对1990~2010年在我国申请的冷轧无取向硅钢涂层的专利数量、专利技术领域分布进行了统计,对典型涂层专利技术进行了分析,探讨了无取向硅钢涂层的发展趋势。统计分析结果表明,目前无取向硅钢涂层典型的专利技术主要有自粘结涂层、无铬含稀土元素涂层、含钼酸盐环保涂层及采用有机-无机纳米杂化材料为主成膜物形成的涂层等。无取向硅钢涂层发展的趋势主要是无铬环保的半无机、半有机型涂层。 The patent quantity of cold-rolled non-oriented silicon steel coating and distribution of technology fields applied in China in 1990-2010 were summarized.The analysis results indicate that typical patent technologies include self-adhesion coating,chromium-free and with rare earth element coating,environment-friendly and with molybdate coating,coatings with organic-inorganic hybrid materials as main forming agent and so on.The main development trends of coatings on silicon steel are among semi-in...
介绍了EB5325涂层液的主要性能和中冶新材生产冷轧无取向电工钢所用的涂层设备,通过多次试验摸索出使用EB5325涂层液的工艺,对涂层出现的缺陷进行分析研究,并提出解决方法,使中冶新材生产的冷轧无取向电工钢的涂层质量满足了用户的要求。 This article introduces the main properties of EB5325 and the coating equipments for cold-rolled non-oriented electrical steel. A process using EB5325 coating liquid is made through many time experiments and exploration. The appeared defects in the coating are studied and analyzed,and the solutions are proposed. The coating quality meets clients’ requirements of cold rolled non-oriented electrical steel.
文章以国内某公司硅钢厂连续退火机组1号辐射管加热段为研究对象,分析炉内传热机理,建立并开发了辐射管加热段的传热模型。采用生产实际数据对模型进行了验证,以总燃料消耗量最小为目标,得出该炉段长度方向上燃料的最佳分配机制。所得结论为该公司连续退火机组节能控制提供理论依据。 Taking the radiant tube heating section of No.1 continuous annealing unit in a silicon steel plant of a domestic company as the research object, the heat transfer mechanism in the furnace is analyzed, and the heat transfer model of the radiant tube heating section is established and developed. The model is verified by the actual production data. Aiming at the minimum total fuel consumption, the optimal fuel distribution mechanism in the length direction of the furnace section is obtained. The co...
用Gleeble1500D模拟试验机在变形温度为950~1 200℃、应变速率为0.01~8s-1、最大变形程度为60%的条件下,对硅钢50A1300做单道次压缩试验,首先分析了不同参数对流变应力的影响,然后用回归法确定了应力模型中的变形激活能及材料常数,得到硅钢50A1300在峰值应力条件和稳态应力条件下的变形激活能分别为270.360和91.557kJ/mol,同时得到了流变峰值应力模型,模型的相关系数为0.997。最后通过作lnθ-ε图的方法找到了硅钢50A1300发生动态再结晶的临界应变量,并回归得到峰值应变量、临界应变量与参数Z/C的关系式。 To analyze the effects of different parameters on the flow stress and critical strain of the dynamic recrystallization,single-pass compression experiments were carried out with silicon steel 50A1300 specimens using a Gleeble1500D thermal simulator at a temperature range of 950-1 200 ℃ and strain rate range of 0.01-8 s-1 under the condition of maximum deformation of 60%.The average deformation activation energy is respectively 270.360 and 91.557 kJ/mol under the peak stress and steady-state stres...
