通过Axio Imager金相显微镜考察4.5%~7.0%硅(质量分数)对高硅钢材料组织形貌的影响,并利用Fe-6.5%Si高硅钢薄板制备方法对其进行轧制,通过DDL50电子万能试验机对阶段产品进行力学性能测试。结果证明,硅含量为5.58%的高硅钢在实验硅含量区间内存在最大延伸率及最小铸态组织晶粒尺寸。 An investigation about the influence of 4.5%-7.0% Si on microstructure and mechanical properties of high-silicon steel was presented.SEM was adopted to take an observation towards microstructure during fabrication,and DDL50electronic universal testing machine was applied into the detection of tensile curves.The results show that silicon steel with 5.58% Si provides the maximum elongation and minimum grain size as cast.
针对攀枝花钢钒有限公司难以稳定生产w(S)≤0.006%高级别电工钢的问题,通过开发RH脱硫剂、钢包渣改性及工艺参数控制,形成了RH脱硫系统工艺技术。经工业试验表明,采用该工艺技术后,钢水脱硫率最高达到42%,成品w(S)控制在0.005%以下,全氧、氮含量也得到了较好的控制,且脱硫剂没有引起钢水增碳,满足高级别电工钢的生产要求。 In light of the difficulty of production of high level electrical steel w(S)≤0.006 % steadily in Panzhihua steel & vanadium Co.,Ltd.the process technology of RH desulfurization system has been formed by developing the RH desulfurizer,modifying the ladle slag and controlling the process parameters.Industrial experiments show that the desulfurization rate of hot metal rises to 42 % and the w(S) of the finished products is controlled in below 0.005 % and total oxygen and nitrogen contents are a...
采用双辊薄带连铸工艺试制了2.6 mm厚5.28%Si-1.11%Al高硅钢薄带,对比了1050℃×5 min正火及不正火铸带280℃冷轧至0.5 mm后,再经900~1100℃退火的磁性能。结果表明,高硅钢铸带显微组织为等轴晶组织,正火后铸带边部晶粒长大,中心层晶粒变化较小。成品中析出物主要为较粗大的AlN和AlN+MnS复合析出物,尺寸为0.5~2.5μm。与不正火试样相比,正火试样成品铁损大幅降低,磁感小幅下降;随退火温度的升高,两种工艺下铁损和磁感都是先降低后升高,在1050℃出现最低值。 2.6 mm thickness 5.28% Si-1.11% Al non-oriented high silicon steel was produced by twin roll thin strip casting.Magnetic property of the strip un-normalized and normalized at 1050 ℃×5 min was contrasted after cold rolled to 0.5 mm at 280 ℃ and 900-1100 ℃ final annealing.The results show that microstructure of the strip is equiaxed crystal.The surface grain is coarsened and the center layer grain has little change of the normalized strip.The main precipitates are AlN and MnS+AlN with 0.5-2.5 μm s...
为了更好的解决电力系统防污闪涂料RTV-Ⅰ长期应用暴露出来的问题以及目前RTV-Ⅱ防污闪涂料存在的一些不足,结合具体实际需求,在电力系统外绝缘领域,应用新型防污闪硬质涂层——防污闪纳米硅钢涂层,并对分别喷涂了防污闪纳米硅钢涂层以及RTV涂料的绝缘子进行对比运行情况研究分析。研究结果表明,防污闪纳米硅钢涂层是一种同时具有优异憎水性迁移性能和自洁性能的新型涂层,具有良好的应用前景。 In order to solve the problem exposed of anti-pollution flashover coating RTV-Ⅰwhich has been used long-term in power system,as well as to better solve some shortcomings of the current anti-pollution flashover coating RTV-Ⅱ,in this paper,a new anti-pollution flashover hard coating — anti-pollution flashover nanometer silicon hard coating(NSHC) is applied in the field of power system insulation for the specific practical needs.At the same time insulators which are separately sprayed by the NSHC a...
为开发高效电机用冷轧无取向电工钢,借助实验室薄板坯连铸连轧模拟设备及扫描电镜、透射电镜等检验手段研究了成分、组织、织构和析出物等对无取向电工钢磁性能的影响规律;结果表明:常化处理使组织均匀化并增加有利于磁性提高的织构组分;采用CSP流程开发的高效电机用无取向电工钢铁损平均值3.4 0 W/kg,磁感≥1.68 T。 In order to develop electrical steel for high efficiency motor,effect of components,microstructure,texture and precipitation on magnetic property of electrical steel are analyzed.From the result,normalizing treatment makes microstructure uniform and increases component of favorable texture.Iron loss of electrical steel developed by CSP line is 3.40W/kg and magnetic induction is more than 1.68T.
