采用EBSD检测技术,分析了50W800无取向电工钢在重要生产工序间织构的演变以及织构沿带钢宽度方向上的差异性。结果表明:热轧板织构沿带钢宽度方向上的差异性主要体现在表层织构。带钢边部表层织构主要由旋转立方织构、α纤维织构以及少量的γ纤维织构组成,带钢宽度1/4处的表层织构主要存在高斯织构,带钢宽度1/2处的表层织构主要为(110)面织构以及少量的铜型织构。各处的带钢宽度1/4处和1/2处的织构类型基本一致,都以α纤维织构和旋转立方织构为主。冷轧后,各处的表层织构类型差异较小,均为γ纤维织构和α纤维织构。由板宽边部至中心处织构强度值逐渐降低。退火后,各处织构的组分基本一致,为较强的γ纤维织构和较弱的(100)面织构。各处织构强度值差异较小,变化趋势与冷轧板一致。 The texture of non-oriented electrical steel 50W800 was detected by EBSD technique.The evolution of the texture between important processes and the difference of texture along the width direction of strip were analyzed.The result shows that the difference along the width direction of strip of texture at the surface of hot rolled plate is most obvious.The texture at the surface of strip edge is primarily made of rotating cube texture,αfiber texture and weakγfiber texture.Goss texture is mainly co...
通过金相分析和电子背散射衍射技术研究了一种新型含铜无取向电工钢在950℃退火不同时间(3~180s)空冷后的组织和织构取向的演变。结果表明:该钢在退火3s时的主要织构为α和γ线织构,{100}<110>织构最强;退火20s时织构以<111><112>、{111}<110>、{112}<110>、高斯织构和立方织构为主,随着退火时间的延长,高斯织构和立方织构强度呈减弱趋势;合理控制保温时间有利于提高{100}、{110}面织构的占有率。 Evolution of microstructure and texture oriented of a new non-oriented electrical steel during annealing at 950℃for different times(3-180) s and air cooling was studied by metallography and electron back-scattering diffraction analysis.The results show that after annealing for 3 s most of the texture oriented alongα-fibre andγ-fibre,the intensity of {100}〈110〉was the strongest.{111}〈112〉,{111}〈110〉,{112}〈110〉,Gauss texture and cube texture were the main texture after annealing for 20 s,with the ...
对两种硅钢水溶性极厚绝缘涂层进行了不同温度的热老化实验。通过TG-DTA,GDS,FT-IR,SEM和光泽度仪等测试方法对老化的涂层进行分析表征,提出了评估硅钢水溶性极厚绝缘涂层热老化性能的合理温度区间,探讨了涂层热老化行为,并分析了两种涂层热老化性能的差异。结果表明,涂层附着性随着老化时间的延长逐渐下降。FT-IR表征结果显示,热老化过程中,涂料交联形成的化学键未发生断裂,交联剂氨基树脂的三嗪环被破坏是聚合物三维网络结构坍塌的主要原因。 Thermal aging expriments at different temperature were carried out on two types of water-soluble and extra-thick insulation coatings for non-oriented silicon steel,and a series of test methods such as glossmeters,TG-DTA,FT-IR,GDS,SEM were applied in analysis.For evaluating the thermal aging effect of this kind of insulation coating,the proper temperature range was proposed.The difference of aging performance between two coatings was been investigated and the related behaviors were been discussed...
依据GB/T 15616—2008《金属及合金的电子探针定量分析方法》,采用电子探针波谱仪对某W600硅钢中的硅含量进行了定量测定,对影响其定量测定结果的不确定度分量进行了分析,并对不确定度的各个分量进行了计算和合成,最后给出了硅钢中硅含量测定结果的不确定度报告:该硅钢中的硅含量(质量分数)为1.50%,扩展不确定度U=0.20%,取包含因子k=2。 According to GB/T 15616-2008\"Quantitative Method for Electron Prohe Microanalysis of Metals and Alloys\",the quantitative results of Si content in some W600 silicon steel was measured hy EPMA-WDS.The uncertainty components which might affect the measurement results were considered,calculated and synthesized. Finally the uncertainty result for the quantitative value of Si content in the silicon steel was got.The mass content of Si was 1.50%,and expanded uncertainty U=0.20%under the condition of co...
