对3层高硅电工钢复合板铸坯进行热轧及温轧变形加工后,采用正火、退火两种热处理方式处理,并观察轧制过程中产生的裂纹,研究不同状态下复合板的磁性能。对不同状态下的试样进行扩散退火处理,研究复合板中裂纹变化及其对磁性能的影响。结果表明:不同热处理工艺下合金内部的裂纹尺寸差异明显,裂纹尺寸对复合板的磁性能影响显著,相对于深裂纹,其他因素的影响较小;温轧变形加工后,复合板内层出现有序组织,但该有序组织在合金存在深裂纹的前提下并不能从本质上提高合金的磁性能;扩散退火工艺可以消除复合板内部的浅裂纹及微裂纹,但不能消除尺寸较大的裂纹,故而不能显著提高存在深裂纹的复合板的磁性能。 After hot rolling and warm rolling deformation processing of casting billet for three-layer high silicon electrical steel composite plate, it was normalized and annealed for heat treatment. Then, the cracks produced during the rolling process were observed, and the magnetic properties of composite plate in different states were also investigated. Furthermore, the samples in different states were subjected to diffusion annealing treatment, and the changes of crack in composite plate and their eff...
根据现场实际的生产控制情况,指出了热轧原料断面轮廓缺陷以一定的比列遗传给了冷轧带钢,分析了不同热轧原料断面轮廓对冷轧电工钢尺寸精度的具体影响,提出了相应的规律。并阐明了严格控制热轧原料断面轮廓形貌,对保证冷轧电工钢尺寸精度具有重大意义,对于中国现行的冷轧电工钢生产具有指导意义。 Based on the actual situation of production control,it was pointed out that the section profile defects of hot-rolled raw materials were geneticed to the cold-rolled strip.The specific impact analysis for the profile of different hot-rolled raw materials to the dimensional accuracy of cold-rolled silicon steel was analyzed.As a result, the corresponding orderliness are given;And the strict control to section profile of the hot-rolled material is of great significance to ensure the dimensional ac...
综述了退火温度、时间对无取向电工钢磁性的影响。退火温度主要影响无取向电工钢不同织构的占有率,退火时间主要影响晶粒尺寸的大小,晶粒尺寸的变化对织构的形成也有一定的影响。磁感最高点出现在纤维组织完全消失,(111)面织构组分较弱的组织状态。铁损的降低主要依赖于磁滞损耗的降低,织构的影响不大。 The effects of annealing temperature and time on the non-oriented electrical steel magnetic properties were reviewed.Annealing temperature and time mainly affects the different textures share and the grain sizes of non-oriented electrical steel respectively.Changes of the grain sizes also have a certain effect on textures formation.The highest point of the magnetic induction value in the fibrous tissue completely disappears and{111} plane texture has a lower state of the component content.Iron l...
试验研究了0.3 mm取向硅钢冷轧板(/%:0.046C,3.07Si,0.09Mn,0.029P,0.004S,0.005A1)的退火温度(760~880℃7 min)和退火时间(820℃3~9 min)对该钢的晶粒尺寸,再结晶和织构的影响。结果表明,最佳初次再结晶退火工艺为820℃5 min,该钢的平均晶粒尺寸为14.20μm,完全再结晶率为92%,不利{111}<110>结构含量为3.16%,有利织构{111}<112>,{012}<001>和高斯织构含量分别0.40%,4.73%和2.46%。 The effect of annealing temperature(at 760 ~ 880 X.for 7 min) and time(at 820℃ for 3~9 min) on grain size,recrystallization rate and texture of 0.3 mm cold-rolled sheet of oriented silicon steel(/%:0.046C,3.07Si,0.09Mn,0.029P,0.004S,0.005Al) has been tested and studied.Results show that with optimum recrystallized annealing at 820℃ for 5 min,the silicon steel average grain size is 14.20 fun,the complete recrystaUization rate is 92%,the unfavourable-texture {111}< 110 > content in steel is ...
通过制备磷酸二氢铝硅钢涂层,研究了氧化锌对无铬涂层耐盐雾性能、电化学性能和附着性的影响。结果表明,硅钢表面涂层含有4.0%的氧化锌时,涂层具有最高的耐腐蚀性能和电化学性能,而且其致密表面最为平整,没有裂纹出现。 The effects of ZnO on the salt spray resistance property, electrochemical performance and adhesiveness of silicon steel insulating coating were studied. The results show that the best corrosion resistance and electrochemical properties can be obtained when the coating contains 4.0% oxide zinc, and the dense surface is smooth without cracks.
