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阐述了影响硅钢卷材下料利用率的因素,并结合具体事例利用计算机排样系统进行了详细分析,对提高硅钢卷材的利用率具有一定的指导作用。 It describes the factors influenceing the the utilization ratio of the roll of Silicon steel,and analyzes it in detail combined with concrete examples by a computer arrangement system,which can give a guide for increasing the utilization ratio of the roll of Silicon steel. 
2011-02-28 61 5.8

基于BOF→RH→CSP生产工艺,研究了RH精炼过程钢中夹杂物类型演变及MgO·Al2O3夹杂物形成规律,同时对MgO·Al2O3夹杂物的形成条件进行了热力学计算,借助CFD数值模拟软件研究了RH精炼过程卷渣行为。研究发现,RH精炼过程20和30 min时,w([MgO])/w([Al2O3])为0.005~0.020,未发现MgO·Al2O3夹杂物;RH出站后夹杂物w([MgO])/w([Al2O3])为0.3~0.5,且RH精炼结束后MgO·Al2O3夹杂物占夹杂物总量的58.4%;另外,RH精炼过程钢液表面速度CFD模拟结果为0.57 m/s,大于临界卷渣速度0.45 m/s,且顶渣成分与夹杂物成分相近,存在卷渣现象。热力学计算表明,钢液与炉渣平衡时钢中w([Al])为0.31%~0.37%,w([Mg])为0.00024%~0.00028%,在MgO·Al2O3生成区域之内。减少RH处理过程卷渣,浇铸过程下渣及控制顶渣和包衬相中MgO质量分数可抑制MgO·Al2O3夹杂物形成。 Based on the practical production of non-oriented silicon steel, the evolution of inclusion type and the formation of MgO·Al2O3inclusion were analyzed in the process of BOF→RH→CSP. The thermodynamic conditions for forming MgO·Al2O3inclusion were discussed and the behavior of slag entrapment of molten steel was also simulated by CFD software during RH refining. The results showed that the value of w([MgO])/w([Al2O3]) was in the range of 0.005-0.020 and no MgO · Al2O3 inclusion was observed at 20 ... 
2014-09-28 60 5.8

采用非水溶液电解方法来提取无取向硅钢中夹杂物。通过扫描电镜(SEM)观察结果表明:无取向硅钢中主要夹杂物为六棱柱的AlN、不规则硅酸盐及球状的铁的硫化物和氧化物,其中AlN夹杂尺寸在1~5μm,数量较多,还有部分AlN的复合夹杂。进一步研究了AlN复合夹杂形成机理,采用了Thermo-Calc热力学计算软件计算出该钢样中AlN、MnS析出温度分别为1 240℃、1 200℃,而Al2O3析出温度大于1 800℃,从而为AlN复合夹杂形成机理提供了一个理论依据。 Extracting inclusions from non-oriented silicon steel in non-aqueous electrolysis is a nondestructive method to gain inclusions.Scanning electron microscopy shows that the main inclusions in non-oriented silicon steel were hexagonal AlN,which was of large quantity,irregular silicate,spherical iron sulfide and oxide.The size of AlN inclusions ranged from 1to 5μm,and there were some duplex inclusions of AlN.To further study the formation mechanism of AlN duplex inclusions,Thermo-Calc thermodynamic... 
2014-01-28 60 5.8

以CaO-CaF2复合渣系为脱硫剂,在RH精炼过程采用真空投入法进行高牌号无取向电工钢深脱硫工业试验,采用KTH模型计算分析了RH炉渣成分对硫容量CS的影响。研究结果表明,炉渣成分控制在w((CaO))/w((SiO2))为5~7,w((CaO))/w((Al2O3))为1.5~1.8,w((Al2O3))为25%~30%,w((FeO+MnO))<5%,脱硫剂加入量为6~8kg/t时,钢中硫质量分数从平均0.003 1%降低到0.001 8%,最高脱硫率达到47.1%,平均脱硫率为41.7%。 The industrial trials on deep desulphurization of high grade non-oriented electrical steel were finished through using CaO-CaF2complex based fluxes in RH process.Using the KTH model,the effect of refining slag composition on the sulfide capacities was analyzed.The results show that the chemical composition of refining slag(mass fraction,%)is w((CaO/SiO2))between 5to 7,w((CaO))/w((Al2O3))beween 1.5to 1.8,w((Al2O3)) between 25%to 30%,w((FeO+MnO))less than 5%,and the desulphurizer addition level of... 
2014-02-28 60 5.8

{100}织构因具有两个易磁化方向能够明显的提高磁性能,因此如何在表面获得具有{100}织构一直是无取向电工钢研究焦点。本文主要介绍了获得{100}织构的主要工艺方法及其基本原理,并结合实际生产过程对各工艺方法的优缺点进行了分析;一方面,优化无取向电工钢的成分,降低碳、锰元素含量以避免脱碳退火和真空退火,简化生产工艺;另一方面,调节升温速度、降温速度和退火气氛,使{100}晶面的表面能或弹性应变能最低,制备具有{100}织构柱状晶组织的无取向电工钢是今后的发展方向。 Because { 100} texture has two easy magnetization directions,which can significantly improve magnetization properfies,how to develop { 100} texture is a focus for researchers and manufactures. In the paper,main manufacturing processes and basic principle are introdued,and their advantages and disadvantages in practical production are analyzed. On the one hand,the production process can be simplified by optimizing chemical compositions,such as reducing the content of C and Mn,which can avoid deca... 
2013-12-28 60 5.8