采用扫描电镜、原子力显微镜研究了铬酸镁半无机绝缘涂层的微观结构。结果表明,涂层厚度为数微米,涂层中的有机树脂乳液颗粒均匀分布在无机涂层的表面,从而保证了涂层具有良好的冲片性能。采用极化曲线研究了涂层的耐蚀性能,发现铬酸镁与铬酸锌绝缘涂层的耐蚀性能相当。 In this paper,the microstructure and anti-corrosion property of magnesium chromate coating on non-oriented silicon steel were studied.The microstructure was observed by SEM and AFM.The anti-corrosion properties were evaluated by polarization curves.The results show that the thickness of coating is several microns and the polymer particles were scattered on the surface of inorganic coating,which is the guarantee for lamination property.The corrosion resistance of the magnesium chromate film was e...
某冷连轧机生产无取向硅钢板材时,其边缘降的长度合格率频繁超标。为满足用户的叠片厚度精度要求,这类产品必须以增大切边量的方式来保证交货质量,而这种方式又直接降低了金属收得率,提高了生产成本。基于此,以该产线现有设备特性为基础,详细分析其软、硬件功能模式,分别对辊形与反馈控制进行全面分析与优化改进。通过现场试验论证,充分明确依托辊形优化与反馈控制程序的改进能显著提高边缘降的控制水平,该技术的使用为生产现场的边缘降控制提供了合理的技术支撑。 A cold rolling mill production of non-oriented silicon steel sheet,the thickness difference of the edge( edge-drop) is usually exceed the preset standard value,In order to meet the accuracy requirements of the user flatness,these production must be trimed wider length to meet the delivery quality of the user need, which directly reduce the metal yield and increase the manufacturing cost. Therefor,the software and hardware of the production line has been analyzed, and the work roll shape and feed...
分析总结退火工艺各参数对冷轧无取向硅钢磁性能的影响,结合设计和生产实践经验介绍退火工艺中各参数的实际生产取值,并针对现生产工艺过程中出现的典型问题提出解决办法。 It is analyzed and summarized the great influences on magnetism of cold rolled non-oriented silicon steel affected by various annealing process data in this article.The relevant settled ways is raised.According to the actual value presetting ways for various annealing process data based on design and production,as well as typical problems occurred during production.
本文研究了丙烯酸树脂含量对以Al(H2PO4)3为基料的无铬无取向硅钢绝缘涂层各项性能的影响.用盐雾实验、动电位极化及交流阻抗等试验手段研究了不同树脂含量对硅钢绝缘涂层的耐盐雾性能和电化学行为的影响,同时采用SEM对涂层的表面形貌和附着性进行研究.结果表明,树脂含量为19.9~29.4%时,涂层的耐蚀性和附着性最好;树脂含量过多时,涂层的耐蚀性和附着性均较差. This paper studies the influence of acrylic resin on the performance of insulating coating of aluminum dihydrogen phosphate on chromium-free non-oriented silicon steel.Salt spray experiment,potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were used to study the influence of acrylic resin content on the salt spray resistance and electrochemical behavior of the insulation coating of nonoriented silicon steel.The surface morphologys and adhesion of coating were tested by SEM....
6.5%Si硅钢具有优异的磁学性能和广泛的应用前景。本文综述了6.5%Si硅钢的物理、机械及磁学特性,讨论了传统轧制、温轧、薄带连铸、快速凝固、CVD、粉末轧制等不同制备工艺的关键技术及特点,概括了6.5%Si硅钢在高效节能电机、汽车马达及磁屏蔽等领域中的主要应用,介绍了硅钢的制备技术取得的研究进展,并指出了其广阔的发展前景。 6.5% Si silicon steel has good magnetic properties and wide applications.In this paper physical and mechanical magnetic properties were summarized,and key technology and characteristic of several preparation methods,such as traditional rolling,warm rolling,thin strip continuous casting,rapid solidification,CVD and powder rolling,were discussed.Main applications of 6.5% Si steel in the fields of high-efficiency electrical motors,automobile motors,transformer cores and magnetic shielding were gene...
