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试验2.3Si无取向硅钢(/%:0.003C,2.30Si,0.16Mn,≤0.020P,≤0.005S,0.54Al)冷轧板由常化和未常化的2.5 mm热轧板冷轧至0.6 mm(压下率76%),经750~950℃2.5 min中间退火后再冷轧至0.5 mm(压下率16.7%),成品板经890℃+960℃2.5 min退火。研究了中间退火温度对该钢晶粒尺寸、织构和磁性能的影响。结果表明,随中间退火温度的升高,二次冷轧前晶粒和成品晶粒增大,成品中不利织构组分{111}和{112}减弱,磁性能得到改善。热轧板经过常化时的磁性能明显好于未经常化时的磁性能,但中间退火温度较高时常化对磁性能的有利作用减弱。 The test cold sheet of 2.3Si non-oriented silicon steel(/%:0.003C,2.30Si,0.16Mn,≤0.020P,≤0.005S,0.54Al) is first cold-rolled from normalized and un-normalizing 2.5 mm hot-rolled plate to 0.6 mm sheet(reduction 76%),then intermediate annealed at 750~950℃ for 2.5 min and double cold-rolled to 0.5 mm sheet(reduction16.7%),the finished sheet annealed at 890℃+960℃ for 2.5 min.Effect of the intermediate annealing temperature on grain size,texture and magnetic performance of the steel has been studied.... 
2014-02-28 64 5.8

针对传统工艺生产硅钢周期长、能耗大等缺点,采用双辊连铸工艺制备3%Si无取向硅钢连铸薄带,利用MEM,SEM和TEM观察了铸带的组织、织构及析出物,同时对比了Al的质量分数为0.6%和0.9%的连铸薄带在组织、织构及析出物特征方面的异同.结果表明:双辊连铸工艺生产的3%Si无取向硅钢铸带的组织为均匀等轴晶粒,平均晶粒尺寸约为300μm;织构组成随Al质量分数的不同具有明显差别,Al质量分数为0.9%的铸带中{100}织构强度是随机织构的7倍;铸带中的析出物为AlN和MnS,最大尺寸分别为500和50 nm左右. Given the lengthy production cycle,high energy consumption,and other shortcomings of the traditional process for producing silicon steel,a twin-roll casting process was used to produce 3%Si non-oriented silicon steel casting strips. MEM,SEM,and TEM were used to compare micro-structure,texture,and precipitate characteristics of a casting strip containing 0.6%Al with another containing 0.9%Al.The structure of 3%Si non-oriented silicon steel produced by the twin-roll casting process was a uniform i... 
2011-04-28 53 5.8

【摘要】 <正>编号:2012016获奖等级:特等完成单位:...
2012-11-28 59 5.8

【作者】 杨佳直; ...
2013-05-28 29 5.8

对商用50W330型无取向硅钢成品在930℃下保温2 h固溶并以不同方式冷却处理,利用磁性检测仪检测分析了处理前后的磁感和铁损变化,应用光学显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射仪观测分析了显微组织结构的演变。考察了平均晶粒尺寸、织构组分比及第二相粒子状态对磁性能的影响规律,结果表明:固溶处理前后平均晶粒尺寸的变化对硅钢磁性能的影响非常显著;当平均晶粒尺寸相差不大时,织构组分比[Goss+{100}]/{111}越大,磁感会越高;固溶处理会将细小弥散的第二相粒子重新回溶到基体中,减小了其对磁畴壁的钉扎作用,铁损随之下降。 The commercial 50W330 non-oriented silicon steel samples were heat treated at 930℃ for 2 h and cooled in different ways,then the iron loss and the magnetic induction of the samples before and after solution treatment were measured with a magnetic detector.The evolution of microstructural texture was analyzed by optical microscopy,scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffractometry.The effects of average grain size,texture composition ratio and the second phase particles on the magnetic propert... 
2012-04-28 83 5.8

借助实验室设备研究了B元素对高牌号无取向硅钢热轧板组织和磁性能的影响。结果表明,与无硼钢相比,含硼钢的热轧板晶粒尺寸略小,析出物的类型和尺寸没有区别,主要是AlN和(AlN+MnS)复合析出物,少量的MnS析出物,尺寸集中在1.0~2.5μm范围内。未发现BN析出物。在力学性能方面,B对钢的软化作用不明显。在磁性能方面,含硼钢的铁损为3.215W/kg,磁感为1.710T,综合磁性能比无硼钢差。 Influences of boron on microstructure and properties of hot rolled band in high-grade non-oriented silicon steel are researched in this paper by experimental equipments.Compared with boron-free steel,the result shows that boron-bearing steel has smaller grain size,but the type and size of precipitations have no differences.The main precipitates are AlN,(MnS + AlN) composite precipitate and few MnS,the range of which are between 1.0 μm and 2.5 μm.BN precipitation is not found.With reward to mecha... 
2011-05-28 53 5.8

