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结合硅钢退火炉项目中应用PDSOFT软件进行三维配管设计的案例,描述PDSOFT软件的应用过程,总结其使用要点,分析其优缺点,并提出了推广三维设计软件的思路,对今后PDSOFT在相似项目中的推广应用有参考和借鉴价值。 Combining the case of using PDSOFT software to design the three-dimensional piping,the application process of the PDSOFT software is described,the using points are summarized,the advantages and disadvantages are analyzed,and the ideas of promoting the three-dimensional design software are put forward,which have a strong reference value for the promotion and application of PDSOFT in similar projects in the future. 
2014-04-28 25 5.8

研究了无取向硅钢钙处理前后夹杂物的行为,重点考察了钙处理前后夹杂物的成分、类型、形貌和尺寸研究的变化情况,为实际生产中无取向硅钢的钙处理提供理论指导。试验发现:钙处理前夹杂物主要以Al2O3、Al2O3-MgO为主,且在夹杂物表面有AlN析出,钙处理后夹杂物以Al2O3-MgO-CaS-CaO系复合夹杂物为主,还含有少量的SiO2或AlN;钙处理前后,夹杂物形貌由多边形或不规则形逐渐向球形或近似球形转变,并且夹杂物尺寸不断增大;钙处理前后,含钙夹杂物的比例发生突变,由10%增大到74.5%,且随着钙处理时间的延长,含钙夹杂物比例下降,表明钙处理使夹杂物变性后易聚集长大并上浮去除。 Behavior of inclusions before and after calcium treatment in non-oriented silicon steel was researched by investigating changes of compositions,types,shapes and sizes of inclusions before and after calcium treatment,for the purpose of providing theoretical guidance for calcium treatment of non-oriented silicon steel in actual situation. Results indicated that Al2O3 and Al2O3-MgO were main types of inclusions before calcium treatment,sometimes AlN maybe precipitate in the outer of inclusions. Al2... 
2014-04-28 55 5.8

采用SEM、EDS和XRD对不同加热温度下W470连铸坯氧化铁皮的微观形貌及相结构进行研究。结果表明,W470氧化铁皮难以除去的原因是氧化铁皮熔化,液相包裹着FeO,凝固时发生共晶反应,生成FeO/Fe2SiO4共晶混合物,并深嵌入基体。降低加热炉的加热温度,使连铸坯全程在FeO/Fe2SiO4共晶混合物熔点(1177℃)以下加热,可降低氧化铁皮与基体的结合力,能够有效解决W470除鳞困难问题。 The microstructure and phase structure of iron scale of W470 continuous casting billet at different heating temperatures were investigated by SEM,EDS,and XRD.The results show that the reason why the iron scale of W470 removes hardly is that iron scale is melted and the FeO is surrounded by the liquid phase,which forms FeO / Fe2SiO4eutectic mixture and is embedded into the matrix after solidification.Lowering the heating temperature and keeping the continuous casting billet heating under the melt... 
2014-04-28 43 5.8

【作者】 杨得草; ...
2014-04-28 32 5.8

利用XRD和EBSD研究了长轴分别平行于轧向(RD)、横向(TD)和轧面法向(ND)的柱状晶样品在热轧、冷轧及退火过程中的组织、织构演变规律,并分别从几何诱导和取向诱导两个方面分析了晶界的交互作用.结果表明,热轧时由表面摩擦剪切作用引起的组织和织构梯度直接影响并遗传给后续冷轧及退火样品.热轧后,不同样品的初始晶粒形状各向异性差异消失,形成相同的各向异性晶界组织,但晶体学各向异性发生改变,导致随后冷轧、退火组织及织构的变化均不同于直接冷轧的柱状晶样品.研究中特别关注了对磁性能有利的{100}取向区域与晶界的关系. Columnar grains show their special characteristics of morphological and crystallographic anisotropies, and thus markedly influence the microstructure and texture evolution during rolling and annealing process in electrical steel. The rolling and annealing microstructure and texture of three columnar grained samples with the long axes arranged along different directions were investigated by means of XRD and EBSD techniques, and the effects of columnar grain boundaries were analyzed from the view ... 
2014-03-28 55 5.8

目的提高硅钢的磁性能。方法采用多弧离子镀技术,在普通取向硅钢薄板两面沉积高硅FeSi合金层制得高硅梯度硅钢,并进行热处理,观察其显微组织,测量磁性能。结果退火态高硅梯度硅钢表面的高硅FeSi合金层与基底结合紧密,均匀致密。高硅梯度硅钢中硅含量呈梯度分布,最表层硅质量分数为11.0%,随着深度增加,硅含量逐渐降低,在距表面20μm处硅质量分数仍能达到6.5%。沉积态高硅梯度硅钢的电阻率ρ、低频铁损P10/50、高频铁损P10/1k及磁感应强度B8分别为68.6μΩ·cm,0.82W/kg,83.3 W/kg和1.73 T,退火后分别为63.1μΩ·cm,0.44 W/kg,54.38 W/kg和1.89 T。结论由于表层高硅FeSi合金层的存在,梯度高硅钢的低频磁学性能良好,但高频损耗需进一步改善。 Objective To improve the magnetic properties of silicon steel. Methods FeSi alloy coatings with high-silicon content were deposited on the surface of common grain-oriented silicon steel by cathodic arc plasma evaporation,and then a kind of high silicon gradient steel was prepared. The morphologies,content and magnetic properties of the samples were tested. Results FeSi alloy coatings were featured with compact microstructures and excellent adhesive quality with the substrates. The silicon conten... 
2014-03-28 52 5.8