研究了硅钢铸坯再加热过程中夹杂物的析出行为。采用非水溶液电解提取+扫描电镜观察方法,观察了试样的显微组织,统计了夹杂物的尺寸、种类、数量、分布。结果表明,均热温度为1 523 K时,水淬试样的夹杂物尺寸绝大部分小于0.5μm,0.5~5.0μm的夹杂物数量很少,没有发现5.0μm以上的夹杂物。此外,均热时间为10、30、60、90、120、240 min时,对应试样中0.05~0.2μm的夹杂物数量分别为4.04×104、4.73×104、3.70×104、3.33×104、3.10×104、1.56×104个/mm3。绝大部分夹杂物以MnS、AlN、CuxS类为主,并以三类夹杂物中的两类复合或三类复合居多。三类复合夹杂物总量占每组试样夹杂物总量的90%或以上。随均热时间延长,典型的夹杂物组成会发生如下变化:MnS+AlN+CuxS MnS+AlN AlN。与此同时,MnS、AlN、CuxS三者复合比例从45.2%(均热10 min)降为9.7%(均热240 min)。 The methods of electrolysis extraction from nonaqueous solution and scanning electron microscope were adopted to study the precipitation behavior of non-metallic inclusions in Si steel slabs during reheating processes.The morphologies,chemical compositions,quantity and size distribution of non-metallic inclusions in these steel samples were analyzed.Results show that,when the soaking temperature is 1 523 K,almost all of the non-metallic inclusions are smaller than 0.5 μm,few are in the range of ...
在15 kg真空感应炉上,用CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-MgO渣系进行脱硫试验,探讨了脱硫渣系碱度、MI、Al2O3、CaF2对脱硫效果的影响。研究结果表明,随脱硫渣系碱度、MI、Al2O3和CaF2含量的增加,脱硫率都呈现先增加后减少的趋势。初始硫含量为0.009 33%~0.010 73%,加入脱硫渣系4 min时间内表观脱硫速率为(0.000 96~0.001 49)%/min,平均脱硫率为81.2%,最高达86.8%。当脱硫渣中w(CaO)=58.15%、w(SiO2)=4.85%、w(Al2O3)=25%、w(MgO)=6%、w(CaF2)=6%,脱硫效果最好,此时钢液中硫为0.001 33%。 Experiments on desulfurization of molten steel using CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-MgO based desulfurization slag was carried out in a 15 kg vacuum induction furnace. The effects of desulfurization slag basicity,MI, Al2O3and CaF2on desulfurization of molten steel were studied. The results show that with the increase of basicity,MI,Al2O3or CaF2in desulfurization slag,the desulfurization rate rises initially and then decreases. In addition,as the initial sulfur content is 0. 009 33% ~ 0. 010 73%,the apparent des...
研究二次冷轧压下率对于硅的质量分数为3.0%的无取向硅钢组织结构和磁性能的影响。结果表明:当第二次冷轧压下率从0变化至16.7%时,铁损逐渐增加,磁感逐渐降低。当第二次冷轧压下率大于16.7%时,随压下率的增加,铁损逐渐减小,磁感逐渐增加。当第二次冷轧压下率大于38%时,二次冷轧法所能获得的磁性能明显优于一次冷轧法。 Effect of double cold reduction on magnetic,microstructure and texture of 3.0% Si non-oriented silicon steel sheets was investigated.The results show that the iron loss increases and magnetic induction reduces as the percentage redcution in secondary cold rolling changes from 0 to 16.7%.The core loss can be reduced remarkably,and magnetic induction can get a little benefit if the percentage redcution in double cold reduction is higher 16.7%.In case of higher than 38% of the percentage redcution ...