实验室模拟薄板坯连铸连轧(TSCR)流程制造高磁感取向硅钢,借助电子背散射衍射(EBSD)技术对不同Sn含量的热轧板织构进行了研究。研究结果表明:不同Sn含量热轧板表层及次表层均为高斯织构、铜型织构及黄铜织构的混合织构,中心层为{100}面织构;Sn含量为0.1%时,热轧板表层及次表层高斯织构组分最多,取向密度最大,成品磁感最高,达到1.875 T。 Texture of grain oriented silicon steel hot rolled by thin slab casting and rolling process(TSCR) in laboratory with different Sn contents was analyzed by electron back-scattered diffraction(EBSD).The results show that the hot rolled slabs with different Sn contents have the same texture,i.e.,Goss,Copper and Brass.Specifically,the texture of core layer is {100};While the hot rolled slab with 0.10% Sn,the surface layer and subsurface layer have a sharpness Goss texture and the finished products h...
以能量平衡和辐射换热理论为基础,通过合理假定,建立了硅钢无氧化加热炉数学模型。采用数值计算的方法,通过自编程序,完成对带钢加热过程温度场的仿真。结果显示:数学模型能够反映带钢在无氧化炉内的加热过程,其升温曲线能够与工艺曲线相吻合;现行炉温分布并非最优,数学模型能够为炉温分布的优化、炉段的设计提供理论依据。 Mathematical model of NOF Section of Continuous Annealing Furnace is established based on energy balance and radiation heat exchange. The temperature field of steel is simulated by mathematical computation. The simulating results show that the mathematical model can reflect the heating process of silicon steel in NOF section, and the heat-up curve is coincide with the processing curve. From the results,it is known that the current furnace temperature gradient is not the best, and the mathematica...
森吉米尔二十辊轧机是冷轧电工钢的主要机型,具有整体刚度大,辊径小,轧制道次压下量大,产品精度高等特点,简要介绍了近年来冷轧电工钢森吉米尔二十辊轧机领域进展,在轧机结构、厚度自动控制、板形自动控制等方面的技术及研究。 20-h Sendzmir reversible mill is the main type of cold rolled electrical steel which has the characteristic of high integral stiffness,small roller diameter,high pass reduction and high product quality.In this paper,the recent progress of frame structure,automatic gauge control,automatic flatness control of Sendzmir mill is introduced.
对CSP流程生产的无取向电工钢M50W800不同尺寸样品的磁性能进行了测试和分析,结果表明:采用不同单片检测的磁性能结果与标准的Epstein方圈样品检测对比,存在明显的偏差;且同一尺寸的单片纵横向样品之间相比较,对应的磁性能差异性也较大。几种不同尺寸的单片样品,以320mm×30mm尺寸的纵横向平均值最接近标准Epstein方圈样的性能值,其铁损偏差最小。 The magnetic properties of M50W800 non-oriented electrical steel produced by CSP process were tested and analyzed with samples of different sizes,showing that significant deviation existed compared to that of Epstein square circle sample.In particular,obvious difference in magnetic properties also existed between longitudinal and transverse samples of the same size.For test samples of different sizes,the average magnetic properties of 320mm×30mm samples are the closest to that of Epstein square ...
从影响高牌号无取向硅钢退火工艺的主要参数入手,介绍高牌号无取向硅钢退火炉在加热、气氛控制、冷却、涂层烘烤方面的新技术,并展望无取向硅钢退火炉的发展方向。 Based on the technology parameters of high-grade non-oriented silicon steel annealing,the new technology of the annealing line,which includes heating,atmosphere control,cooling,coating baking,is introduced,and the development direction of non-oriented silicon steel annealing furnace is pointed out.
通过固溶度积公式计算及热模拟实验,对不同热装和加热温度条件下的无取向硅钢铸坯中析出相进行了研究.在低于950℃热装时,铸坯中AlN的析出量和尺寸不再变化,但MnS和AlN-MnS的数量及平均尺寸随着热装温度降低而进一步增加,并在温度低于600℃时达到最大值后保持不变.与1200℃相比,1100℃加热的铸坯中AlN、MnS的总固溶量相对更少.相比850℃热装,600℃热装再加热到1100℃的铸坯中AlN和MnS的总固溶量更少,且AlN和MnS尺寸更大.合适的热装温度和加热温度分别为600℃和1100℃. Based on solubility product calculation and thermal simulation experiments,precipitated phases in continuous casting slabs of non-oriented silicon steel were systematically studied at different hot charging and heating temperatures.When the hot charging temperature is below 950 ℃,the content and size of AlN remain unchanged,but the quantity and size of MnS and AlN-MnS increase when the hot charging temperature decreases,reach maximum and remain unchanged when the hot charging temperature is belo...