试验研究了退火温度(850~950℃)和时间(5~18 min)对2.3 mm热轧硅钢板(/%:0.036C,3.15Si,0.21Mn,0.005P,0.007S,0.032A1)6道次轧制的0.35 mm冷轧板组织和织构的影响。结果表明,退火温度越高,晶粒平均尺寸越大,900℃5 min退火时平均晶粒尺寸41.39μm,试样织构主要集中在γ取向线上的{111}<112>织构组分和{111}<110>织构组分;900℃18 min退火时平均晶粒尺寸为48.08μm,试样的{111}面织构和{112}面织构密度都明显减弱,{001}面织构增强,磁性能较优。 The effect of annealing temperature(850 ~950 ℃) and holding time(5 ~ 18 min) on structure and texture of 0.35 mm sheet by 6 passes cold-rolling from 2.3 mm hot-rolled plate of silicon steel(/%:0.036 C,3.15 Si,0.21 Mn,0.005 P,0.007 S,0.032A1) has been tested and studied.Results show that the higher the annealing temperature the coarser the average grain size;As annealing at 900 ℃ for 5 min the average grain size of steel sheet is 41.39 μm,and the texture in sample is mainly concentrated in y orie... 
2014-06-28 60 5.8

【作者】 朱凤泉; 黄生银; ...
2013-01-28 60 5.8

取向硅钢成品的晶粒尺寸非常大,其易磁化方向[001]晶向对于轧向的偏差角度对其磁性能影响极大。本文介绍了取向硅钢二次再结晶后成品晶粒位向的几种测定方法,包括侵蚀法、劳厄法、OIM法、极图法和非对称X射线衍射法等,并对这几种测量方法进行了比较。 The finished product of grain-oriented silicon steel has immense grain size ranging from millimeters to centimeters and the deviation angles of easy magnetization direction from rolling direction plays a remarkable role in magnetic properties of grain-oriented silicon steel.The methods in common use for determining the deviation angles of crystal direction are introduced,which include the etch-figure method,the Laue method,the OIM method,the pole figure method and the asymmetrical X-Ray diffract... 
2011-04-28 60 5.8

【作者】 刘玲月; 李军辉; ...
2011-02-28 59 5.8

针对马钢无取向电工钢孔洞缺陷的分布规律及形貌特征,对缺陷样进行了显微分析,并利用生产实绩数据分析了该缺陷产生的原因。结合热轧生产过程,主要通过避免带钢撞击导卫以及降低导卫结瘤的产生等措施,可有效抑制热卷异物压入产生,从而降低冷轧工序孔洞的产生。 In viewing of the distribution and morphology characteristics of the hole defect of non-oriented electrical steel in Maanshan Iron and Steel Co.,Ltd.,the causes of the defect were analyzed by micro analysis of the defect sample and the production data.Combined with the production process of hot rolling,by avoiding the impact of strip steel on the guide and reducing the nodule formation on the guide,the pressing of foreign bodies in hot coiling could be effectively suppressed,thus reducing the fo... 
2022-01-28 59 5.8

电工钢试样加工产生的剪切应力会恶化钢板的磁性,对不同牌号硅钢片的横向、纵向试样退火前后磁性能的变化进行研究,结果表明:无取向硅钢片在剪切过程中横向、纵向的磁性受到剪切应力影响是不一样的。 The electrical steel sample processing magnetic of electrical steel will worsen due to the shear stress of sample. In this paper,the magnetic change of transverse,longitudinal specimens of different type of silicon steel sheet before and after annealing are studied. The results show that the magnetic of non- oriented silicon steel sheet affected in the process of shear is not the same in horizontal and vertical direction. 
2013-05-28 59 5.8

采用双辊薄带连铸技术试制了3.98%Si-0.71%Al无取向硅钢铸带,研究了二次冷轧法对硅钢组织和磁性能的影响。结果表明:硅钢铸带显微组织为等轴晶组织,铸带再结晶较完全,常化对铸带显微组织影响较小。二次冷轧工艺和一次冷轧工艺下,最终退火后成品显微组织为等轴晶组织,二次冷轧法最终退火后的晶粒尺寸小于一次冷轧法。二次冷轧法能够提高成品磁性能. Effect of double cold rolling on magnetic properties and microstructure of 3.98%Si-0.71%Al non-oriented silicon Steel Sheets cast by twin-roll thin strip casting process were investigated.The results show that the structure of the thin strip is equiaxed crystal,the recrystallization is complete and normalizing has lesser effect on microstructure.Using both cold rolled and double cold rolled process,the microstructure is equiaxed grain after final annealing.The average grain size of annealed shee... 
2013-10-28 59 5.8



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