试验的铸态取向硅钢(/%:0.0440.056C,3.123.32Si,0.080.11Mn,0.0020.008S,0.002 90.029 1Als,0.006 20.010 9N)由30 kg高频真空感应炉熔炼。通过场发射扫描电子显微镜/能谱仪(FE-SEM/EDS)研究结果表明,0.002 9%Als钢中氧化物主要为SiO2,存在片状、棒状及近似球状的独立MnS,未发现含铝的氧化物或氮化物;0.0090%Als钢中出现以Al2O3为主的复合氧化夹杂物,存在MnS与AlN的复合析出物。钢中Als增加,复合析出物多呈簇状发展。氧化物容易成为MnS-AlN复合析出的核心,钢中Als含量越低,夹杂物中的MnS含量越高;作为核心的氧化物夹杂的尺寸越小,形成的复合夹杂物的形状越规则,尺寸也越小。热力学计算结果表明,钢中Als含量主要影响了钢中氧化物夹杂的组成和AlN的析出温度及析出量。 Test as-cast grain-oriented silicon steel(/%:0.044 0.056C,3.12 3.32Si,0.08 0.11Mn,0.0020.008S,0.002 90.029 1 Als,0.006 20.010 9N) is melted by a 30 kg high frequency vacuum induction furnace.The research results by using field emission-scanning electron microscope/energy dispersive spectrometer(FE-SEM/EDS) show that in 0.002 9%Als steel the main oxide is SiO2,and there is independent laminable,rod-like and approximate ...
将Fe-1.5Si硅钢试样分别在1 000~1 200℃空气条件下氧化30 min,观察发现在1 000℃和1 100℃时,氧化层与基体界面处存在硅酸亚铁,而当温度为1 200℃时,硅酸亚铁不但存在于界面处,同时也存在于氧化层中.将各温度下得到的带有氧化层的试样进行单道次热轧试验,压下率分别为10%和30%,发现1 000℃和1 100℃时,较高的压下率使氧化层破碎更加严重,但是单道次热轧未能改变氧化层的结构;当温度为1 200℃时,由于液态的硅酸亚铁的出现,单道次热轧能够将界面处的液化的硅酸亚铁层挤压到氧化层中,消除了硅酸亚铁层的钉扎基体的效应,改善了氧化层与基体界面的平直度. Specimens of Fe-1.5Si silicon steel were oxidized at 1 000 ~ 1 200 ℃ in air for 30 min.At 1 000 ℃ and 1 100 ℃ fayalite was observed at the scale/substrate interface.While at 1 200 ℃fayalite was found both at the scale/substrate interface and at the outer oxide layer.Then after the single-pass hot rolling process,with the compression ratio of 10% and 30%,it was found that at 1000 ℃ and 1 100 ℃,higher compression rate accelerated the broken of the scale layers,but the scale structure was not affec...
热轧轧制工艺对产品性能和轧制稳定性影响很大,对中低牌号无取向电工钢,当在两相区轧制时,热轧塑性明显降低,板形变坏,易出现边裂等情况。以50W1000为例,通过对其变形抗力进行研究,得出把两相区控制在F4与F5之间为最佳轧制工艺的结论。在此基础上制定了一套较为合理的热轧工艺制度。采用新的轧制工艺后,50W1000热轧精轧的稳定性明显改善,热轧产品合格率由开发初期的40%左右提高到95%以上。 The hot rolling process has great influence on product′s performance and rolling stability.For the low medium grade non-oriented electrical steel,when non-oriented electrical steel is rolled in tow phase region,the hot rolling plasticity reduces obviously,the shape of strip goes bad and easily to crack at the edge.The deformation resistance of 50W1000 steel was investigated.The results show that the optimal rolling process is to control the two phase region between F4 and F5.Based on the results...
采用Nb对Fe-6.5%Si(质量分数)高硅钢进行微合金化处理,结果表明:Nb在高硅钢薄板制备过程中细晶效果明显.铸态、锻态和热轧态组织的晶粒分别细化了17.50%,24.51%和30.13%.铸态样品压缩强度由1365 MPa提高至1520 MPa,延伸率提高77.78%;温轧板试样室温拉伸强度由573 MPa提高至621 MPa,延伸率提高44.44%.利用XRD对厚度为0.30—1.68 mm的温轧板的板面织构演变过程进行跟踪测量,结果发现:初始织构以(011)〈100〉Goss织构为主,单道次变形量为26.2%的情况下,Goss织构完全转化为(100)〈011〉旋转立方织构,随后,在单道次变形为22.6%的情况下,旋转立方织构完全转化为{111}面织构,即纤维织构,并稳定保持至0.30 mm. Fe-6.5%Si(mass fraction) alloy possess perfect magnetic properties,though intermetallics of Fe14Si2 phase brought 6.5%Si leads to room temperature brittleness and hinder this significant materials industrialization.Nb was adopted into micro-alloying of Fe-6.5%Si high silicon steel. OM,thermal simulated test machine and XRD were employed to study the influence of Nb on high silicon steel in processing stages.Textures of warm-rolled high silicon steel strips were determined b...