综述了电工钢从生产到成品过程中涉及到的检测项目、检测方法及仪器,并通过对电工钢标准的发展改进,详细阐述了我国现有的电工钢技术标准体系,同时对代表企业的电工钢重点指标进行了摘录对比,为综合应用电工钢检测方法并促进电工钢的发展提供了一定的参考。 This article summarizes the testing items,methods,and instruments involved in the process from manufacturing to finished products of electric steel. The current electric steel technical standards system in our country is also elaborated in detail,along with the development and improvement of electric steel standards. Meanwhile,by comparison of electric steel KPI in representitive companies,this article provides references for comprehensive application of electric steels testing methods and promo...
利用DSC、XRD,结合热焓分析对硅钢级氧化镁和二氧化硅的固相反应行为进行了研究。比较了不同二氧化硅原料及混合方法对硅钢级氧化镁反应性的影响,找到了一种更为有效的硅钢级氧化镁反应性的评估方法,克服了传统柠檬酸活性法在比较不同厂家生产的氧化镁的反应性上的局限性。进一步研究了Na2B4O7添加剂、TiO2添加剂对氧化镁和二氧化硅反应行为的影响,结果表明,Na2B4O7添加剂含量的增加对反应有利,而TiO2添加剂对反应有阻碍作用。 The solid-state reaction behavior between silicon-steel grade MgO and SiO2 was investigated by DSC and XRD combined with enthalpimetric analysis.The influence of different kinds of SiO2 and different preparation methods were studied and a specifical measurement that is more reliable was proposed to evaluate reactivity of silicon steel grade MgO.It overcomes the limitation of the traditional citric acid activity(CAA) method,which can not be used to evaluate the reactivity of...
通过对3%Si CGO硅钢进行恒变形速率、不同变形温度下的单道次压缩实验,结合Thermal-Calc软件,金相分析,SEM及EBSD技术,研究了取向硅钢热变形过程中组织和微观织构的变化规律。结果表明:实验钢是在双相区变形,变形后组织主要是铁素体和少量的珠光体。随变形温度的升高,晶粒由长条状变为等轴状,尺寸逐渐变大;CGO硅钢在热变形过程中立方{100}<001>取向是较为稳定存在的。随着变形温度的提高,{111}<110>等取向逐渐转向{110}<1 10>取向,且{110}<1 10>取向逐渐变得锋锐。 3% Si CGO silicon steel was studied at constant strain rate and different deformation temperatures by single-pass compression deformation experiments to reveal the evolution of microstructure and texture during thermal deformation in oriented silicon steel,and the Thermal-Calc software,metallurgical,SEM and EBSD technique was used in the experiment. The results show that experimental steel is deformed at the temperatures of two-phase zone. The microstructure of the deformed steel consists of fer...
采用磁控溅射方法,分别在纯Fe以及低硅钢基片上沉积富Si膜,并对其进行真空扩散热处理.通过能谱分析及X射线衍射研究了Si在纯Fe与低硅钢基体中的扩散特征,运用DICTRA软件建立了扩散模型.研究发现Si在纯Fe基体中扩散时发生γ-Fe(Si)→α-Fe(Si)相转变,扩散速率受控于相界面的迁移.当沿截面Si含量梯度不足以驱动相界面正向迁移时,延长扩散时间会发生相界面回迁现象,最终趋于单一相内均匀化扩散过程.Si在低硅钢基体中的扩散符合Fick扩散第二定律. Si-rich films were deposited on pure iron and low-Si steel substrates by direct current magnetron sputtering,and then were subjected to vacuum annealing.The distribution characteristics of Si across Fe and low-Si steel substrates were studied by energy spectrum analysis(EDS) and X-ray diffraction(XRD).DICTRA software was used to simulate the diffusion models.It is found that the diffusion behavior of Si in the Fe substrate is from γ-Fe(Si) phase to α-Fe(Si) phase and the rate of diffusion is con...
