针对节能电机对无取向电工钢在磁性能方面的特殊要求,采用普通W600牌号的热轧板为原料,通过大量的现场工艺试验,研究总结出了\"超低张力\"的运行工艺、\"先快后慢\"的加热工艺、\"先湿后干\"的退火脱碳工艺、\"先缓后急\"的冷却工艺,生产出P1.5/50≤4.0 W/kg、B50≥1.70 T的冷轧电工钢产品,满足了节能电机的要求。 Based on the special requirements of no-oriented electrical steel for saving energy motor in magnetic aspects,using common W600 brand of hot rolled plate as raw material,through a large number of real tests,an ultra-low tension process,heating process which was quick at first and then slow,annealing decarburization process which was dry after the first wet,and a cooling technology of \"slow after the first urgent\" were concluded.Electrical steel product with P1.5/50≤4.0W/kg,B50≥1.70T was produced...
以试验室模拟CSP工艺生产的Fe-3Si热轧钢带为研究对象,采用正交试验及方差分析的方法,研究了取向硅钢初次再结晶退火工艺对高温退火后获得锋锐的高斯织构的影响。结果表明:取向硅钢两段式初次再结晶脱碳退火工艺参数加热段保温时间及加热温度是高温退火后获得锋锐高斯织构的主要影响因素,其可信度分别在90%和85%以上;在本试验条件下,通过正交试验获得的最佳退火工艺为:冷硬板经600℃保温3 min和850℃保温6 min。 Fe-3Si hot rolled strip was produced by simulating CSP technology in the laboratory.Orthogonal experiment and analysis of variance were carried out to investigate the influence of primary recrystallization on the sharp Goss texture of the oriented silicon steel.The results show that holding time of the heating section and the heating temperature for a sharp Goss texture of the samples annealed has important implications in this experiment conditions,the two-step decarburization annealing process...
本文研究了丙烯酸树脂含量对以Al(H2PO4)3为基料的无铬无取向硅钢绝缘涂层各项性能的影响.用盐雾实验、动电位极化及交流阻抗等试验手段研究了不同树脂含量对硅钢绝缘涂层的耐盐雾性能和电化学行为的影响,同时采用SEM对涂层的表面形貌和附着性进行研究.结果表明,树脂含量为19.9~29.4%时,涂层的耐蚀性和附着性最好;树脂含量过多时,涂层的耐蚀性和附着性均较差. This paper studies the influence of acrylic resin on the performance of insulating coating of aluminum dihydrogen phosphate on chromium-free non-oriented silicon steel.Salt spray experiment,potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy were used to study the influence of acrylic resin content on the salt spray resistance and electrochemical behavior of the insulation coating of nonoriented silicon steel.The surface morphologys and adhesion of coating were tested by SEM....
稀土元素在许多钢中发挥着独特而且不可替代的重要作用。半个世纪以来,它的作用已经在各种低合金和特殊合金钢中的研究及应用中得到充分的证明;然而,作为具有稀土资源优势的中国,在属于重要功能材料的无取向电工钢中稀土的应用却落后于国外,本文就中国稀土在无取向电工钢中的应用研究作简要的评述,希望能够进一步推进此领域的研究,并且促进中国稀土在无取向电工钢中应用技术的发展,缩短与国外差距,并提出了在此应用领域今后需深入开展的研究方向。 Rare earth elements play a unique and irreplaceable role in a lot of steels,it has given the full proof by the practice of various low alloy steels and special alloy steels since half century.However,as our country has the advantage of rare earth resources,RE application technology in non-oriented electrical steels has lagged behind abroad.The application researches of rare earth in non-oriented electrical steel in our country are briefly reviewed in this paper,which hope to promote the research...
阐述了国内外高磁感取向硅钢的生产研究水平与发展趋势,包括通过提高高斯晶粒取向度、细化磁畴、涂覆张力涂层、减薄钢片厚度进一步降低铁损以及低温加热技术和短流程技术新工艺。分析高磁感取向硅钢在我国大型电力变压器上的应用情况,结果表明,发展更薄规格高磁感、低铁损、低磁致伸缩取向硅钢可为大型变压器的安全性、节能性及环保性提供有效保障。 The research progress and development trend of high magnetic induction grain-oriented silicon steel at home and abroad are summarized,including the technology of improving the Goss alignment,refining domain wall,adding stress coating,decreasing thickness of sheet,and the new technique of reducing heating temperature of casting slab and shortening operational.Moreover,the application of high magnetic induction grain-oriented silicon in power transformer is presented.Developing grain-oriented sili...