主要研究了0.7%Si无取向电工钢退火试样的组织、晶粒尺寸和织构对其磁性能的影响。结果表明,随着退火温度的升高,晶粒尺寸逐渐增大,组织的均匀性得到改善;ɑ取向线上的纤维织构多集中于{114}<110>和{223}<110>附近,再结晶结束后,织构含量变化不大。{111}<110>织构取向密度值随温度升高而下降,{112}<111>织构与{111}<110>织构变化相反。晶粒尺寸增大对磁感强度的影响较小,而对铁损的影响较大。 Influences of microstructure,grain size and texture on the magnetic properties of 0.7% Si non-oriented electrical steels annealed samples were studied.The results show that with annealing temperature increasing the average grain size is increased gradually.Uniformity of the microstructure is improved;the textures of ɑ-fiber gathered in the vicinity of the { 114} < 110 > and { 223 } < 110 > texture.After recrystallization,the volume fraction of texture changes small.{ 111} < 110 &g...
硅钢工业退火炉温度控制具有强耦合、纯滞后、多扰动等特点,它的控制方法代表着一类非线性系统控制的解决方法。以硅钢工业退火炉温度为控制对象,在双交叉限幅控制的基础上引入了智能学习系统,形成了基于智能学习系统的双交叉限幅控制方法来解决此类非线性系统的控制问题,并通过模块化的编程来实现其功能。结果表明:与传统的PID控制相比,该控制方法的控制精度、抗扰性等控制指标有明显提高,是解决此类非线性控制的一种有效方法。 The temperature control of silicon steel industrial annealing furnace has the features of strong coupling,pure lag,multidisturbance. The control method represents the solution of a class of nonlinear control systems. The control object is the temperature control of silicon steel industrial an-nealing furnace, the intelligent learning system based on Double Across Limit Control is introducedand used to solve control problem of this kind of nonlinear system, and the module programming isused to re...
采用非水溶液电解方法来提取无取向硅钢中夹杂物。通过扫描电镜(SEM)观察结果表明:无取向硅钢中主要夹杂物为六棱柱的AlN、不规则硅酸盐及球状的铁的硫化物和氧化物,其中AlN夹杂尺寸在1~5μm,数量较多,还有部分AlN的复合夹杂。进一步研究了AlN复合夹杂形成机理,采用了Thermo-Calc热力学计算软件计算出该钢样中AlN、MnS析出温度分别为1 240℃、1 200℃,而Al2O3析出温度大于1 800℃,从而为AlN复合夹杂形成机理提供了一个理论依据。 Extracting inclusions from non-oriented silicon steel in non-aqueous electrolysis is a nondestructive method to gain inclusions.Scanning electron microscopy shows that the main inclusions in non-oriented silicon steel were hexagonal AlN,which was of large quantity,irregular silicate,spherical iron sulfide and oxide.The size of AlN inclusions ranged from 1to 5μm,and there were some duplex inclusions of AlN.To further study the formation mechanism of AlN duplex inclusions,Thermo-Calc thermodynamic...
分析了高转矩和高转速条件下高效驱动马达铁芯材料对无取向硅钢磁性能要求,讨论了无取向硅钢的高磁通密度和低铁损对电机转矩和效率的影响,介绍了国内外高磁感无取向硅钢发展情况。在生产工艺上,提高钢质纯净度,弱化夹杂物和第二相粒子对畴壁移动和再结晶晶粒长大的钉扎作用,添加微量晶界和带钢表面的偏析元素促使有利织构发展等技术可提高无取向硅钢的磁通密度。 The requirements of high efficient drive motor core materials under the conditions of high torque and high speed were analyzed.The effects of high magnetic flux density of non-oriented silicon steel on the torque and efficiency of the motor were discussed.The development of non-oriented silicon steel with high magnetic was introduced.The magnetic flux density of non-oriented silicon steel sheet can be obviously improved by some production technologies,such as purification steel,weakening the pin...
针对陶瓷辊表面结瘤清除时间长、清除效果差等缺陷,研究正反转陶瓷辊除瘤法,以缩短除瘤时间,增强除瘤效果。 The general removal of ceramic roller surface tumor costs a long time and the effect is poor.This paper probed into the ceramic roller tumor removal in order to shorten time and enhance the effect of eliminating.