研究了铝和铬元素在无取向电工钢晶粒长大过程中对织构及晶界变化的影响规律。试验结果表明:电工钢在晶粒长大过程中的主要织构组分均为{111}<112>。在晶粒生长期间,不加铝的1号试样中,{111}<112>、{111}<110>织构组分强化,而{100}<001>织构组分弱化;与1号试样相比,在加入0.2%的铝(质量分数,下同)的2号试样中,{111}<112>、{111}<110>织构组分强化(增加)的速率下降,{100}<001>织构组分变化不明显,甚至稍有增加。在含铝的试样中再加入0.3 5%的铬之后(3号试样),{111}<112>{、111}<110>和{100}<001>织构组分的变化规律与1号试样相似,但当电工钢中加入0.72%的铬之后(4号试样),上述3种织构组分的变化规律与2号试样相似。对于在晶粒生长期间持续变化的3种织构组分而言,1号试样的{1 1 1}<112>和{111}<110>织构组分的高(低)取向差角度晶界频率下降(... The effect rule of Aluminm and Chromium on texture and grain boundary transformation in the nonoriented electrical steel during grain growth was investigated.The experimental result shows that the main texture component is {111}<112> in the electrical steel.The {111}<112> and {111}<110> components in specimen 1 without Alumium were strengthened during grain growth whereas {100}<001> component was weakened.But the growth rate of {111}<112> and {111}<110> compon...
研究了常化温度、常化时间及常化后冷却速度对Si的质量分数为1.6%的无取向电工钢成品磁性能的影响。结果表明:在850~1 050℃范围内,随着常化温度的升高,成品铁损先减小后增大,成品磁感应强度先增大后减小;当常化温度为1 000℃时,成品平均铁损最低,平均磁感应强度最高;常化时间从3min延长到7min时,成品铁损先减小后增大,成品磁感应强度则呈单调下降趋势;随着常化冷却速度的降低,成品铁损先减小后增大,成品磁感应强度则呈单调增大趋势;对于Si的质量分数为1.6%的无取向电工钢,最佳的常化制度为:在1 000℃进行常化,时间5min,常化后空冷。对热轧板进行常化后,热轧板发生了不同程度的再结晶和晶粒长大。提高常化温度、延长常化时间、降低冷却速度,都能使常化板晶粒粗化,进而粗化成品板晶粒,改善磁性能。通过扫描电镜观察发现,成品板中析出物主要为AlN和MnS的复合析出物,以及少量的单独析出的AlN和MnS,而常化工艺主要是通过粗化析出相,减少细小析出相数量,从而减少对晶界钉扎作用来改善成品磁性能。 The effects of normalizing temperature,normalizing time and cooling rate after normalizing on magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel with mass fraction of Si of 1.6% were investigated.The results show that core loss of product decreases first and then increases,while magnetic induction increases first and then decreases with the increase of normalizing temperature from 850 to 1 050℃.Average core loss of product is the lowest and average magnetic induction is the highest when normal...
分析总结退火工艺各参数对冷轧无取向硅钢磁性能的影响,结合设计和生产实践经验介绍退火工艺中各参数的实际生产取值,并针对现生产工艺过程中出现的典型问题提出解决办法。 It is analyzed and summarized the great influences on magnetism of cold rolled non-oriented silicon steel affected by various annealing process data in this article.The relevant settled ways is raised.According to the actual value presetting ways for various annealing process data based on design and production,as well as typical problems occurred during production.
