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针对某硅钢车间ST机组的除尘系统除尘效率较低、排放浓度不达标、二次污染较严重的问题,通过现场调研,对除尘系统、含尘气体组分与物性参数等进行测试和分析,运用管道伴热技术改善粉尘黏性后,再选取合适的除尘器对粉尘进行除尘处理,大大地提高了系统的除尘效率。 To solve the problems of low dust removal efficiency, substandard emission concentration and severe secondary pollution, some investigations are conducted to test and analyze the dust removal system,dust-gas composition and relevant physical parameters.Moreover, dust removal efficiency is greatly improved by the use of pipe heat tracing technology and by choosing appropriate dust remover. 
2014-02-28 26 5.8

借助于EBSD对比研究了常化退火对高牌号无取向电工钢热轧组织和织构演变的影响,分析了常化退火对热轧板各厚度层织构的演变规律。结果表明,常化退火改善了热轧组织的均匀性,并弱化了热轧变形的γ纤维织构。升高常化退火温度,可增大热轧板的晶粒尺寸,提高{100}和{110}织构组分占有率,有利于提高无取向电工钢成品板的磁性能。 Effects of normalizing annealing on microstructure and texture of high-grade non-oriented electrical steel hot-rolled sheet were investigated by EBSD. Emphasis was put on the effects of normalizing annealing on texture evolution in the sheet thickness. The results show that the hot-rolled microstructure homogeneity is improved and the γ-fiber texture is weakened by normalizing annealing treatment. The grain size of hot-rolled sheet and intensity of the {100} and {110} favorable texture can be in... 
2014-02-28 50 5.8

介绍了烟气余热利用系统的工艺流程及控制思想,结合该系统在钢厂硅钢连续退火机组中的应用实践,估算出烟气余热利用系统每年可节约蒸汽5 040 t,经济效益良好,同时分析了该系统存在的问题及对策。 Introduced a method about the process and control of the application of waste heat system, which had been used into a silicon steel continuous annealing line and profiting a good economic benefit by saving a large number of steam every year, which has been estimated about 5 040 tons, and analyzed the problems and solutions existed in this system. 
2014-02-28 28 5.8

结合工业化生产的50A1300牌号无取向硅钢,分析了化学成分、RH精炼脱氧方式、板坯装炉温度以及热轧平整工艺等对磁性能的影响,探讨成品钢磁性能的改善。结果表明,采取改善后,50A1300牌号无取向硅钢的磁性能得到明显改善。2012年,该钢种平均铁损、磁感应强度分别达到5.26 W/kg、1.762 T,能够较好地满足用户市场需求及同行对标需要。 Based on the industrial manufacture of 50A1300 grade non-oriented silicon steel sheets,effects of chemical composition,deoxidization method in RH vacuum refining,charging temperature of steel slabs,hot rolling and flattening progress on magnetic properties are analyzed.The optimization methods of magnetic properties of steels are discussed. Results show that the magnetic properties are obviously improved by the adopted measures above. In 2012,the average core loss and the magnetic induction of 5... 
2014-02-28 80 5.8

以CaO-CaF2复合渣系为脱硫剂,在RH精炼过程采用真空投入法进行高牌号无取向电工钢深脱硫工业试验,采用KTH模型计算分析了RH炉渣成分对硫容量CS的影响。研究结果表明,炉渣成分控制在w((CaO))/w((SiO2))为5~7,w((CaO))/w((Al2O3))为1.5~1.8,w((Al2O3))为25%~30%,w((FeO+MnO))<5%,脱硫剂加入量为6~8kg/t时,钢中硫质量分数从平均0.003 1%降低到0.001 8%,最高脱硫率达到47.1%,平均脱硫率为41.7%。 The industrial trials on deep desulphurization of high grade non-oriented electrical steel were finished through using CaO-CaF2complex based fluxes in RH process.Using the KTH model,the effect of refining slag composition on the sulfide capacities was analyzed.The results show that the chemical composition of refining slag(mass fraction,%)is w((CaO/SiO2))between 5to 7,w((CaO))/w((Al2O3))beween 1.5to 1.8,w((Al2O3)) between 25%to 30%,w((FeO+MnO))less than 5%,and the desulphurizer addition level of... 
2014-02-28 60 5.8

