采用双辊连铸工艺制备了硅的质量分数分别为0.5%,1.0%,3.0%,4.5%的硅钢薄带,用光学显微镜观察其组织,并研究了后处理工艺对薄带组织和性能的影响。结果表明:硅含量为0.5%和1.0%的薄带适合采用一次冷轧+850~950℃退火的后处理工艺,而硅含量在3.0%以上的薄带适合采用二次冷轧+950℃退火的后处理工艺;硅含量为3.0%和4.5%的薄带在冷轧并950℃退火后,其磁性能最佳,铁芯损耗约为4.30 W·kg-1,磁感应强度约为1.68T。 Silicon steel thin strips with silicon content of 0.5wt%,1.0wt%,3.0wt%and 4.5wt%were prepared by twin-roll continuous casting process,and the microstructure of the strips were observed by means of optical microscopy,and on the basis,the effect of post-treatment process on microstructure and properties of the strips was studied.The results show that the post-treatment process of one-time cold rolling and annealing between 850—950℃was suitable for the strips with silicon content of 0.5wt%and 1.0wt...
通过测试取向硅钢不同工艺条件下的碳含量,探讨了CGO取向硅钢碳含量控制的最优处理条件,研究了脱碳温度和脱碳时间对相同初始碳含量取向硅钢的脱碳效果的影响。结果表明,在气氛为(15%~20%)H2+(75%~80%)N2,炉压差为10~20 Pa的条件下,CGO取向硅钢合适的脱碳温度为1 073 K~1 123 K,脱碳时间为10~20 min。在该处理条件下,能取得较好的脱碳效果。 By means of testing carbon content of oriented silicon steel below the distinct technical conditions,inquires the excellent handle terms of carbon content controlling for CGO oriented silicon steel,studies effects of decarburization annealing temperature and decarburization annealing time to the oriented silicon steel decarburization efficiency in same initial carbon content.The results show that,under the condition of atmosphere(15% ~ 20%) H2+(75% ~ 80%)N2 and furnace pressure difference 10 ~ 2...
综述了国内外大钢铁企业与研究机构采用获得抑制剂法生产低温高磁感取向硅钢的开发及应用情况,分析了以该法生产高磁感取向硅钢过程中抑制剂的控制技术,包括固有抑制剂组成方案、气态渗氮方式与工艺及高温退火工艺的制定.研究表明,固有抑制剂组成方案的设计思路大体一致,化合物抑制剂以AlN为主、硫化物为辅,同时添加少量Sn,Sb等单元素抑制剂,但组成元素含量存在一定差别;在脱碳退火后用NH3进行非平衡渗氮处理已成为气态渗氮的主要方式,但最佳方式仍未明确,具体选择需依据实际生产条件,相应脱碳及渗氮工艺的控制条件差别较大;高温退火工艺中升温制度差别不大,升温阶段退火气氛中N2含量的选择存在差别.此外,分析了抑制剂控制技术目前存在的关键问题,并指出了进一步的研究方向. The current application and exploitation on production of low-temperature high magnetic induction grain-oriented silicon steel with acquired inhibitor method at both iron and steel enterprises and research institutions in the world are reviewed. The control techniques of inhibitors, which include the composition design for inherent inhibitors, nitriding method and process, and secondary recrystallization annealing, are thoroughly analyzed and proposed. It is indicated that the design ideas for i...
在实验室模拟CSP流程制备了不同含量稀土铈(质量分数0~0.018%)的1.2%Si无取向电工钢,并对其进行1 000℃×5min的再结晶退火处理,研究了铈质量分数对无取向电工钢夹杂物、显微组织、再结晶织构和磁性能的影响。结果表明:随着铈质量分数的增加,微细夹杂物数量、再结晶晶粒尺寸、{100}和{110}织构组分、磁感应强度先增后减,{111}织构组分、铁损先减后增;铈的质量分数为0.005 1%时,钢中的夹杂物数量最少,再结晶晶粒尺寸最大,有利织构最多,磁性能最优,铁损P15/50为3.253W·kg-1,磁感应强度B50为1.751T。 Non-oriented electrical steels containing different contents rare earth Ce element(0-0.018wt%) were prepared in the laboratory by simulated CSP(compact strip production)process,and then recrystallization annealing at 1 000 ℃ for 5 min were performed,the effects of Ce content on inclusion,microstructure, recrystallization texture and magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steels were studied.The results show that with the increase of Ce content,the amounts of fine inclusion,the size of re...
取向硅钢热轧板中织构梯度对发展完善的二次再结晶十分关键,通过添加铜可以显著降低取向硅钢板坯加热温度,从而影响热轧板织构分布。利用X射线衍射仪,分析了实验室模拟薄板坯连铸连轧(TSCR)工艺的3种不同铜含量的取向硅钢热轧板织构。结果表明:不同铜含量热轧板表面到厚度1/4处均为弱的热轧织构,热轧板心部主要为{100}面织构;铜含量约在0.4%时,热轧板次表层的{110}<001>织构比例最高,而热轧板心部的{100}<110>织构比例最低;铜含量对热轧织构中{114}<110>和{001}<100>织构发展有显著影响。 The texture gradient in hot rolled grain oriented silicon steel strip is one of the essential factors to achieve a perfect secondary recrystallization.The addition of copper can significantly reduce the slab reheating temperature of grain oriented silicon steel,so as to impact the texture distribution in the hot rolled strip.The texture of hot rolled grain oriented silicon steel strip as-rolled by thin slab casting and rolling process(TSCR) in laboratory with three different copper contents was ...