结合工业化生产的无取向硅钢,进行了RH精炼喂CaSi线去除钢中的非金属夹杂物试验研究。针对不同的钙处理条件,分析了CaS夹杂生成热力学,观察了夹杂物的形貌和尺寸分布,确定了夹杂物的类型、数量,探讨了钙处理后钢中夹杂物的变化规律。结果表明,本试验条件下,钙处理可以有效抑制MnS、AlN夹杂物的生成,有效促进钢中微细夹杂物的聚合、上浮、去除,钢质纯净度明显提高。经过合适的钙处理后,钢中的夹杂物以独立存在的CaO为主,同时有少量含CaO、SiO2、MgO的复合夹杂,没有发现CaS夹杂存在。这部分夹杂物的尺寸集中分布在2~20μm,数量约为1.8×105个/mm3。 Experimental study on removal of non-metallic inclusions in non-oriented silicon steel obtained from industrial production by CaSi wire feeding during RH refining process was carried out.The thermodynamics of CaS inclusion formation was analyzed,the morphology and the size distribution of inclusions were observed,and the numbers and types of inclusions were also determined for the steel specimens treated under different calcium treatment conditions.Furthermore,the variation of inclusion characte...
含核壳异质结构6.5% Si高硅钢铁芯的制备与磁性能
以构建高磁感、低铁损、免轧制高硅电工钢铁芯为出发点,提出采用单辊甩带制备非晶铁硅合金薄带、微氧化法在铁硅合金粉末表面包覆高电阻率铁硅氧化物薄膜制备核壳异质结构高硅电工钢纳米粉末、放电等离子烧结快速成形制备颗粒间绝缘的高硅电工钢铁芯。研究了不同氧化包覆时间对SPS烧结试样密度、物相组成、微观结构和静磁性能的影响。研究表明,在氧化包覆5h烧结温度800℃工艺条件下,制备的6.5%Si高硅电工钢铁芯的静磁性能最佳,饱和磁化强度为128.84A.m2/kg、矫顽力为2.25kA/m、剩磁为3.47A.m2/kg。其饱和磁化强度与粉末压延法制备的高硅钢相当,但矫顽力降低了1/3。 The paper takes preparation 6.5%Si steel with high induction,low core loss and removing rolling as the starting point,amorphous Fe-Si ribbons was synthesized by melt spinning method,6.5%Si steel nanopowders with high resietivity core shell structure was prepared by the slight oxidation process and 6.5% Si steel iron core with evaluating internal was sintered by spark plasma sintering process(SPS).The essay focuses studies the effects of different oxidation cladding time on sample density,phase c...
在现普通冷轧无取向硅钢的基础上,降低Si含量,复合添加少量辅助元素,组合热轧板处理和成品退火加热技术,研制出了免常化处理的高磁感、低铁损并具有良好耐酸腐蚀性能的新系列无取向电工钢。 Based on existing common cold rolled non-oriented silicon steel,a new series of non-orientedelectrical steel with high induction,low core loss and excellent anti-corrosion property has been developed by reducing Si element,adding complexly a small amount of supplementary elements,and employing combined treatment of hot rolled sheet and finished product annealed heated technology.
概述了高磁感取向硅钢生产工艺的研究现状及发展趋势。介绍了国内外薄板坯连铸连轧流程生产高磁感取向硅钢的研究现状。从流程工序特点、热履历、组织与抑制剂控制方面进行对比,分析了薄板坯连铸连轧流程相对传统板坯流程生产高磁感取向硅钢的技术优势,在此基础上提出了利用该流程生产高磁感取向硅钢需要解决的主要技术难点。 The current status and development trend of production process for high magnetic induction grain-oriented silicon steel are summarized.The research status of producing high magnetic induction grain-oriented silicon steel by thin slab casting and rolling process at home and abroad is introduced.The potential technical advantages of producing high magnetic induction grain-oriented silicon steel by thin slab casting and rolling process are obtained by analyzing in terms of process characteristics,t...