采用双辊薄带连铸工艺试制了2.6 mm厚5.28%Si-1.11%Al高硅钢薄带,对比了1050℃×5 min正火及不正火铸带280℃冷轧至0.5 mm后,再经900~1100℃退火的磁性能。结果表明,高硅钢铸带显微组织为等轴晶组织,正火后铸带边部晶粒长大,中心层晶粒变化较小。成品中析出物主要为较粗大的AlN和AlN+MnS复合析出物,尺寸为0.5~2.5μm。与不正火试样相比,正火试样成品铁损大幅降低,磁感小幅下降;随退火温度的升高,两种工艺下铁损和磁感都是先降低后升高,在1050℃出现最低值。 2.6 mm thickness 5.28% Si-1.11% Al non-oriented high silicon steel was produced by twin roll thin strip casting.Magnetic property of the strip un-normalized and normalized at 1050 ℃×5 min was contrasted after cold rolled to 0.5 mm at 280 ℃ and 900-1100 ℃ final annealing.The results show that microstructure of the strip is equiaxed crystal.The surface grain is coarsened and the center layer grain has little change of the normalized strip.The main precipitates are AlN and MnS+AlN with 0.5-2.5 μm s...
采用经验设计法初步确定了取向硅钢铸坯感应加热线圈设计参数,应用Ansoft仿真软件分别对36组不同线圈高度、线圈内径的感应加热炉在不同频率下的三维整体磁场和铸坯的温度场进行了数值仿真。通过对比仿真结果,确定电磁场分布最佳的一组感应加热炉设计参数为线圈高度h=1.50 m、线圈内径D1=0.575 m、电流频率f=110 Hz。在该参数下应用Ansoft仿真软件对取向硅钢铸坯感应加热炉的温度场进行了仿真,结果发现温度场分布均匀,可满足取向硅钢铸坯加热要求。 The induction heating coil design parameters for the oriented silicon steel casting blank were determined preliminary by experience design method,and 36 groups three-dimensional electromagnetic field with different height and inside diameter of coil under different frequencies of the induction heating furnace and the temperature field of the casting blank were investigated by numerical simulation using Ansoft simulation software. By comparing the simulation results of electromagnetic field distr...
利用EBSD技术研究了电工钢中长轴平行于轧向的柱状晶样品在热轧和退火过程中组织和取向的演变规律,并与长轴平行于板法向的样品的已有研究结果进行对比。结果表明,无论柱状晶按何种方向排列,只要表面存在剪切力,热轧后都可形成剪切织构,同时中心形成轧制织构,主要包括旋转立方织构和{112}<1-10>。柱状晶造成的影响主要体现在板中心层,长轴平行于轧向排列的样品热轧时形成的粗大旋转立方晶粒要到脱碳退火后才能完全消除,但破坏了正常的不同取向晶粒间的取向差分布及尺寸均匀性,导致二次再结晶不完全及磁性能降低。 The evolution of microstructure and grain orientation in an electrical steel containing columnar grains with its long axis being parallel to the rolling direction of sheet was studied during hot rolling and annealing by EBSD technique.The results are compared with those of samples containing columnar grains being parallel to normal direction of sheet reported in the reference [3].It was shown that,whether the long axis of columnar grains was arranged in RD or ND,shear textures can be formed in t...
采用硅钢自动测量装置及X射线衍射仪检测出样品在实验前后的磁性能参数和织构强度.结果表明:较低的电压、9 Hz、较长的处理时间以及退火温度为650℃有利于增高铁损降低比例;较低的电压、较高的频率以及退火温度为650℃有利于增加磁感应强度增高比例.最佳的提高磁性能的实验参数是:频率为9 Hz,电压为500 V,处理时间为6 min,退火温度为650℃.通过织构分析可以验证:取向硅钢磁感应强度的变化取决于{110}<001>晶粒取向度值,而{110}<001>取向度值可看成是一个反映总体平均偏离角大小情况的综合值. An automatic measurement system for silicon steel and an X-ray diffraction meter were used for measuring the magnetic property parameters and texture of ex-processed samples and processed samples.It is shown that under the condition of a lower voltage,9Hz,a longer processed time and an annealing temperature of 650℃,the decrease rate of iron loss can be increased;a lower voltage,a higher frequency and an annealing temperature of 650℃ are in favor of improving the increase rate of magnetic inducti...