聚焦无取向硅钢产品标准,从电磁性能、表面性能、机械性能以及尺寸公差与边部质量等维度对国际标准IEC、EN、JIS、ASTM以及国标GB进行了分析研究。分析得出,各类标准在电磁性能方面要求基本一致;ASTM标准的机械性能要求有别于其他几个标准。 In this paper,non-oriented silicon steel standards of EN,JIS,GB and ASTM were compared and analyzed. It is showed that,all types of standards in electromagnetic performance requirements are basically the same. Surface properties in ASTM standard are expressed in the most detailed. The mechanical properties requirements of the standards,except for ASTM,are basically the same. 
2014-02-28 54 5.8

冷轧无取向硅钢是高技术含量、高附加值产品,工艺复杂,生产周期长,过程控制难度大,被誉为钢铁产品中的\"工艺品\"。热轧生产工艺又是无取向硅钢生产的重中之重,直接决定了硅钢的铁损和电磁性等多项指标。 Cold rolled non-oriented silicon steel is high technology content 、high added value product. Its process is complex, its production cycle is of length, and its process control is difficult, which is known as the iron and steel products \" Arts and crafts\". Hot rolling production process is the top priority of non-oriented silicon steel, which directly determines iron loss of the silicon steel and electromagnetic property,as well as other many index. 
2014-02-28 80 5.8

试验2.3Si无取向硅钢(/%:0.003C,2.30Si,0.16Mn,≤0.020P,≤0.005S,0.54Al)冷轧板由常化和未常化的2.5 mm热轧板冷轧至0.6 mm(压下率76%),经750~950℃2.5 min中间退火后再冷轧至0.5 mm(压下率16.7%),成品板经890℃+960℃2.5 min退火。研究了中间退火温度对该钢晶粒尺寸、织构和磁性能的影响。结果表明,随中间退火温度的升高,二次冷轧前晶粒和成品晶粒增大,成品中不利织构组分{111}和{112}减弱,磁性能得到改善。热轧板经过常化时的磁性能明显好于未经常化时的磁性能,但中间退火温度较高时常化对磁性能的有利作用减弱。 The test cold sheet of 2.3Si non-oriented silicon steel(/%:0.003C,2.30Si,0.16Mn,≤0.020P,≤0.005S,0.54Al) is first cold-rolled from normalized and un-normalizing 2.5 mm hot-rolled plate to 0.6 mm sheet(reduction 76%),then intermediate annealed at 750~950℃ for 2.5 min and double cold-rolled to 0.5 mm sheet(reduction16.7%),the finished sheet annealed at 890℃+960℃ for 2.5 min.Effect of the intermediate annealing temperature on grain size,texture and magnetic performance of the steel has been studied.... 
2014-02-28 64 5.8

在15 kg真空感应炉上,用CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-MgO渣系进行脱硫试验,探讨了脱硫渣系碱度、MI、Al2O3、CaF2对脱硫效果的影响。研究结果表明,随脱硫渣系碱度、MI、Al2O3和CaF2含量的增加,脱硫率都呈现先增加后减少的趋势。初始硫含量为0.009 33%~0.010 73%,加入脱硫渣系4 min时间内表观脱硫速率为(0.000 96~0.001 49)%/min,平均脱硫率为81.2%,最高达86.8%。当脱硫渣中w(CaO)=58.15%、w(SiO2)=4.85%、w(Al2O3)=25%、w(MgO)=6%、w(CaF2)=6%,脱硫效果最好,此时钢液中硫为0.001 33%。 Experiments on desulfurization of molten steel using CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-MgO based desulfurization slag was carried out in a 15 kg vacuum induction furnace. The effects of desulfurization slag basicity,MI, Al2O3and CaF2on desulfurization of molten steel were studied. The results show that with the increase of basicity,MI,Al2O3or CaF2in desulfurization slag,the desulfurization rate rises initially and then decreases. In addition,as the initial sulfur content is 0. 009 33% ~ 0. 010 73%,the apparent des... 
2014-02-28 53 5.8