通过试验确定氩气分析流量为3.5L/min,静态流量为0.75L/min,冲洗时间为3s,预燃时间为12s,积分时间为5s的激发条件,采用火花源原子发射光谱法测定取向硅钢中碳、硅、锰、磷、硫。分别采用铣床铣样、砂轮磨样两种制样方式进行了精密度考察,发现制样方式对结果影响不大;讨论了取向硅钢样品中碳、硅、锰、磷、硫测定时可能存在的共存元素干扰,发现硅对锰元素的干扰不可忽略,采用干扰系数法进行了校正,据此拟合得到各元素校准曲线的相关系数均在0.999 0以上。精密度考察结果表明,碳、硅、锰、磷、硫的相对标准偏差(n=10)在0.71%~9.4%之间。对两块取向硅钢生产样品进行分析,并与钢铁研究总院进行比对分析,结果一致,且偏差均在允许范围内。 Carbon,silicon,manganese,phosphorus and sulfur in oriented silicon steel were determined by spark source atomic emission spectrometry.The selected excitation conditions were as follows:the analytical flow rate of argon was 3.5L/min,the static flow rate was 0.75L/min,the flush time was3s,the precombustion time was 12sand the integration time was 5s.Two sample preparation methods,including milling machine and grinding wheel,were investigated.The precision test results showed that,the determination...
针对硅钢连续退火机组的主要能源介质消耗现状,对现有生产工艺和设备研究采取机组循环用水、增加清洗段漂洗级数等措施可节约大概27 m3/h的过滤水量,并可减少78%的弱碱处理量;将炉子烟气换热系统增加一级余热回收,每年回收的余热相当于583 t标煤消耗,可节约蒸汽5 368 t。 The present situation of energy consumption for silicon steel annealing line is analyzed in this paper.In existing process and equipment conditions,increasing the number of cleaning series will lead to a saving of about 27 m3/h of filter water and reduce 78 % of weak base processing volume.For the flue gas heat-exchange system,adding a waste heat recovery device will recover waste heat equivalent to 583 tons of standard coal per year,corresponding to a saving of steam 5 368 t per year.
利用FE-SEM、EDS分析了含不同抑制剂成分的成品取向硅钢中夹杂物的组成和形貌,统计其尺寸及数量分布;结合对磁性能测试的结果,分析了Sn、Cu、Nb和Cr对取向硅钢磁性能影响的机理。结果表明:含Sn的取向硅钢试样中夹杂物主要为块状的微米级Al-Ti-C-N-O复合物,还有少量的球形Al-N-O颗粒和块状Ti-C-N-O颗粒,棒状夹杂物较少;含Cr的取向硅钢试样中夹杂物主要为球形的微米级Al2O3,还有少量Cu-Al-N-O-S复合物,棒状夹杂物和不规则夹杂物均较少;含Cr试样中1~3μm夹杂物的平均尺寸较含Sn试样小,但数量多,而大于3μm夹杂物的平均尺寸较含Sn试样大,但数量很少。磁性能测试结果表明,外场为800A/m和2500A/m时,含Cr试样磁感应强度偏低,铁损值P1.7/50较含Sn试样高,为1.171W/kg。 The composition and morphology of inclusions in the finished grain-oriented silicon steels are analyzed by using FE-SEM and EDS, and the number density and size distribution of the inclusions are counted. The influence mechanism of Sn, Cu, Nb, and Cr on the magnetic properties of the steel is also discussed. Results show that the inclusions composition in the grain-oriented silicon steel samples containing Sn is mainly block Al-Ti-C-N-O, compounding with a few spherical Al-N-O and block Ti-C-N-O...
研究了常化对CSP流程生产的wSi=1.6%的无取向电工钢组织、织构和成品磁性能的影响。结果表明,经CSP流程生产,且在相同的冷轧及退火制度下,经1 000℃×2min常化处理的wSi=1.6%的无取向电工钢热轧板,其最终退火成品的铁损P15/50比不常化试样下降了10.5%,磁感B50比不常化试样提高了2.5%;常化使wSi=1.6%的无取向电工钢成品的平均晶粒尺寸增大,成品铁损P15/50相应减小;同时,常化使wSi=1.6%的无取向电工钢成品中高斯织构的强度增加,γ纤维织构的强度减弱,这有利于成品磁感B50的提高。 The effect of normalizing on microstructure,texture and magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel with wSi=1.6% produced by CSP process was investigated.The results show that,under the same cold rolling and annealing system,the iron loss(P15/50) of annealed samples whose hot bands has been normalized by 1 000 ℃×2 min process decreases by 10.5% and magnetic induction(B50) increases by 2.5% compared with the samples whose hot bands was not normalized.The average grain size of non-orient...