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对低温法生产的以AlN为主抑制剂的Hi-B取向硅钢高温退火过程进行了中断实验,借助EBSD及TEM技术对高温退火连续升温过程中织构与析出物的演变进行了研究。实验结果表明,800℃时ODF图出现高斯织构组分,但强度很弱,高斯晶粒偏离角在10°以上;950~1 000℃时高斯晶粒异常长大,偏离角3~6°;高温退火过程析出物主要有球形、规则立方形及不规则多面体形3种形貌,由于渗N的影响,Zener因子先增大再减小,并且析出物在高斯晶界前沿优先粗化。 The annealing process at high temperature of Hi-B silicon steel using low slab reheat temperature and with AlN as the inhibitor has been studied by interrupting test,and the evolution of texture and precipitates during continuous heating-up in the annealing process at high temperature was analyzed by EBSD and TEM. The results showed that Goss texture appears in ODF at 800 ℃,but the intensity of Goss texture was very weak and the deviation angle was more than10°. Goss grains grow abnormally durin... 
2023-05-09 93 5.8

冷轧中中低牌号的无取向硅钢多采用万能凸度轧机(Universal crown mill,UCM)生产,其板形好坏受制于UCM轧机板形调节手段的协调使用。为掌握UCM轧机的板形控制特点,建立基于二维变厚度有限元的辊系弹性变形和基于三维差分的轧件塑性变形的六辊轧机耦合模型,对UCM轧机的板形调控性能进行详尽的分析,包括工作辊和中间辊弯辊、中间辊窜辊的调控功效、辊间接触压力分布等。在此基础上,提出可用指导生产的板形控制策略,指出UCM轧机在横向厚差控制方面的不足。针对工业生产中UCM轧机轧制无取向硅钢横向厚差大的问题,在大量仿真计算的基础上,开发具有高次曲线函数的边部变凸度(Edge variable crown,EVC)的工作辊。采用该工作辊后,各种品种的无取向硅钢的横向厚差不大于10μm的百分比由24%提高到99%,横向厚差的均值小于6μm,远小于之前的13μm。 Medium-low grade non-oriented silicon steel is rolled often by universal crown mill(UCM) during cold rolling.Its shape quality is dependent on the coordinated control of several shape adjustment devices of UCM.In order to understand the shape control characteristics of UCM,coupling model of six-high rolling mill,based on two-dimensional varying thickness finite element rolls elastic deformation model and three-dimensional finite difference strip plastic deformation model,is setup for the detaile... 
2011-10-28 50 5.8

针对节能电机对无取向电工钢在磁性能方面的特殊要求,采用普通W600牌号的热轧板为原料,通过大量的现场工艺试验,研究总结出了\"超低张力\"的运行工艺、\"先快后慢\"的加热工艺、\"先湿后干\"的退火脱碳工艺、\"先缓后急\"的冷却工艺,生产出P1.5/50≤4.0 W/kg、B50≥1.70 T的冷轧电工钢产品,满足了节能电机的要求。 Based on the special requirements of no-oriented electrical steel for saving energy motor in magnetic aspects,using common W600 brand of hot rolled plate as raw material,through a large number of real tests,an ultra-low tension process,heating process which was quick at first and then slow,annealing decarburization process which was dry after the first wet,and a cooling technology of \"slow after the first urgent\" were concluded.Electrical steel product with P1.5/50≤4.0W/kg,B50≥1.70T was produced... 
2014-08-28 53 5.8

为满足用户对无取向电工钢中硫含量的要求,采用CaO-CaF2复合渣系为脱硫剂,利用RH投入法对无取向电工钢进行深脱硫试验。试验结果表明,RH精炼渣成分控制在w CaO43%~51%、w Al2O325%~31%、w MgO4%~6%、w SiO29%~12%、w(FeO+MnO)3%~6%,在脱硫剂加入量为6~8 kg/t时,钢中平均硫含量从32×10-6降低到18×10-6,RH平均脱硫率为43.3%,最高达47.1%。利用KTH模型计算精炼终渣平均硫容量为0.003 1,RH精炼结束时渣-钢间实际平均硫分配比从14增加到52。 In order to satisfy the requirements of consumers on sulfur content in non-oriented electrical steel,taking( CaO-CaF 2) based flux as desulfurizer,industrial experiments on deep desulphurization of non-oriented electrical steel were carried out during RH process. The results show that as the compositions of refining slag are appropriately controlled with w CaO of 43% ~ 51%,w Al2O3 of 25% ~ 31%,w MgO of 4% ~ 6%,w SiO2 of 9% ~ 12%,and w( FeO + MnO) of 3% ~ 6%,and the desulfurizer added are at 6 ~ ... 
2013-06-28 48 5.8

针对硅钢连续生产线设备存在的故障、隐患以及精度等影响产品质量的问题进行分析及改造,实现保证生产线设备稳定运行、提高设备精度及硅钢产品质量的目的。 This paper analyzes and transforms the electrical equipment failures, risks existed in slicon continuous production line, and the effect of accuracy to product quality, in order to ensure stable operation of equipment in production line and improve the accuracy of device, quality of silicon. 
2014-04-28 38 5.8