对低温加热工艺生产的以AlN为主抑制剂的高磁感取向硅钢高温退火过程进行中断实验,借助电子背散射衍射技术对高温退火过程中高斯晶粒的演变进行了研究.在升温过程中高斯晶粒平均尺寸先减小再增大.800℃时取向分布函数图出现高斯织构组分,但强度很弱,高斯晶粒偏离角在10°以上;900℃时高斯晶粒平均生长速率超过其他晶粒;950~1000℃时高斯晶粒异常长大,偏离角3°~6°;在1000℃之前高斯取向晶粒相比于其他晶粒没有尺寸优势. The high-temperature annealing process of high permeability grain-oriented silicon steel with AlN as an inhibitor was studied by interrupting test.The evolution of Goss texture in this process was analyzed by electron back-scattered diffraction.It is found that the Goss grain size first decreases and then increases with the rise of temperature.Goss texture appears in the orientation distribution function at 800 ℃,but the intensity is very weak and the deviation angle is more than 10°.The average... 
2014-03-28 82 5.8

对西昌钢钒炼钢厂200 t BOF(顶底复吹)-RH-CC工艺生产50PRW800无取向硅钢RH精炼过程中主要成份进行了分析。找出了目前工艺中影响钢液质量的主要因素是钢水脱氧处理不彻底,造成加入的部分硅元素烧损。操作工艺改为铝的脱氧即合金化操作一步完成,保证了钢水中氧处于一个较低的范围,从而减少对硅元素的烧损,提高合金收得率。 The factors of BOF-RH-CC process affecting the compositions of liquid steel were systematically investigated and studied of Xichang Steel and Vanadium Company. The main factors affecting the steel cleanliness were picked out. All results showed that the loss of silicon elements resulting from the deoxidization of liquid steel was not completely. It was suggested that the addition of aluminum for deoxidizing and alloying of molten steel was executed as one step in order to lower the oxygen potent... 
2014-03-28 63 5.8

【作者】 李波; 杨晓江; ...
2014-03-28 29 5.8

【摘要】 <正>为了确保电工钢的产品质量,在生产线...
2014-03-28 24 5.8

研究了采用高温卷取热轧态原料和常化态原料生产高牌号冷轧无取向电工钢组织、织构和磁性能。研究发现钢卷采用750℃高温卷取,下线后立即采用\"保温罩\"对钢卷进行保温,时间96h,然后空冷至100℃时上线生产的工艺可取代常化工艺生产高牌号冷轧无取向电工钢。冷轧上线前,热轧态原料的表层为大量的再结晶组织,这部分组织包括了热轧轧制时保留下来的动态再结晶组织,钢卷本身高温回复后产生再结晶晶粒,以及在保温罩内保温时形成的再结晶组织。高温卷取的热轧态和常化态的热轧卷作为原料时,试样织构类型相似,取向分布密度接近,再结晶后织构类型仍然相似,取向分布密度仍然接近。Goss织构对磁性能增加有促进作用。实验钢中较好的磁性能对应的织构[{100}+Goss]/{111}的比值较高,体现了织构的遗传性。 Microstructure,texture and magnetic properties of high grade cold rolled nonoriented electrical steel which made of hot rolled material with high temperature coiling and with normalization were studied.Steels coiled in high temperature(at 750 ℃),stacked with insulation cover for 96hand air cooled to 100 ℃ were using to manufacture high grade nonoriented electrical steel.The process can replace the normalization process.There are a lot of recrystallized grains in the surface layer of the coil wit... 
2014-03-28 52 5.8

针对不同牌号的无取向硅钢产生结疤缺陷的难易程度和表面结疤缺陷的外形特征及分布规律,分析了该缺陷产生的原因。通过调整剪前导板的对中度,设置精轧侧导板开度余量及短行程数值,及时修补与更换侧导板,减少带坯与侧导板挤撞程度,有效地降低了结疤缺陷发生率。 This article analyses the cause of the scab defects according to the defects appearance characters and distribution law,degree of difficulty to form scar of non-oriented silicon steel. It can effectively decrease the scabs by different methods,such as adjusting the center line of guide plate,setting the opening margin and short stroke value of the side guide on finishing mill,timely repairing and replacing of side guide,decreasing the collision between the strip and side guide. 
2014-03-28 55 5.8



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