无取向硅钢生产的成品线。由于受机组布置的影响,带钢经转向辊进出口活套后,当套量达到60%后就出现偏离生产线的情况,从而影响最终产品的质量及成材率,甚至损坏设备。针对某冷轧厂硅钢连续退火机组出口活套入口处带钢跑偏开展纠偏研究,利用Matlab对该纠偏系统进行动态仿真研究,分析系统的稳定性。 Silicon steel continuous annealing line is non oriented silicon steel production of finished product line.Due to the influence of unit layout,strip by roll Import & Export loop,when the set volume reached 60% after the emergence of deviation from the production line,thus affecting the quality of the final product and the rate of finished products,and even damage the equipment.For the export of continuous annealing line in cold rolling silicon steel strip deviation rectification loop at the e... 
2014-06-28 51 5.8

本文对某厂硅钢DR510温度、成分及过程控制水平和成品的组织、力学性能进行了研究,并在此基础上提出了工艺优化方案,有一定的借鉴和推广价值。 In this paper,the critical process and the products quality,including temperature,composition and process controlling level,the organization and mechanical properties of the finished product,were studied.On the basis of that the optimized technical plan provided,and this control technology is worth using and spreading. 
2012-05-28 51 5.8

采用双辊连铸工艺制备了硅的质量分数分别为0.5%,1.0%,3.0%,4.5%的硅钢薄带,用光学显微镜观察其组织,并研究了后处理工艺对薄带组织和性能的影响。结果表明:硅含量为0.5%和1.0%的薄带适合采用一次冷轧+850~950℃退火的后处理工艺,而硅含量在3.0%以上的薄带适合采用二次冷轧+950℃退火的后处理工艺;硅含量为3.0%和4.5%的薄带在冷轧并950℃退火后,其磁性能最佳,铁芯损耗约为4.30 W·kg-1,磁感应强度约为1.68T。 Silicon steel thin strips with silicon content of 0.5wt%,1.0wt%,3.0wt%and 4.5wt%were prepared by twin-roll continuous casting process,and the microstructure of the strips were observed by means of optical microscopy,and on the basis,the effect of post-treatment process on microstructure and properties of the strips was studied.The results show that the post-treatment process of one-time cold rolling and annealing between 850—950℃was suitable for the strips with silicon content of 0.5wt%and 1.0wt... 
2011-08-28 51 5.8

针对本钢薄板坯铸机在生产无取向电工硅钢的过程中存在的铸坯拉断、中包增碳、增氮等问题,进行了连铸工艺优化。通过采用新型无碳中间包覆盖剂、环保中间包干式料及专用结晶器保护渣后,降低了铸坯增碳量;通过控制钢包到中间包的增氮环节,降低钢水增氮;适当增大二冷水量,控制钢水过热度,防止铸坯拉断等生产事故的发生。改进工艺后,精炼后到成品铸坯的平均增碳量能控制在10×10-6以内,平均增氮量能控制在4×10-6以内。 The technology optimization has been adopted for preventing nitrogen increasing and carbon increasing in Benxi thin slab producing non-oriented silicon steel.Measures accordingly were adopted and satisfactory results were achieved. 
2011-05-28 51 5.8



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