采用取向分布函数分析了无取向电工钢不同再结晶退火温度下的织构变化及织构对磁感应强度和铁损的影响,并计算了无取向电工钢的磁晶各向异性能。结果表明,随着实验钢的再结晶退火温度升高,Goss织构和立方织构组分显著增强,而{111}面织构强度却减弱。较高的退火温度有利于减小织构因子,提高磁感应强度。磁晶各向异性能计算结果显示,随着再结晶退火温度升高,无取向电工钢板的磁晶各向异性能降低。 The recrystallization texture and the relationship of texture to magnetic induction intensity and core loss of a non-oriented electrical steel were investigated by orientation distribution function analysis. The magnetic anisotropy energy of the steel was calculated also. The results show that,the intensity of Goss texture and cubic texture increases,but the intensity of { 111} texture decreases with increasing recrystallization annealing temperatures of the steel. The higher annealing temperatu... 
2014-02-28 74 5.8

目前随着电工钢用户冲压设备的升级,冲压速度逐步提高,对电工钢产品的硬度和强度指标提出了更高的要求。与普通硬度级别的无取向硅钢相比,高硬度50BW600的Hv硬度提高15~20,达到125以上,同时对电磁性能指标也有较高要求。本钢通过化学成份和热轧及冷轧连退生产工艺的设计,经过小批量生产试验,满足用户要求。通过对工艺的严格控制,在大批量生产过程中,保证了产品的力学性能和电磁性的检验合格率。 Currently with upgrading of stamping equipment of silicon steel user, gradually increasing of stamping speed, propose higher demand for hardness and strength of silicon steel. Compared with conventional 50BW600, high hardness 50BW600 have higher hardness, reach greater than 125Hv. Through design of chemical composition with hot mill and annealing, production test of small quantities, stamping performance meet user request. 
2014-02-28 53 5.8

试验的铸态取向硅钢(/%:0.0440.056C,3.123.32Si,0.080.11Mn,0.0020.008S,0.002 90.029 1Als,0.006 20.010 9N)由30 kg高频真空感应炉熔炼。通过场发射扫描电子显微镜/能谱仪(FE-SEM/EDS)研究结果表明,0.002 9%Als钢中氧化物主要为SiO2,存在片状、棒状及近似球状的独立MnS,未发现含铝的氧化物或氮化物;0.0090%Als钢中出现以Al2O3为主的复合氧化夹杂物,存在MnS与AlN的复合析出物。钢中Als增加,复合析出物多呈簇状发展。氧化物容易成为MnS-AlN复合析出的核心,钢中Als含量越低,夹杂物中的MnS含量越高;作为核心的氧化物夹杂的尺寸越小,形成的复合夹杂物的形状越规则,尺寸也越小。热力学计算结果表明,钢中Als含量主要影响了钢中氧化物夹杂的组成和AlN的析出温度及析出量。 Test as-cast grain-oriented silicon steel(/%:0.044 0.056C,3.12 3.32Si,0.08 0.11Mn,0.0020.008S,0.002 90.029 1 Als,0.006 20.010 9N) is melted by a 30 kg high frequency vacuum induction furnace.The research results by using field emission-scanning electron microscope/energy dispersive spectrometer(FE-SEM/EDS) show that in 0.002 9%Als steel the main oxide is SiO2,and there is independent laminable,rod-like and approximate ... 
2014-02-28 58 5.8



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