利用FE-SEM、EDS分析了含不同抑制剂成分的成品取向硅钢中夹杂物的组成和形貌,统计其尺寸及数量分布;结合对磁性能测试的结果,分析了Sn、Cu、Nb和Cr对取向硅钢磁性能影响的机理。结果表明:含Sn的取向硅钢试样中夹杂物主要为块状的微米级Al-Ti-C-N-O复合物,还有少量的球形Al-N-O颗粒和块状Ti-C-N-O颗粒,棒状夹杂物较少;含Cr的取向硅钢试样中夹杂物主要为球形的微米级Al2O3,还有少量Cu-Al-N-O-S复合物,棒状夹杂物和不规则夹杂物均较少;含Cr试样中1~3μm夹杂物的平均尺寸较含Sn试样小,但数量多,而大于3μm夹杂物的平均尺寸较含Sn试样大,但数量很少。磁性能测试结果表明,外场为800A/m和2500A/m时,含Cr试样磁感应强度偏低,铁损值P1.7/50较含Sn试样高,为1.171W/kg。 The composition and morphology of inclusions in the finished grain-oriented silicon steels are analyzed by using FE-SEM and EDS, and the number density and size distribution of the inclusions are counted. The influence mechanism of Sn, Cu, Nb, and Cr on the magnetic properties of the steel is also discussed. Results show that the inclusions composition in the grain-oriented silicon steel samples containing Sn is mainly block Al-Ti-C-N-O, compounding with a few spherical Al-N-O and block Ti-C-N-O...
对冷轧无取向硅钢在冶炼过程中各个工序的顶渣进行了检测,分析了顶渣变化原因,并得出结论:硅钢生产宜采用复吹转炉,以降低吹炼终点渣中TFe含量,进而减轻对精炼的压力;使用低S、低Al2O3含量中间包覆盖剂;RH脱氧及合金化顺序采用先加硅铁后加铝;首罐宜经LF提温并降低渣中TFe。 The top-surface slag used for the various production processes in smelting coldrolled non-oriented electrical steel is tested and based on tested results the cause of the top surface slag change is analyzed.So it is concluded that the combined blown converter is more suitable to be used for smelting electrical steel in order to reduce the content of TFe in slag at blow end point and then much better results can be achieved during the period of refining.Secondly the tundish flux contenting low co...
对无取向硅钢炼钢全流程钢液增钛的原因进行了分析,认为铁水钛含量、转炉出钢温度、转炉下渣量、精炼渣TiO2含量、钢水罐及RH浸入管混钢种生产是影响钢液增钛的主要原因。通过采取低钛铁水冶炼,减少转炉下渣量,提高出钢温度,添加白灰改质精炼渣等措施,均能够降低钢液中的钛含量。 After analyzing the causes leading to increased content of titanium in molten nonoriented silicon steel during whole steelmaking process, it was concluded that such factors as content of titanium in hot metal, tapping temperature from converter, quantity of roughing slag entered into the ladle from converter, content of TiO2 in refining slag, molten steel ladle car,carrying out the steelmaking of different steel grades by the same ladle and same RH immersion tube were the main causes ...
采用光学显微镜、X射线衍射仪等分析了宁波钢铁有限公司生产的取向硅钢不同工序下的组织及织构演变规律。结果表明:铸坯经过热轧后,沿着厚度方向组织不均匀;一次冷轧并经脱碳退火后,组织由条状纤维状变成等轴状的初次再结晶晶粒,初次再结晶平均晶粒尺寸为18.17μm,织构主要以α织构和γ织构为主;在二次冷轧后,晶粒再次被压缩,转变为纤维状,织构主要为γ织构;经过高温退火后,发生二次再结晶,晶粒异常长大,晶粒尺寸达到厘米级,织构成分为单一且锋锐的Goss织构。 The microstructure and texture evolution of oriented silicon steel produced by Ningbo Iron and Steel Co.,Ltd.were analyzed by optical microscope and X-ray diffraction.The results showed that the microstructure of the slab was inhomogenous along the thickness direction after hot rolling.After first cold rolling and decarburizing annealing,the microstructure changed from strip fibrous to equiaxed primary recrystallized grains,and the average grain size of the primary recrystallization microstructu...