利用OM、EBSD等手段研究了热轧板两段式正火时在700℃保温不同时间(0、10、30、60 min)对含Sb冷轧无取向电工钢磁性能的影响。结果表明,700℃保温10 min处理的样品铁损最小,磁感最高。对成品板的组织分析结果表明,试样的晶粒尺寸随700℃保温时间的延长先增大后减小,保温10 min时晶粒尺寸达到最大;分析成品试样织构发现,有利织构组分随700℃保温时间的延长先增加后减少,保温10 min时有利织构组分所占百分比最高。因此,含Sb冷轧无取向电工钢两段式正火时在700℃保温10 min时磁性能最好。 Effect of two-stage normalization on magnetic property of non-oriented electrical steel containing antimony was investigated by using optical microscope(OM) and electron back-scattered diffraction technology(EBSD).The experimental results show that the iron loss and magnetic permeability of the specimen insulated at 700 ℃ for 10 min are lowest and highest respectively.The grain size of the finish specimens increases first and then decreases with the increase of holding time.Similarly,the advanta...
取向硅钢成品的晶粒尺寸非常大,其易磁化方向[001]晶向对于轧向的偏差角度对其磁性能影响极大。本文介绍了取向硅钢二次再结晶后成品晶粒位向的几种测定方法,包括侵蚀法、劳厄法、OIM法、极图法和非对称X射线衍射法等,并对这几种测量方法进行了比较。 The finished product of grain-oriented silicon steel has immense grain size ranging from millimeters to centimeters and the deviation angles of easy magnetization direction from rolling direction plays a remarkable role in magnetic properties of grain-oriented silicon steel.The methods in common use for determining the deviation angles of crystal direction are introduced,which include the etch-figure method,the Laue method,the OIM method,the pole figure method and the asymmetrical X-Ray diffract...
本文以热轧常化板为初始材料,采用二次冷轧法与三次冷轧法制备了0.1 mm厚的取向硅钢薄带,测定相应的磁性能,并通过EBSD取向成像技术检测了二次冷轧法与三次冷轧法各工艺过程中织构与组织演变规律。结果表明,采用最终冷轧压下率适中的三次冷轧法,能在冷轧至0.1 mm时保存较多的高斯晶核,使得高温退火后的磁性能明显优于二次冷轧法。最终冷轧压下率通过影响脱碳退火后样品中的{111}<112>织构组分及Goss晶粒数量对最终二次再结晶产生重要影响。 Grain-oriented silicon steel sheets with a thickness of 0. 1 mm were produced from hot-rolled and normalized sheets by two-step-rolling and three-step-rolling methods. Their magnetic properties were measured,and the textures were detected by EBSD technique. The results show that the three-step-rolling method,which has a moderate reduction rate of final cold rolling,can maintain more { 110} < 001 >nucleus,and thus obtaining better magnetic properties compared with the two-step-method. The f...
在实验室模拟CSP流程制备了不同含量稀土铈(质量分数0~0.018%)的1.2%Si无取向电工钢,并对其进行1 000℃×5min的再结晶退火处理,研究了铈质量分数对无取向电工钢夹杂物、显微组织、再结晶织构和磁性能的影响。结果表明:随着铈质量分数的增加,微细夹杂物数量、再结晶晶粒尺寸、{100}和{110}织构组分、磁感应强度先增后减,{111}织构组分、铁损先减后增;铈的质量分数为0.005 1%时,钢中的夹杂物数量最少,再结晶晶粒尺寸最大,有利织构最多,磁性能最优,铁损P15/50为3.253W·kg-1,磁感应强度B50为1.751T。 Non-oriented electrical steels containing different contents rare earth Ce element(0-0.018wt%) were prepared in the laboratory by simulated CSP(compact strip production)process,and then recrystallization annealing at 1 000 ℃ for 5 min were performed,the effects of Ce content on inclusion,microstructure, recrystallization texture and magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steels were studied.The results show that with the increase of Ce content,the amounts of fine inclusion,the size of re...
利用X-射线衍射织构分析和线形分析技术测定了交叉轧制双取向硅钢在制备工艺各阶段的织构及微结构,进而探讨了立方织构({100}<001>)的形成过程。通过对实验结果的分析可知,二次冷轧和交叉轧制工艺为立方织构提供了内能优势和有利的形变织构,而低温预退火工艺既强化了立方织构的内能优势,又为立方织构的异常长大提供了有利的组织保证,最终在抑制剂(AlN和MnS)的协同作用下,硅钢在二次再结晶退火后形成了强烈的立方织构。 The texture and substructure of the double oriented electrical steels produced by the cross rolling technology during the difference process has been measured by means of the X-ray texture and diffraction peak profile analysis technology,and research the formation mechanism of cube texture,{100}<001>.The results show that the dominances of inner energy and deformation texture were supplied by secondary cold rolling and the cross rolling technology and strengthened by pre-annealing at a low...