采用热模拟方法及EBSD技术,研究Fe-3 wt%Si电工钢在不同温度下组织的动、静态再结晶及晶粒取向特征,特别是少量奥氏体对铁素体动、静态再结晶组织及取向的影响。结果表明,不同温度形变的组织主要分三类:形变长条铁素体、珠光体和等轴细小铁素体。长条形变铁素体内发生动态回复或连续式的动态再结晶,奥氏体周围的铁素体动态再结晶加速,部分以传统的不连续方式动态再结晶。铁素体、奥氏体都可发生静态再结晶。奥氏体的静态再结晶在1050℃以上明显,铁素体的静态再结晶随温度的升高逐渐进行,最显著的再结晶发生在1050℃。不同温度形变的样品,其形变晶粒取向主要以<111>和<100>为主,小等轴铁素体晶粒除与大形变铁素体取向相近外,出现了<110>取向及其它取向。 Static and dynamic recrystallization and grain orientations in a hot-compressed Fe-3 wt% Si electrical steels were studied at different temperatures using Gleeble simulator and EBSD technique,particularly focusing on the effect of small amount of austenite on ferritic microstructure and orientations.The results show that microstructure of the compressed steel,depending on deformation temperature,consisted of elongated and deformed ferrite,pearlite and fine equal-axed ferrite.The elongated ferrit... 
2011-01-28 78 5.8

结合硅钢退火炉项目中应用PDSOFT软件进行三维配管设计的案例,描述PDSOFT软件的应用过程,总结其使用要点,分析其优缺点,并提出了推广三维设计软件的思路,对今后PDSOFT在相似项目中的推广应用有参考和借鉴价值。 Combining the case of using PDSOFT software to design the three-dimensional piping,the application process of the PDSOFT software is described,the using points are summarized,the advantages and disadvantages are analyzed,and the ideas of promoting the three-dimensional design software are put forward,which have a strong reference value for the promotion and application of PDSOFT in similar projects in the future. 
2014-04-28 25 5.8

【作者】 李波; 杨晓江; ...
2014-03-28 29 5.8

借助高温激光共聚焦显微镜,在线观察了不同Mn含量的无取向硅钢中夹杂物的尺寸、类型、数量变化。结果表明,Mn含量(质量分数)为0.77%、0.32%时,试样中的夹杂物数量分别约为1000万个/mm3、1600万个/mm3。Mn含量较高的钢种,会优先析出球形、椭球形MnS夹杂物,其析出数量较少,尺寸相对较大,可以有效抑制AlN、CuxS夹杂物析出;Mn含量较低的钢种,会在试样再加热后冷却过程中,先析出相当数量MnS夹杂物,并作为AlN夹杂物析出核心,形成MnS+AlN复合夹杂物。这种复合夹杂物数量较多,尺寸也较大。 Based on the high temperature confocal microscope, the chage of size, type, and quantity of inclusions in non-oriented silicon steels with different Mn content were observed by in-situ SEM. Results show that the inclusion quantities are 10 million per mm3 and 16 million per mm3,while the mass fractions of Mn are 0.77% and 0.32%, respectively. In the silicon steel with higher Mn content, the spherical and ellipsoidal MnS inclusion will precipitate first, which can retard the precipitation of AlN ... 
2014-05-28 64 5.8

利用热模拟试验机、光学显微镜和X射线衍射仪对Fe-3.2%Si低温取向硅钢热轧工艺参数对组织及织构的影响进行了研究。结果表明,Fe-3.2%Si硅钢在1110℃粗轧、880℃终轧,轧后以10℃/s的速度冷却到550℃卷取,然后空冷到室温,热轧硅钢板沿板厚方向的显微组织不均匀性显著,对后续发展完善的二次再结晶有重要作用。无论是热轧板,常化板还是冷轧板,它们的织构集中分布在γ取向线上,γ取向线的织构除取向密度不同外,织构种类是一致的,这说明γ取向线上织构是有继承性的。从热轧到常化,织构取向密度显著减小,经二次冷轧后,织构密度又显著升高,可见,轧制变形有助于织构的形成并使织构强度升高。 The influence of hot-rolled process parameters on the microstructure and texture of Fe-3.2%Si low temperature hot rolled grain-oriented silicon steel were researched by hot simulation experiment machine,light microscope and X-ray diffractometer.The results show that,Fe-3.2%Si silicon steel is rolled by the technology with a temperature of rough rolling of1110℃,finish rolling of 880℃,coiling with the speed of 10℃ /s,and then cooled to room temperature with air.The microstructure of hot-rolled sil... 
2014-12-28 77 5.8

针对某厂DMS森吉米尔轧机生产无取向硅钢表面麻面缺陷的问题,根据生产实际,对其形成原因从乳化液及工作辊两方面因素进行了分析。结果表明:乳化液对麻面缺陷的产生有一定影响,但不是主要因素,主要原因是由于二十辊森吉米尔轧机工作辊辊径较小,轧制相同长度带钢轧辊运转周期较大,容易产生疲劳失效而导致。为此,提出通过调整冷轧工序成品轧制道次的压下率以减小轧制力,从而减小工作辊的磨损疲劳;通过对轧制乳化液浓度、温度的合理控制,以改善润滑效果、提高轧制速度,而进一步缓解轧辊疲劳的改进措施,使该钢厂无取向硅钢麻面缺陷发生率由原来的18%降至0.8%,带钢表面质量明显改善。 For the problem of surface pockmarks of non-oriented silicon steel strip produced by a DMS Sendzimir mill, based on the production practice, the formation causes were analyzed from two aspects of emulsion and working roll. The results show that the emulsion has a certain effect on the formation of surface pockmarks defects, but it is not the main factor. The main reason is that the working roll diameter of the 20-high Sendzimir mill is small, and the running period of the roll rolling the same l... 
2022-01-28 73 5.8



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