通过对辉光放电发射光谱法分析电工钢样品光谱行为的研究,分析其工作参数如:电压、电流、预溅射时间和积分时间对光谱强度和稳定性的影响,并以铁为内标元素,优化了工作参数。确定了直流辉光放电光谱法测定电工钢中碳、硅、锰、磷、硫、铬、镍、铜共8种元素的定量分析方法,并对该方法分析的精密度和准确度进行验证,结果表明,各元素的测定结果与认定值和其他方法测定值一致,测量元素结果RSD值小于2%。 Based on research on analyzing the spectrum behavior of the sample taken from the electrical steel by glow discharge optical emission spectrometry,the effect of its operational parameters such as current,voltage,pre-sputtering time and integrating time on the spectral intensity and spectral stability is analyzed.Taking the Fe as an element applied by internal standard method,these operational parameters are optimized,and therefore the quantitative analysis method for testing eight kinds of eleme... 
2011-01-28 70 5.8

组织和织构是影响无取向硅钢性能的重要因素。为改善产品性能,研究了冷轧压下率(71.7%~87.0%)对高牌号无取向硅钢组织、织构、磁性能和力学性能的影响。结果表明,随冷轧压下率的增加,退火晶粒平均尺寸先减小后增大;高斯和立方织构强度减弱,γ纤维织构增强,α纤维织构转变为较强的α*({h, 1, 1}〈1/h, 1, 2〉)织构,并随冷轧压下率的增加而增强,同时其峰值逐渐向{111}面移动;工频铁损P1.5/50、高频铁损P1.0/400和磁极化强度J5000同时降低,屈服强度变化不大,表面硬度逐渐增加。当冷轧压下率由84.7%增至87.0%、厚度减至0.30 mm时,高频铁损降幅是工频铁损的11倍,表面硬度增幅变大。以上研究成果对硅钢减薄后织构及组织的优化提供了很好的指导。 Microstructure and texture are critical factors on non-oriented silicon steel properties. In order to improve product properties, this paper studied the effect of cold rolling reduction rate(71.7%-87.0%) on microstructure, texture, magnetic properties and mechanical properties of high-grade non-oriented silicon steel. The results show that with the increase of cold rolling reduction rate, the average size of annealing grain decreases first and then increases. The intensity of Goss and λ fiber te... 
2022-05-28 82 5.8

为了确保硅钢铬酸盐涂料的环保性,需要严格控制涂料的固化工艺,保证涂料固化过程中涂料中的六价铬充分转化为三价铬。对涂料及原料进行热重分析(TG)及差示扫描量热法分析(DSC)。结果表明,MgO与铬酐混合转化为MgCrO4,使六价铬稳定性增强,其中大部分Cr6+转变为Cr3+发生在620~700℃,在450~500℃高于铬酐发生大量失重,因此必须加入还原剂保证涂料中六价铬被充分还原;超过360℃后树脂会发生分解,因此实际板温不能超过360℃;加入了还原剂的整体涂料的失重温度区间主要在260~320℃,因此涂料固化时钢板的实际温度最佳区间为320~360℃。 Because of the silicon steel chromate coating’s environmental requirements,the paint curing process must be controlled strictly to ensure all Cr( Ⅵ) transforms to Cr( Ⅲ). The TG and DSC analyses of the paint are studied. The reaction of MgO and CrO3 would generate MgCrO4,enhancing the stability of Cr( Ⅵ). The most r( Ⅵ) in MgCrO4 changes to Cr( Ⅲ) at 620-700 ℃,while the CrO3 has a large weight loss at 450-500 ℃. The reductant must be added in the paint to make sure the Cr( Ⅵ) could transform suf... 
2014-09-28 52 5.8

用还原分离-原子荧光光谱法分析了硅钢中的痕量汞.分析方法的不确定度主要来自测量重复性,样品溶液浓度,工作曲线变动性,标准溶液,移取、配制标准溶液,仪器变动性等.文章分别对上述构成合成不确定度大小的分量进行了计算讨论. Trace mercury in silicon steel and galvanized sheet was analyzed by adopting reduced separation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry.The uncertainty of the analysis method mainly comes from measurement repeatability,sample concentration,working curve volatility,standard solution,pipetting and preparation of standard solution,and instrument variability,etc.The essay conducted all calculations and discussions on the above components that determine uncertainty. 
2013-05-28 68 5.8

【摘要】 <正>3月底,宝钢\"低温高磁感取向硅钢制造...
2013-08-28 31 5.8

研究了应用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)测定硅钢中痕量铜和镍的分析方法。采用硝酸分解样品,通过内标校正和基体匹配消除了基体干扰的影响,同时根据测量时存在的质谱干扰情况,选择同位素65Cu和60Ni作为测定元素和通过调节仪器参数使双电荷离子的产率最低,以减少带来的干扰。该方法用于硅钢中痕量铜和镍的测定,所得的结果与ICP-AES法测定结果完全吻合,各元素测定结果的RSD值小于5%,加标回收率为97.3%~100.3%。 A method for the determination trace copper and nickel in silicon steel by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS) was studied.The samples were dissolved in HNO3.The effect of matrix interference was eliminated by internal standard correction and matrix matching.Meanwhile,according to the mass spectral interferences in determination,the isotopes including 65Cu and 60Ni were used as measuring elements.The yield of double-charge ions were minimized by adjusting instrumental parameters... 
2011-05-28 68 5.8

【作者】 凌健; ...
2011-03-28 49 5.8



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