介绍了国内无底层取向电工钢生产技术水平、产量和用途,简述了无底层取向电工钢作为取向电工钢超/极薄带母料及应用于制作大型发电机组铁心、风电等电机铁心和变压器铁心等的情况。 The production technology level,output and application of domestic glassless grainoriented electrical steel were introduced,and the application of glassless grain-oriented electrical steel as parent material of ultra-thin strip of grain-oriented electrical steel and in making large-scale electric generator cores,wind power motor cores and transformer cores were briefly described.
介绍了国内、外电工钢极薄带的生产现状及市场应用的情况,以及典型生产企业的生产规模、产品性能和应用领域,指出扩大高牌号无取向电工钢生产、提高产品质量是目前电工钢发展的迫切要求。 The production situation and market application of ultra thin electrical steel strip at home and abroad were described.The production capability,product property and application area of typical corporation were introduced.The results indicate that the urgency needed of electrical steel development is expanding high-grade non-oriented electrical steel production and improving products quality at present.
硅钢工业退火炉温度控制具有强耦合、纯滞后、多扰动等特点,它的控制方法代表着一类非线性系统控制的解决方法。以硅钢工业退火炉温度为控制对象,在双交叉限幅控制的基础上引入了智能学习系统,形成了基于智能学习系统的双交叉限幅控制方法来解决此类非线性系统的控制问题,并通过模块化的编程来实现其功能。结果表明:与传统的PID控制相比,该控制方法的控制精度、抗扰性等控制指标有明显提高,是解决此类非线性控制的一种有效方法。 The temperature control of silicon steel industrial annealing furnace has the features of strong coupling,pure lag,multidisturbance. The control method represents the solution of a class of nonlinear control systems. The control object is the temperature control of silicon steel industrial an-nealing furnace, the intelligent learning system based on Double Across Limit Control is introducedand used to solve control problem of this kind of nonlinear system, and the module programming isused to re...
研究了应用电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)测定硅钢中痕量铜和镍的分析方法。采用硝酸分解样品,通过内标校正和基体匹配消除了基体干扰的影响,同时根据测量时存在的质谱干扰情况,选择同位素65Cu和60Ni作为测定元素和通过调节仪器参数使双电荷离子的产率最低,以减少带来的干扰。该方法用于硅钢中痕量铜和镍的测定,所得的结果与ICP-AES法测定结果完全吻合,各元素测定结果的RSD值小于5%,加标回收率为97.3%~100.3%。 A method for the determination trace copper and nickel in silicon steel by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS) was studied.The samples were dissolved in HNO3.The effect of matrix interference was eliminated by internal standard correction and matrix matching.Meanwhile,according to the mass spectral interferences in determination,the isotopes including 65Cu and 60Ni were used as measuring elements.The yield of double-charge ions were minimized by adjusting instrumental parameters...
通过观察冲剪边缘组织,测量冲剪边缘的显微硬度、残余应力的分布情况和磁性能的变化研究了冲剪加工对无取向硅钢50WW800边缘组织和磁性能的影响。对冲剪后硅钢片进行750℃退火,分析退火对组织和磁性能的影响。结果表明,硅钢片剪切边缘会存在0.4 mm的形变硬化层,边缘应力大,铁损增加。退火后变形减小,形变硬化层变小,残余应力大幅度减少,铁损减少。 The influence of punching process on cutting edge microstructure and magnetic properties of non-oriented silicon steel 50WW800was studied by observing microstructure and measuring microhardness near cutting edge.The residual stress distribution in the silicon steel tooth and magnetic properties were measured.Effect of annealing at 750 ℃ on microstructure and magnetic properties of the silicon steel was analyzed.The results show that a cut-edge hardening layer up to 0.4 mm is observed,residual st...
对w(Si)=3%无取向硅钢进行表面机械研磨处理(SMAT)和异步轧制(CSR),获得表面纳米结构,再进行550~650℃、4 h固体粉末渗硅处理,用透射电镜(TEM)、扫描电镜(SEM)和X射线衍射仪(XRD)研究表层组织演变。结果表明:经过SMAT后,w(Si)=3%无取向硅钢表面形成了等轴状、取向呈随机分布的、晶粒尺寸为10 nm的纳米晶组织;异步轧制后,表面纳米晶组织保持不变;550~650℃、4 h渗硅处理后,SMAT+CSR样品表面形成化合物层,其厚度随着温度的升高由17μm增加到52μm;化合物层由Fe3Si和FeSi相组成. Nanostructured surface layer was fabricated on a 3%(mass fraction) non-grain oriented silicon steel by means of surface mechanical attrition treatment(SMAT) and cross-shear rolling(CSR),and then a solid powder siliconizing treatment was carried out for the SMAT+CSR sample at 550~650 ℃ for 4 h.The microstructural evolution was examined by using transmission electron microscopy(TEM),scanning electron microscopy(SEM) and X-ray diffraction(XRD).Experimental results show that: equiaxed nanocrystallin...
研究了铝和铬元素在无取向电工钢晶粒长大过程中对织构及晶界变化的影响规律。试验结果表明:电工钢在晶粒长大过程中的主要织构组分均为{111}<112>。在晶粒生长期间,不加铝的1号试样中,{111}<112>、{111}<110>织构组分强化,而{100}<001>织构组分弱化;与1号试样相比,在加入0.2%的铝(质量分数,下同)的2号试样中,{111}<112>、{111}<110>织构组分强化(增加)的速率下降,{100}<001>织构组分变化不明显,甚至稍有增加。在含铝的试样中再加入0.3 5%的铬之后(3号试样),{111}<112>{、111}<110>和{100}<001>织构组分的变化规律与1号试样相似,但当电工钢中加入0.72%的铬之后(4号试样),上述3种织构组分的变化规律与2号试样相似。对于在晶粒生长期间持续变化的3种织构组分而言,1号试样的{1 1 1}<112>和{111}<110>织构组分的高(低)取向差角度晶界频率下降(... The effect rule of Aluminm and Chromium on texture and grain boundary transformation in the nonoriented electrical steel during grain growth was investigated.The experimental result shows that the main texture component is {111}<112> in the electrical steel.The {111}<112> and {111}<110> components in specimen 1 without Alumium were strengthened during grain growth whereas {100}<001> component was weakened.But the growth rate of {111}<112> and {111}<110> compon...