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日本住友金属成功地开发了一种资源节约型高强度无取向电工钢SXRC,这种电工钢是通过固溶铌适度抑制位错的合并对消而得到一种特殊的微观组织,因此兼具很高的力学性能和磁性,特别适用于HEV、EV驱动电机转子。而且,不使用昂贵的镍就可以达到期望的强度,合金成本可控,是一种优越的资源节约型产品。 Sumitomo metal industries ltd of Japan successfully developed a type of high strength non-orientation electrical steel SXRC of resources-saving.The steel has both high mechanical performance and good magnetic property thanks to the special microstructure produced by the formation of Nb solid solution serving to appropriately inhibit the combination and cancellation of dislocations.The material is,in particular,suitable for manufacturing rotors of HEV and EV driving motors.Besides,expected streng... 
2011-06-28 50 5.8

采用传统的轧制和退火工艺制备了0.30mm厚的6.5%(质量分数)Si高硅电工钢薄板,采用X射线衍射技术对退火过程中的再结晶织构进行了研究。冷轧高硅钢薄板700℃退火形成以{111}〈112〉为峰值的γ织构(〈111〉∥ND)和以{001}〈210〉为峰值的{001}织构;而900℃以上温度退火则形成强{001}〈210〉织构。进一步的研究表明是在晶粒长大过程中{001}〈210〉发展成为主要再结晶织构组分。 High silicon steel thin sheets with thickness of 0.3mm were successfully produced by conventional rolling and annealing methods.Recrystallization texture was investigated by means of X-ray diffraction.It is found that recrystallization texture is mainly composed of γ fiber(〈111〉∥ND)with peak at {111}〈112〉 and {001} fiber with peak at {001}〈210〉 after annealing at 700℃,while strong {001}〈210〉 component dominates recrystallization texture after annealing above 900℃.It is during grain growth that {... 
2011-11-28 74 5.8

通过试验确定氩气分析流量为3.5L/min,静态流量为0.75L/min,冲洗时间为3s,预燃时间为12s,积分时间为5s的激发条件,采用火花源原子发射光谱法测定取向硅钢中碳、硅、锰、磷、硫。分别采用铣床铣样、砂轮磨样两种制样方式进行了精密度考察,发现制样方式对结果影响不大;讨论了取向硅钢样品中碳、硅、锰、磷、硫测定时可能存在的共存元素干扰,发现硅对锰元素的干扰不可忽略,采用干扰系数法进行了校正,据此拟合得到各元素校准曲线的相关系数均在0.999 0以上。精密度考察结果表明,碳、硅、锰、磷、硫的相对标准偏差(n=10)在0.71%~9.4%之间。对两块取向硅钢生产样品进行分析,并与钢铁研究总院进行比对分析,结果一致,且偏差均在允许范围内。 Carbon,silicon,manganese,phosphorus and sulfur in oriented silicon steel were determined by spark source atomic emission spectrometry.The selected excitation conditions were as follows:the analytical flow rate of argon was 3.5L/min,the static flow rate was 0.75L/min,the flush time was3s,the precombustion time was 12sand the integration time was 5s.Two sample preparation methods,including milling machine and grinding wheel,were investigated.The precision test results showed that,the determination... 
2013-10-28 58 5.8

热卷箱位于热连轧带钢生产线粗轧与精轧机之间,是热连轧生产中比较理想的中间保温设备。由于取向硅钢变形温度区间较窄,在生产中易出现边裂现象,同时中间坯的边部温度难于得到保证,因此一般不采用热卷箱设备生产,限制了传统热连轧生产线产品开发的品种。通过合理优化热卷箱控制工艺参数,解决了某厂传统热连轧生产线用热卷箱生产取向硅钢的边部质量问题,成功地生产出取向硅钢带。 The hot coil-box is an ideal heat retaining apparatus for hot rolling,lined between roughing mill and finishing mill. But oriented silicon steel has a narrow deformation temperature range,so that the edge crack easily occurs and it is difficult to insure the temperature of the intermediate blank. Therefore,the hot coil-box is rarely used in producing oriented silicon steel,which restricts the product development of the traditional hot rolling line. The article reasonable optimized process parame... 
2013-10-28 49 5.8

利用OM,TEM,EDS与XRD技术,对Fe-3.15%Si低温取向硅钢热轧板不同常化处理后的显微组织、析出相及最终产品的磁性能进行了分析研究,并对热轧板和常化板经过冷轧后的冷轧板织构进行了对比分析.结果表明,采用1120℃保温3 min二段式冷却的常化处理工艺,常化板表层显微组织均匀,沿板厚方向的显微组织的不均匀性显著,对后续过程中形成高取向的Goss织构最有利,取向硅钢的磁性能最高;采用二段式冷却的常化冷却工艺最优,在此冷却工艺下析出的细小的析出物数量最多,且弥散分布在基体中,抑制剂的抑制效果最好,对成品获得高磁性最有利;热轧板、常化板经过冷轧后的冷轧板织构均主要由{111}〈110〉和{111}〈112〉织构组成,但常化板较热轧板冷轧后的冷轧板γ取向线织构密度明显增高,由此可以证实常化处理有助于取向硅钢最终获得高取向的Goss织构. The decreasing of slab heating temperature for grain-oriented silicon steel will reduce the amount of precipitates in hot rolled plate,and be disadvantage to the formation of ultimate Goss texture.The aim of normalizing is to control and adjust the amount,size and distribution of precipitates.Microstructures,precipitates and magnetic characteristics of finished products with different normalizing technologies for Fe-3.15%Si low temperature hot rolled grain-oriented silicon steel are researched,a... 
2013-05-28 48 5.8

