近年来,在节能减排背景之下,国内外众多研究者对无取向电工钢磁性能的提升做了大量研究。为了探索无取向电工钢磁性能提升的方法,对锡或锑对无取向电工钢磁性能的作用机制(晶粒尺寸和晶体织构的控制)进行分析。基于该作用机制,介绍锡或锑的添加对无取向电工钢磁性能的影响。经研究发现,适量的锡或锑在晶界偏聚,不会阻碍晶界的移动并且致使晶粒尺寸降低;与此同时,锡或锑在晶界偏聚不仅抑制{111}织构在原始晶界处形核及生长,还降低(100)晶粒表面能,促进(100)晶粒生长。因此,适量添加锡或锑,可使无取向电工钢铁损下降、磁感提升。最后结合生产工艺,建议无取向电工钢的研究方向应为稀土含量对高牌号无取向硅钢夹杂物尺寸和数量分布的影响,锡或锑的添加量和常化工艺参数(常化时间、常化温度)对常化晶粒尺寸的影响。 In recent years, due to the background of energy saving and emission reduction, numerous researchers all around the world have done a lot of investigations on the improvement of magnetic properties for non-oriented electrical steel. In order to explore the method of improving the magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel, the mechanism of tin or antimony on the magnetic properties(the control of grain size and crystallographic texture) of non-oriented electrical steel is illuminated. ...
研究了冷轧大压下量,950℃退火时间对一种新型含铜无取向电工钢晶粒度和织构的影响。结果表明,大压下量冷轧,随压下量的增加,退火晶粒向γ线聚集,形成强{111}<112>织构。提高冷轧压下率,退火织构{111}<100>,{110}<001>强度减弱,增加退火时间,退火织构{111}<110>,{100}<001>,{110}<001>强度变弱。采用87.5%冷轧压下率和950℃退火60 s,有利织构{100},{110}占有率最大。 The effect of annealing(950 ℃) time with high cold rolling reduction on grain size and texture of a new non-oriented electrical steel containing copper was investigated.The results show that for high cold rolling reduction,most annealed grains are oriented along γ-fibre with increasing cold rolling reduction ratio and strong texture {111}<112> is formed.With increasing the cold rolling reduction ratio,the intensity of annealed texture {111}<110>,{011}<100> decreases.With increa...
借助于EBSD对比研究了常化退火对高牌号无取向电工钢热轧组织和织构演变的影响,分析了常化退火对热轧板各厚度层织构的演变规律。结果表明,常化退火改善了热轧组织的均匀性,并弱化了热轧变形的γ纤维织构。升高常化退火温度,可增大热轧板的晶粒尺寸,提高{100}和{110}织构组分占有率,有利于提高无取向电工钢成品板的磁性能。 Effects of normalizing annealing on microstructure and texture of high-grade non-oriented electrical steel hot-rolled sheet were investigated by EBSD. Emphasis was put on the effects of normalizing annealing on texture evolution in the sheet thickness. The results show that the hot-rolled microstructure homogeneity is improved and the γ-fiber texture is weakened by normalizing annealing treatment. The grain size of hot-rolled sheet and intensity of the {100} and {110} favorable texture can be in...
对高牌号无取向电工钢国内生产情况、工艺技术、产品性能及应用领域等进行了阐述,并探讨了高牌号无取向电工钢产品的发展趋势。 This paper introduces basic facts on the production status,process technology and products’ properties and their applications of non-oriented electrical steel with high grade at home,and then discusses the development trend on technology for producing the non-oriented electrical steel with high grade.
以青海盐湖水氯镁石为初级原料,采用喷雾热解法制备原料氧化镁,原料氧化镁通过水化制备硅钢级氧化镁前驱体氢氧化镁。原料氧化镁水化实验中对水化剂、水化温度、水化时间、液固比、搅拌速度及陈化时间对水化率、过滤速度和纯度的影响进行系统研究。采用均匀实验设计和DPS数据处理,(依次)通过建模分析、二次多项式模型回归建立数学模型,再通过各因素方差分析和总方差分析,确定了理论最优实验条件,再用理论最优条件作重复实验进行验证,最终确定了原料氧化镁的最佳水化条件。在水化温度60℃,水化时间105 min,液固比4,陈化时间4 h,水化剂1含量4.0%,水化剂2含量3.15%,洗水量4倍,搅拌速度120 r/min时,原料氧化镁的水化率达99.50%以上,得到的硅钢级氧化镁前驱体氢氧化镁纯度高、过滤性能良好。 By spray pyrolysis method,bischofite in Qinghai salt Lake,as primary raw material,was used to prepare precursor raw material MgO for silicon-steel MgO.The precursor raw material MgO was used for preparing Mg(OH)2 which was the precursor of silicon-steel MgO,by hydration method.In the hydration experiment of precursor raw material MgO,some experiment parameters were investigated systematically.such as the hydrated agent,the temperature and time of hydration,liquid/solid ratio that affected the hy...
通过对连退线SF炉内的电加热体的焊接技术进行总结分析,得出焊接时应采用的主要方法,采用本焊接方法可提高电加热体的焊接速度和焊接质量,保证了焊接质量和施工工期。 SF furnace for continuous annealing line heating body welding technology summary,the main method used in welding,welding method by using the electric heater to improve the welding speed and welding quality through the implementation of this method to ensure the welding quality and Construction period.
