采用磁控溅射方法,分别在纯Fe以及低硅钢基片上沉积富Si膜,并对其进行真空扩散热处理.通过能谱分析及X射线衍射研究了Si在纯Fe与低硅钢基体中的扩散特征,运用DICTRA软件建立了扩散模型.研究发现Si在纯Fe基体中扩散时发生γ-Fe(Si)→α-Fe(Si)相转变,扩散速率受控于相界面的迁移.当沿截面Si含量梯度不足以驱动相界面正向迁移时,延长扩散时间会发生相界面回迁现象,最终趋于单一相内均匀化扩散过程.Si在低硅钢基体中的扩散符合Fick扩散第二定律. Si-rich films were deposited on pure iron and low-Si steel substrates by direct current magnetron sputtering,and then were subjected to vacuum annealing.The distribution characteristics of Si across Fe and low-Si steel substrates were studied by energy spectrum analysis(EDS) and X-ray diffraction(XRD).DICTRA software was used to simulate the diffusion models.It is found that the diffusion behavior of Si in the Fe substrate is from γ-Fe(Si) phase to α-Fe(Si) phase and the rate of diffusion is con...
研究了CSP工艺生产≤0.005%C-1.1%Si的2.2mm无取向电工钢热轧板在800~1000℃常化对0.5mm冷轧板840℃退火后组织和磁性能的影响。结果表明,热轧板常化温度升高,冷轧板退火后的再结晶晶粒增大,铁损降低,磁感增加;热轧板常化温度超过900℃,因第二相固溶而后弥散析出,退火后冷轧晶粒细化,铁损增加,因此该无取向电工钢热轧板最佳常化温度为900℃。 The effect of normalizing at 800-1000℃ of CSP produced plate(≤0.005%C-1.1%Si) on the microstructure and magnetic properties of downstream cold-rolled non-oriented electrical steel annealed at 840℃ was studied.Results show that with increasing normalizing temperature of hot-rolled material the recrystallized grain size of annealed sheet increases,iron loss reduced and magnetic induction increases.As normalizing temperature excesses 900℃,grain is refined and iron loss increases after annealing due...
对w(Si)=3%无取向硅钢进行表面机械研磨处理(SMAT)和异步轧制(CSR),获得表面纳米结构,再进行550~650℃、4 h固体粉末渗硅处理,用透射电镜(TEM)、扫描电镜(SEM)和X射线衍射仪(XRD)研究表层组织演变。结果表明:经过SMAT后,w(Si)=3%无取向硅钢表面形成了等轴状、取向呈随机分布的、晶粒尺寸为10 nm的纳米晶组织;异步轧制后,表面纳米晶组织保持不变;550~650℃、4 h渗硅处理后,SMAT+CSR样品表面形成化合物层,其厚度随着温度的升高由17μm增加到52μm;化合物层由Fe3Si和FeSi相组成. Nanostructured surface layer was fabricated on a 3%(mass fraction) non-grain oriented silicon steel by means of surface mechanical attrition treatment(SMAT) and cross-shear rolling(CSR),and then a solid powder siliconizing treatment was carried out for the SMAT+CSR sample at 550~650 ℃ for 4 h.The microstructural evolution was examined by using transmission electron microscopy(TEM),scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and X-ray diffraction(XRD).Experimental results show that: equiaxed nanocrystallin...
从影响高牌号无取向硅钢退火工艺的主要参数入手,介绍高牌号无取向硅钢退火炉在加热、气氛控制、冷却、涂层烘烤方面的新技术,并展望无取向硅钢退火炉的发展方向。 Based on the technology parameters of high-grade non-oriented silicon steel annealing,the new technology of the annealing line,which includes heating,atmosphere control,cooling,coating baking,is introduced,and the development direction of non-oriented silicon steel annealing furnace is pointed out.
介绍了重庆钢铁股份有限公司炼钢厂生产低碳低硅钢的脱氧工艺,对连铸过程中水口结瘤的原因进行分析,并提出了优化措施。生产实践表明:钢水中的活性氧质量分数控制在10×10-6~30×10-6时,单中包浇铸炉数由6~7炉提高到11~12炉,同时能保证连铸顺行和减少铸坯气孔。 The deoxidation process of low-carbon and low-silicon steel in steel plant of Chongqing Steel was introduced.The nuzzle clogging was analyzed and some measures were put forward.Production experiments showed that when the active oxygen was controlled between 10×10-6~30×10-6,the amount of furnaces would rise from 6~7 to 11~12,which will make the casting process work well and reduce casting holes.