研究了薄板坯连铸连轧流程(TSCR)条件下热轧工艺对3.2%Si-0.7%Al无取向硅钢组织、织构演变及磁性能的影响规律。结果表明,提高均热温度和热轧温度有助于获得粗大的变形组织和强烈的{001}〈110〉织构,进而对后续的组织、织构演变进程及磁性能产生有利的遗传影响。与低温均热和低温热轧相比,高温均热和高温热轧得到的最终成品板的再结晶晶粒较粗大,λ纤维再结晶织构较强而γ纤维再结晶织构较弱,磁感应强度较高。 It was investigated that the effects of thin slab cast rolling(TSCR) hot rolling processes on microstructural,textural evolution and magnetic properties of 3.2%Si-0.7%Al non-oriented silicon steel.The results show that much larger hot rolling deformed microstructure and much stronger {001}〈110〉 texture could be obtained by increasing the soaking and hot rolling temperatures,which had good heritable effects on subsequent microstructural,textural evolution and magnetic properties.The final sheets ...
采用扫描电镜、原子力显微镜研究了铬酸镁半无机绝缘涂层的微观结构。结果表明,涂层厚度为数微米,涂层中的有机树脂乳液颗粒均匀分布在无机涂层的表面,从而保证了涂层具有良好的冲片性能。采用极化曲线研究了涂层的耐蚀性能,发现铬酸镁与铬酸锌绝缘涂层的耐蚀性能相当。 In this paper,the microstructure and anti-corrosion property of magnesium chromate coating on non-oriented silicon steel were studied.The microstructure was observed by SEM and AFM.The anti-corrosion properties were evaluated by polarization curves.The results show that the thickness of coating is several microns and the polymer particles were scattered on the surface of inorganic coating,which is the guarantee for lamination property.The corrosion resistance of the magnesium chromate film was e...
结合工业化生产的50A1300牌号无取向硅钢,分析了化学成分、RH精炼脱氧方式、板坯装炉温度以及热轧平整工艺等对磁性能的影响,探讨成品钢磁性能的改善。结果表明,采取改善后,50A1300牌号无取向硅钢的磁性能得到明显改善。2012年,该钢种平均铁损、磁感应强度分别达到5.26 W/kg、1.762 T,能够较好地满足用户市场需求及同行对标需要。 Based on the industrial manufacture of 50A1300 grade non-oriented silicon steel sheets,effects of chemical composition,deoxidization method in RH vacuum refining,charging temperature of steel slabs,hot rolling and flattening progress on magnetic properties are analyzed.The optimization methods of magnetic properties of steels are discussed. Results show that the magnetic properties are obviously improved by the adopted measures above. In 2012,the average core loss and the magnetic induction of 5...
考虑剪应变对微孔洞损伤演化的影响,对GTN损伤模型的损伤演化机制进行修正,建立了适用于不同应力三轴度水平的损伤模型。结合隐式应力更新算法和显式有限元计算,采用VUMAT子程序实现了修正GTN模型在有限元软件ABAQUS中的数值计算。通过模拟纯剪切和剪切-拉伸两组试样的损伤演化和断裂行为,验证了修正GTN模型在不同应力三轴度承载条件下的有效性。运用修正GTN损伤模型模拟含边部缺口的带钢在轧制过程中裂纹的萌生和扩展行为,模拟结果与实验相一致,表明该模型可有效地用于带钢缺陷在轧制过程中扩展行为的分析和预测。模拟和实验结果表明,带钢边部缺口在轧制过程中,缺口前沿和后沿均会萌生裂纹,且后沿裂纹扩展更为明显。 Considering the effect of shear strain of micro-void on damage evolution, a modified GTN model applicable to various stress triaxiality conditions is proposed by modifying the damage evolution mechanism of the GTN damage model. The modified model is implemented in commercial finite element software ABAQUS by combining the implicit stress update method with an explicit finite element solving algorithm and through the user-defined material subroutine VUMAT. The damage evolution and the failure pro...