选取了三种50W 800无取向电工钢,分析了化学成分、晶粒尺寸、织构、以及200℃时效处理48 h前后的磁性能和第二相粒子析出状态的变化。结果表明,钢板中第二相粒子的分布密度对钢板铁损有最重要的影响。降低钢中C、N元素含量,或改进钢板热加工参数以降低成品钢板中第二相粒子形成元素的过饱和度均有利于明显降低钢板磁时效过程中的铁损增幅。钢板中对磁性能有利的织构也有利于降低钢板铁损的时效幅度。 The evolution of chemical composition,grain size,texture,as well as magnetic property after aging treatment at 200 ℃ for 48 h and distribution of second phase particles precipitation in three selected 50W800 non-oriented electrical steels were analyzed.The results show that the distribution density of second phase particles has great influence on core loss.Reducing C and N content,or improving hot-working parameters to reduce the supersaturation of elements forming second phase particles in prod... 
2011-08-28 73 5.8

对两种硅钢水溶性极厚绝缘涂层进行了不同温度的热老化实验。通过TG-DTA,GDS,FT-IR,SEM和光泽度仪等测试方法对老化的涂层进行分析表征,提出了评估硅钢水溶性极厚绝缘涂层热老化性能的合理温度区间,探讨了涂层热老化行为,并分析了两种涂层热老化性能的差异。结果表明,涂层附着性随着老化时间的延长逐渐下降。FT-IR表征结果显示,热老化过程中,涂料交联形成的化学键未发生断裂,交联剂氨基树脂的三嗪环被破坏是聚合物三维网络结构坍塌的主要原因。 Thermal aging expriments at different temperature were carried out on two types of water-soluble and extra-thick insulation coatings for non-oriented silicon steel,and a series of test methods such as glossmeters,TG-DTA,FT-IR,GDS,SEM were applied in analysis.For evaluating the thermal aging effect of this kind of insulation coating,the proper temperature range was proposed.The difference of aging performance between two coatings was been investigated and the related behaviors were been discussed... 
2011-04-28 54 5.8

【作者】 胡志强; 张文康; ...
2011-02-28 67 5.8

【摘要】 <正>为了确保电工钢的产品质量,在生产线...
2014-03-28 24 5.8

【摘要】 <正>日前,宝钢自主研发的新型高磁感取向...
2023-05-16 131 5.8

研究了冷轧95%变形量无取向硅钢不同退火温度(710~1 050℃)下再结晶织构特征.再结晶刚完成时(710℃退火),呈现强γ({111<112>~<134>)与弱{114}<481>织构特征;随退火温度升高至900℃,γ明显减弱,{114}<481>组分持续增强,形成典型的{h,1,1}<1/h,1,2>织构;进一步升温至1 050℃,再结晶织构不再发生明显变化.基于EBSD分析,{114}<481>组分的持续强化可归因于其明显的尺寸优势以及较高频率的高能晶界(取向差角为20°~45°). A non-oriented silicon steel was heavily rolled to 95% reduction and subsequently annealed at 710~1 050 ℃ to investigate recrystallization texture evolution.When annealed at 710 ℃ with complete recrystallization,the texture is characterized by a strong partial γ fiber spreading from {111}<112> to {111}<134> and a weak {114}<481> component.As annealing at 900 ℃,γ fiber is decreased significantly while {114}<481> is increased consistently,producing a typical {h,1,1}<1/h,... 
2013-05-28 83 5.8

某冷连轧机生产无取向硅钢板材时,其边缘降的长度合格率频繁超标。为满足用户的叠片厚度精度要求,这类产品必须以增大切边量的方式来保证交货质量,而这种方式又直接降低了金属收得率,提高了生产成本。基于此,以该产线现有设备特性为基础,详细分析其软、硬件功能模式,分别对辊形与反馈控制进行全面分析与优化改进。通过现场试验论证,充分明确依托辊形优化与反馈控制程序的改进能显著提高边缘降的控制水平,该技术的使用为生产现场的边缘降控制提供了合理的技术支撑。 A cold rolling mill production of non-oriented silicon steel sheet,the thickness difference of the edge( edge-drop) is usually exceed the preset standard value,In order to meet the accuracy requirements of the user flatness,these production must be trimed wider length to meet the delivery quality of the user need, which directly reduce the metal yield and increase the manufacturing cost. Therefor,the software and hardware of the production line has been analyzed, and the work roll shape and feed... 
2014-02-28 54 5.8



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