Fe-6.5%Si高硅钢铁芯与Epstein Square标准单片铁损检测结果对比及数据差异分析
作为一种具有优异高频铁磁性能的合金,Fe-6.5%Si(质量分数)高硅钢在高频工况条件下降损效果明显,对电气行业应用器件高频化、小型化、节能等具有十分重要的意义。通过与取向硅钢测量B-P数据对比,验证了高硅钢高频超低损特性,且轧制高硅钢与日本CVD法生产高硅钢存在基本相同的铁损值。采用国标Epstein Square法对0.30mm高硅钢薄板进行单片测试,并对由0.30mm高硅钢薄板首次装配成的电感器进行铁损测试,对比测试结果表明,元件测试与单片测试数据基本吻合,高磁感应强度条件下,元件测试结果略低于单片测试,分析原因为:线圈引起励磁压降;元件叠片间出现短路,电流增大,损耗增加;气隙板厚度过大。 As one core material with excellent high-frequency ferromagnetism,Fe-6.5%Si performs obviously reduction on core loss in high field frequency which means much to high frequency,minimization,energy conservation in electric industry.Super low loss was verified by drawing B-P curves based on detected experimental data,and which went equal to Fe-6.5%Si thin strip fabricated by CVD in Japan.Fe-6.5%Si was firstly fabricated as inductor in this research,and its core loss was determined for comparison w...
介绍在取向硅钢生产中抑制剂的作用以及多元抑制剂的机理和应用情况,分析多元抑制剂方案中各种元素对高磁感取向硅钢性能的影响,并根据生产实践提出了进一步研究的方向. The role of an inhibitor in the production of grain oriented silicon steel,and the mechanism of multiplex inhibitor in the production are described in the present article.In addition,the influence of various elements in the multiplex inhibitor on the performance of grain oriented silicon steel with high magnetic induction is elucidated.Further work needed in this research is also indicated.
用还原分离-原子荧光光谱法分析了硅钢中的痕量汞.分析方法的不确定度主要来自测量重复性,样品溶液浓度,工作曲线变动性,标准溶液,移取、配制标准溶液,仪器变动性等.文章分别对上述构成合成不确定度大小的分量进行了计算讨论. Trace mercury in silicon steel and galvanized sheet was analyzed by adopting reduced separation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry.The uncertainty of the analysis method mainly comes from measurement repeatability,sample concentration,working curve volatility,standard solution,pipetting and preparation of standard solution,and instrument variability,etc.The essay conducted all calculations and discussions on the above components that determine uncertainty.
介绍了双蓄热燃烧技术的特点和高温硅钢加热炉的特点,探讨了双蓄热燃烧技术在高温硅钢加热炉中使用的技术难点,分析了双蓄热燃烧技术在高温硅钢加热炉上使用的可能性。 Introduced characteristics of double regenerative combustion technology and high temperature silicon steel reheating furnace,discussed technical difficulties for using double regenerative combustion technology,analyzed the possibility of double regenerative combustion technology applied to high temperature silicon steel reheating furnace.
硅钢高温退火环形炉炉壳制作与安装精度要求较高,施工时通过对壳体原材料矫正、炉壳板拼焊、下料切割、型钢骨架组装及焊接、骨架及炉壳板矫正、骨架与炉壳板组装及焊接、炉壳矫正、零配件装置、定位钻孔、报验检查、出厂、内侧板安装、外侧板安装、顶板安装等环节的工艺技术控制,能保质高效地完成硅钢高温退火环形炉炉壳制作与安装,为以后同类工程的施工提供可借鉴经验。 The required precision of manufacture and installation technique of the silicon steel high temperature annealing annular-furnace shell is high.During construction , manufacture and installation of the silicon steel high temperature annealing annular-furnace shell could be finished high efficiently through correcting the raw materials of shell , furnace shell plate welding , material cutting , steel frame assembly and welding , skeleton and shell plate correction , skeleton and furnace shell asse...
采用Nb对Fe-6.5%Si(质量分数)高硅钢进行微合金化处理,结果表明:Nb在高硅钢薄板制备过程中细晶效果明显.铸态、锻态和热轧态组织的晶粒分别细化了17.50%,24.51%和30.13%.铸态样品压缩强度由1365 MPa提高至1520 MPa,延伸率提高77.78%;温轧板试样室温拉伸强度由573 MPa提高至621 MPa,延伸率提高44.44%.利用XRD对厚度为0.30—1.68 mm的温轧板的板面织构演变过程进行跟踪测量,结果发现:初始织构以(011)〈100〉Goss织构为主,单道次变形量为26.2%的情况下,Goss织构完全转化为(100)〈011〉旋转立方织构,随后,在单道次变形为22.6%的情况下,旋转立方织构完全转化为{111}面织构,即纤维织构,并稳定保持至0.30 mm. Fe-6.5%Si(mass fraction) alloy possess perfect magnetic properties,though intermetallics of Fe14Si2 phase brought 6.5%Si leads to room temperature brittleness and hinder this significant materials industrialization.Nb was adopted into micro-alloying of Fe-6.5%Si high silicon steel. OM,thermal simulated test machine and XRD were employed to study the influence of Nb on high silicon steel in processing stages.Textures of warm-rolled high silicon steel strips were determined b...