利用XRD和EBSD研究了长轴分别平行于轧向(RD)、横向(TD)和轧面法向(ND)的柱状晶样品在热轧、冷轧及退火过程中的组织、织构演变规律,并分别从几何诱导和取向诱导两个方面分析了晶界的交互作用.结果表明,热轧时由表面摩擦剪切作用引起的组织和织构梯度直接影响并遗传给后续冷轧及退火样品.热轧后,不同样品的初始晶粒形状各向异性差异消失,形成相同的各向异性晶界组织,但晶体学各向异性发生改变,导致随后冷轧、退火组织及织构的变化均不同于直接冷轧的柱状晶样品.研究中特别关注了对磁性能有利的{100}取向区域与晶界的关系. Columnar grains show their special characteristics of morphological and crystallographic anisotropies, and thus markedly influence the microstructure and texture evolution during rolling and annealing process in electrical steel. The rolling and annealing microstructure and texture of three columnar grained samples with the long axes arranged along different directions were investigated by means of XRD and EBSD techniques, and the effects of columnar grain boundaries were analyzed from the view ...
Fe-6.5%Si高硅钢是一种具有高磁导率、低矫顽力和低铁损等优异软磁性能的合金,但是其室温脆性和低的热加工性能严重影响了其在工业领域的应用。综述了Fe-6.5%Si高硅钢的性能,评述了合金的改性法、特殊轧制法、快速凝固法、沉积扩散法、粉末冶金法等制备工艺。 It is well known that 6.5%Si high silicon steel is one kind of soft magnetic materials with higher re-lative permeability,lower coercive force and iron loss than those of conventional industrial silicon steel.However,their room-temperature embrittleness and poor workability limit their practical applications in the industry.The pre-paration technique such as modification treatment on alloy,special rolling,rapid solidification,CVD and powder me-tallurgy is reviewed.
根据现场实际的生产控制情况,指出了热轧原料断面轮廓缺陷以一定的比列遗传给了冷轧带钢,分析了不同热轧原料断面轮廓对冷轧电工钢尺寸精度的具体影响,提出了相应的规律。并阐明了严格控制热轧原料断面轮廓形貌,对保证冷轧电工钢尺寸精度具有重大意义,对于中国现行的冷轧电工钢生产具有指导意义。 Based on the actual situation of production control,it was pointed out that the section profile defects of hot-rolled raw materials were geneticed to the cold-rolled strip.The specific impact analysis for the profile of different hot-rolled raw materials to the dimensional accuracy of cold-rolled silicon steel was analyzed.As a result, the corresponding orderliness are given;And the strict control to section profile of the hot-rolled material is of great significance to ensure the dimensional ac...
研究了采用高温卷取热轧态原料和常化态原料生产高牌号冷轧无取向电工钢组织、织构和磁性能。研究发现钢卷采用750℃高温卷取,下线后立即采用\"保温罩\"对钢卷进行保温,时间96h,然后空冷至100℃时上线生产的工艺可取代常化工艺生产高牌号冷轧无取向电工钢。冷轧上线前,热轧态原料的表层为大量的再结晶组织,这部分组织包括了热轧轧制时保留下来的动态再结晶组织,钢卷本身高温回复后产生再结晶晶粒,以及在保温罩内保温时形成的再结晶组织。高温卷取的热轧态和常化态的热轧卷作为原料时,试样织构类型相似,取向分布密度接近,再结晶后织构类型仍然相似,取向分布密度仍然接近。Goss织构对磁性能增加有促进作用。实验钢中较好的磁性能对应的织构[{100}+Goss]/{111}的比值较高,体现了织构的遗传性。 Microstructure,texture and magnetic properties of high grade cold rolled nonoriented electrical steel which made of hot rolled material with high temperature coiling and with normalization were studied.Steels coiled in high temperature(at 750 ℃),stacked with insulation cover for 96hand air cooled to 100 ℃ were using to manufacture high grade nonoriented electrical steel.The process can replace the normalization process.There are a lot of recrystallized grains in the surface layer of the coil wit...
结合工业化生产的无取向硅钢,进行了RH精炼添加稀土合金实验。结果表明,1.15%(质量分数)Si钢的脱硫反应,主要发生在添加稀土合金之后的前5min。最佳的稀土合金添加量为0.6~0.9kg/t钢。钢液经过稀土处理后,加入的稀土总量越多,稀土氧硫化物夹杂物的尺寸就越大,但热轧带钢再结晶效果会逐渐变差,成品带钢晶粒尺寸先是快速长大,而后逐渐减小。最佳的钢中存留稀土含量与钢的化学成分有关,应严格控制在2.0×10-3%~6.0×10-3%(质量分数)。在此范围内,钢的铁损先是快速降低,而后缓慢升高,钢的磁感应强度则单调降低。 Based on the industrial production of non-oriented electrical steel,rare earth(RE) alloy treatment during the RH refining process was studied.The results showed that the effects of desulfurization and total concentration of RE remained in steel mainly depended on the chemical compositions of different steel grades.For 1.15wt% Si steel grade,the desulfurization reaction mainly focused on the initial 5min after RE alloy added during the RH refining process.The suitable RE alloy addition was 0.6-0....