运用EBSD和光学显微镜,研究了0.25%~0.45%Cu对无取向电工钢热轧板显微组织,成品板显微组织、织构和磁性能的影响。实验结果表明:卷取过程中Cu元素在热轧板表层的偏聚作用显著阻碍了热轧板表层再结晶晶粒长大,导致热轧板表层晶粒尺寸随着Cu含量增加而逐渐较小,但热轧板中间晶粒尺寸变化不大。同时发现Cu元素能够明显改善织构类型,使有利织构组分增加,不利织构组分减少,同时减弱织构强度。从实验结果可知0.35%Cu能够显著改善电工钢的磁性能,铁损P15/50最低达到4.1 W/kg,磁感B50最高值达到1.8 T。 Effects of high content Cu on microstructure of hot rolled plates and microstructure,texture and magnetic properties of annealed finish product plates of non-oriented electrical steel were examined by means of EBSD technique and optical microscope. The results show that surface segregation of Cu significantly hindered recrystallized grain growth of surface layer in hot rolled plate during the coiling,as a result,the surface grain sizes of the hot-rohed plates decrease with the increase of Cu con...
采用RH精炼添加钙合金方式对硅钢进行钙处理。结果表明,钙合金添加量为0.67、1.00、1.67kg/t钢时,钢中钙含量分别为0、2×10-6、4×10-6;随着钙合金添加量增大,钢中夹杂物粒度逐渐由0~2μm向2~4、4~6μm偏移;不同钙处理条件下,钢中均存在粒径小于1μm和粒径为1~5μm的MnS、CuxS夹杂物,后者或单独存在,或同AlN、CaS夹杂复合;粒径为5~10μm区间,钢中的夹杂物基本以钙的氧、硫化物为主。与钙处理前相比,钙合金添加量为0.67、1.00、1.67kg/t钢时,粒径小于1.0μm的微细夹杂物减少幅度分别为68.06%、87.50%、94.94%。钙合金添加量为1.67kg/t钢时,可以去除钢中绝大部分的微细夹杂物。 Ca alloy was added into the liquid steel during RH refining,and the results show that Ca concentration in final Si steel sheets is insignificant,about 0,2×10-6 and 4×10-6 when the added amount of Ca is 0.67,1.00 and 1.67 kg/t steel,respectively.With the increase in the added Ca alloy amount,the inclusions in the steel gradually change from those of 0~2 μm to those of 2~4 and 4~6 μm.Under different Ca treatments,there exist MnS and CuxS inclusions whose size is below 1 μm as well as MnS and CuxS ...
利用光学显微镜、TEM和EBSD研究了退火温度对双辊连铸无取向硅钢再结晶组织的影响。结果表明,900℃退火后组织分布不均匀,有大量带状组织,平均晶粒尺寸29.5μm。提高退火温度,晶粒尺寸增大,组织均匀化程度增加,1050℃退火时,带状组织基本消失,平均晶粒尺寸42.2μm。 Effect of annealing temperature on recrystallization microstructure of non-oriented electrical steel produced by twin-roll casting process was investigated using OM,TEM and EBSD.The results show that the recrystallization microstructure is uneven because of many banded grains existing,average grain size is 29.5 μm.With annealing temperature increasing,the recrystallization grain size increases,microstructure becomes more homogeneous.When 1050 ℃ annealing,the banded structure almost disappear and...
{100}织构因具有两个易磁化方向能够明显的提高磁性能,因此如何在表面获得具有{100}织构一直是无取向电工钢研究焦点。本文主要介绍了获得{100}织构的主要工艺方法及其基本原理,并结合实际生产过程对各工艺方法的优缺点进行了分析;一方面,优化无取向电工钢的成分,降低碳、锰元素含量以避免脱碳退火和真空退火,简化生产工艺;另一方面,调节升温速度、降温速度和退火气氛,使{100}晶面的表面能或弹性应变能最低,制备具有{100}织构柱状晶组织的无取向电工钢是今后的发展方向。 Because { 100} texture has two easy magnetization directions,which can significantly improve magnetization properfies,how to develop { 100} texture is a focus for researchers and manufactures. In the paper,main manufacturing processes and basic principle are introdued,and their advantages and disadvantages in practical production are analyzed. On the one hand,the production process can be simplified by optimizing chemical compositions,such as reducing the content of C and Mn,which can avoid deca...