目前随着电工钢用户冲压设备的升级,冲压速度逐步提高,对电工钢产品的硬度和强度指标提出了更高的要求。与普通硬度级别的无取向硅钢相比,高硬度50BW600的Hv硬度提高15~20,达到125以上,同时对电磁性能指标也有较高要求。本钢通过化学成份和热轧及冷轧连退生产工艺的设计,经过小批量生产试验,满足用户要求。通过对工艺的严格控制,在大批量生产过程中,保证了产品的力学性能和电磁性的检验合格率。 Currently with upgrading of stamping equipment of silicon steel user, gradually increasing of stamping speed, propose higher demand for hardness and strength of silicon steel. Compared with conventional 50BW600, high hardness 50BW600 have higher hardness, reach greater than 125Hv. Through design of chemical composition with hot mill and annealing, production test of small quantities, stamping performance meet user request.
电工钢试样加工产生的剪切应力会恶化钢板的磁性,对不同牌号硅钢片的横向、纵向试样退火前后磁性能的变化进行研究,结果表明:无取向硅钢片在剪切过程中横向、纵向的磁性受到剪切应力影响是不一样的。 The electrical steel sample processing magnetic of electrical steel will worsen due to the shear stress of sample. In this paper,the magnetic change of transverse,longitudinal specimens of different type of silicon steel sheet before and after annealing are studied. The results show that the magnetic of non- oriented silicon steel sheet affected in the process of shear is not the same in horizontal and vertical direction.
对w(Si)=3%无取向硅钢进行表面机械研磨处理(SMAT)和异步轧制(CSR),获得表面纳米结构,再进行550~650℃、4 h固体粉末渗硅处理,用透射电镜(TEM)、扫描电镜(SEM)和X射线衍射仪(XRD)研究表层组织演变。结果表明:经过SMAT后,w(Si)=3%无取向硅钢表面形成了等轴状、取向呈随机分布的、晶粒尺寸为10 nm的纳米晶组织;异步轧制后,表面纳米晶组织保持不变;550~650℃、4 h渗硅处理后,SMAT+CSR样品表面形成化合物层,其厚度随着温度的升高由17μm增加到52μm;化合物层由Fe3Si和FeSi相组成. Nanostructured surface layer was fabricated on a 3%(mass fraction) non-grain oriented silicon steel by means of surface mechanical attrition treatment(SMAT) and cross-shear rolling(CSR),and then a solid powder siliconizing treatment was carried out for the SMAT+CSR sample at 550~650 ℃ for 4 h.The microstructural evolution was examined by using transmission electron microscopy(TEM),scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and X-ray diffraction(XRD).Experimental results show that: equiaxed nanocrystallin...
采用双辊连铸工艺制备了硅的质量分数分别为0.5%,1.0%,3.0%,4.5%的硅钢薄带,用光学显微镜观察其组织,并研究了后处理工艺对薄带组织和性能的影响。结果表明:硅含量为0.5%和1.0%的薄带适合采用一次冷轧+850~950℃退火的后处理工艺,而硅含量在3.0%以上的薄带适合采用二次冷轧+950℃退火的后处理工艺;硅含量为3.0%和4.5%的薄带在冷轧并950℃退火后,其磁性能最佳,铁芯损耗约为4.30 W·kg-1,磁感应强度约为1.68T。 Silicon steel thin strips with silicon content of 0.5wt%,1.0wt%,3.0wt%and 4.5wt%were prepared by twin-roll continuous casting process,and the microstructure of the strips were observed by means of optical microscopy,and on the basis,the effect of post-treatment process on microstructure and properties of the strips was studied.The results show that the post-treatment process of one-time cold rolling and annealing between 850—950℃was suitable for the strips with silicon content of 0.5wt%and 1.0wt...
研究了CSP工艺生产≤0.005%C-1.1%Si的2.2mm无取向电工钢热轧板在800~1000℃常化对0.5mm冷轧板840℃退火后组织和磁性能的影响。结果表明,热轧板常化温度升高,冷轧板退火后的再结晶晶粒增大,铁损降低,磁感增加;热轧板常化温度超过900℃,因第二相固溶而后弥散析出,退火后冷轧晶粒细化,铁损增加,因此该无取向电工钢热轧板最佳常化温度为900℃。 The effect of normalizing at 800-1000℃ of CSP produced plate(≤0.005%C-1.1%Si) on the microstructure and magnetic properties of downstream cold-rolled non-oriented electrical steel annealed at 840℃ was studied.Results show that with increasing normalizing temperature of hot-rolled material the recrystallized grain size of annealed sheet increases,iron loss reduced and magnetic induction increases.As normalizing temperature excesses 900℃,grain is refined and iron loss increases after annealing due...