提出一种基于粒子群优化算法实现的硅钢涂层厚度近红外光谱检测新方法。首先,采用近红外光谱仪采集获得了硅钢表面绝缘涂层的近红外光谱,然后,采用离散粒子群算法筛选出近红外光谱数据的最佳波长变量并组成新的光谱数据,最后,建立涂层厚度的核偏最小二乘定量分析模型。实验显示,所建定量分析模型对检验样本分析的绝对误差范围为-0.12~0.19μm,最大相对误差为14.31%,完全符合现场检验需要。研究表明,离散粒子群算法可以有效地筛选出携带更多有用信息的波长变量,提高定量分析模型的分析准确度和速度,是一种有效的近红外光谱波长筛选方法,同时,近红外光谱法也是一种有效的硅钢绝缘涂层厚度检测方法。 A novel thickness measurement NIR spectrometry for surface insulation coating of silicon steel based on discrete binary particle swarm optimization(DBPSO) algorithm is presented.First,we used NIR spectrometer to collect the NIR spectra of insulation coating of silicon steel,and then,DBPSO algorithm was used to select the optimal wavelength variates and composed a new spectra set.Last,the authors created the thickness quantitative analysis model using kernel partial least square algorithm.The exp...
通过热力学计算及实验室研究,对钙处理前后50W600无取向硅钢退火冷轧板中夹杂物的类型、数量及尺寸进行了系统分析。结果表明,50W600无取向硅钢经钙处理后(w(Ca)=0.002 6%),钙在1 600℃的钢液中主要以固态的CaO·2Al2O3、CaO·6Al2O3及溶解钙的形式存在。在钢液的凝固过程中,钢中的溶解钙和硫反应生成了CaS和CaS-MnS复合夹杂,有效抑制了MnS的弥散析出,减少了钢中微细夹杂物的数量。同时钙处理促进了钢中微细夹杂物的聚合长大,导致显微夹杂物的数量增加。 Based on thermodynamic calculation and laboratory experiment,the type,quantity and size of inclusions in annealed cold-rolled steel sheets of 50W600 non-oriented silicon steel before and after calcium treatment were systematically studied.Results showed that after calcium treatment(w(Ca) = 0.002 6%),calcium was mainly in the form of CaO·2Al2O3,CaO·6Al2O3 and dissolved calcium in steel at 1 600 ℃.Dissolved calcium could combine with sulfur to form CaS inclusions and compound CaS-MnS inclusions du...
以CaO-CaF2复合渣系为脱硫剂,在RH精炼过程采用真空投入法进行高牌号无取向电工钢深脱硫工业试验,采用KTH模型计算分析了RH炉渣成分对硫容量CS的影响。研究结果表明,炉渣成分控制在w((CaO))/w((SiO2))为5~7,w((CaO))/w((Al2O3))为1.5~1.8,w((Al2O3))为25%~30%,w((FeO+MnO))<5%,脱硫剂加入量为6~8kg/t时,钢中硫质量分数从平均0.003 1%降低到0.001 8%,最高脱硫率达到47.1%,平均脱硫率为41.7%。 The industrial trials on deep desulphurization of high grade non-oriented electrical steel were finished through using CaO-CaF2complex based fluxes in RH process.Using the KTH model,the effect of refining slag composition on the sulfide capacities was analyzed.The results show that the chemical composition of refining slag(mass fraction,%)is w((CaO/SiO2))between 5to 7,w((CaO))/w((Al2O3))beween 1.5to 1.8,w((Al2O3)) between 25%to 30%,w((FeO+MnO))less than 5%,and the desulphurizer addition level of...
研究了退火温度和退火时间对电沉积硅钢试样中的断面层组织、硅在试样中的分布情况、织构分布和磁性能的影响。结果表明:退火温度为1000℃、退火时间为210 min时得到的试样晶粒分布均匀、硅在试样中分布均匀、硅平均浓度为6.3715%(接近6.5%)。试样的织构分析及磁性能检测的结果表明,在较高温度下延长退火时间可增加{100}和{110}面织构,降低铁损,所得试样的磁性能较为良好。 The effect of annealing temperature and time on the microstructure, distribution of silicon,texture and magnetism of the high silicon steel prepared by electrodeposition was investigated. The results showed that after annealing at 1000℃ for 210 min, the mean grain size of steel was about 190 μm with a uniform grain size distribution, and the silicon is also uniformly distributed on the entire cross section with an average Si concentration 6.3715%(close to 6.5%); With the increasing annealing tim...