介绍了CSP工艺生产无取向电工钢各工序的设备特点、采用的工艺控制手段和电工钢产品质量情况,结合生产实践证明了马钢CSP工艺开发的无取向电工钢产品丰富了薄板坯连铸连轧的品种结构,发挥了薄板坯连铸连轧生产无取向电工钢性能均一、稳定的特点。 The equipment characteristic,the process control method and the quality of non-orientated silicon steel by CSP process were introduced.Combined with the production situation,it is proved that production of non-orientated silicon steel developed on Masteel CSP line would enrich product structure of thin slab continuous casting and rolling,and it exerts stable performance of non-orientated silicon steel.
针对马钢无取向电工钢孔洞缺陷的分布规律及形貌特征,对缺陷样进行了显微分析,并利用生产实绩数据分析了该缺陷产生的原因。结合热轧生产过程,主要通过避免带钢撞击导卫以及降低导卫结瘤的产生等措施,可有效抑制热卷异物压入产生,从而降低冷轧工序孔洞的产生。 In viewing of the distribution and morphology characteristics of the hole defect of non-oriented electrical steel in Maanshan Iron and Steel Co.,Ltd.,the causes of the defect were analyzed by micro analysis of the defect sample and the production data.Combined with the production process of hot rolling,by avoiding the impact of strip steel on the guide and reducing the nodule formation on the guide,the pressing of foreign bodies in hot coiling could be effectively suppressed,thus reducing the fo...
对高牌号无取向电工钢35W300的成品进行了第二次退火,对第二次退火后的成品性能、纵横向磁性能差异和组织变化进行了分析。结果表明,随着第二次退火温度的升高,晶粒长大,磁性能优化。铁损平均值下降0.087 5W/kg,磁感平均值升高0.008T。第二次退火温度为820℃的产品的磁性能能够满足用户使用要求。 The product of high grade non-oriented electrical steel 35W300 was annealed at the second time.Microstructure,the difference of magnetic properties in the vertical and horizontal and were studied.The results show that the grain grew up and magnetic properties optimized with the increase of annealing temperature for the second time.Iron loss average declines in 0.0875 W/kg,magnetic induction average increases 0.008 T.The magnetic properties can meet the requirements of users at the second anneali...
研究了CSP工艺流程生产的硅含量为1.5%的无取向电工钢在不同常化温度下对磁性能的变化。研究结果表明:随着常化温度的提高,热轧板的晶粒尺寸增大,且组织均匀性提高;此外成品的有利织构组分{100}<0vw>、α、η增强,不利织构组分减弱;铁损P1.5/50呈下降趋势,磁感B50上升平缓。在常化工艺为970℃×2.5min下,对应的铁损P1.5/50<3.4W/kg,磁感B50>1.74T。 The effect of normalizing temperature on the magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel containing 1.5%silicon produced by CSP process was studied.The results show that with increasing normalizing temperature,the average grain size of hot-rolled plate increases and the microstructure uniformity is improved.Furthermore,the texture components of finished products are improved through enhancing of{100}<0vw>,αandηtextures and weakening of{111}<112>texture;the core loss P1.5/50 ...
研究了CSP工艺生产≤0.005%C-1.1%Si的2.2mm无取向电工钢热轧板在800~1000℃常化对0.5mm冷轧板840℃退火后组织和磁性能的影响。结果表明,热轧板常化温度升高,冷轧板退火后的再结晶晶粒增大,铁损降低,磁感增加;热轧板常化温度超过900℃,因第二相固溶而后弥散析出,退火后冷轧晶粒细化,铁损增加,因此该无取向电工钢热轧板最佳常化温度为900℃。 The effect of normalizing at 800-1000℃ of CSP produced plate(≤0.005%C-1.1%Si) on the microstructure and magnetic properties of downstream cold-rolled non-oriented electrical steel annealed at 840℃ was studied.Results show that with increasing normalizing temperature of hot-rolled material the recrystallized grain size of annealed sheet increases,iron loss reduced and magnetic induction increases.As normalizing temperature excesses 900℃,grain is refined and iron loss increases after annealing due...
为开发高效电机用冷轧无取向电工钢,借助实验室薄板坯连铸连轧模拟设备及扫描电镜、透射电镜等检验手段研究了成分、组织、织构和析出物等对无取向电工钢磁性能的影响规律;结果表明:常化处理使组织均匀化并增加有利于磁性提高的织构组分;采用CSP流程开发的高效电机用无取向电工钢铁损平均值3.4 0 W/kg,磁感≥1.68 T。 In order to develop electrical steel for high efficiency motor,effect of components,microstructure,texture and precipitation on magnetic property of electrical steel are analyzed.From the result,normalizing treatment makes microstructure uniform and increases component of favorable texture.Iron loss of electrical steel developed by CSP line is 3.40W/kg and magnetic induction is more than 1.68T.
对冷轧无取向硅钢在冶炼过程中各个工序的顶渣进行了检测,分析了顶渣变化原因,并得出结论:硅钢生产宜采用复吹转炉,以降低吹炼终点渣中TFe含量,进而减轻对精炼的压力;使用低S、低Al2O3含量中间包覆盖剂;RH脱氧及合金化顺序采用先加硅铁后加铝;首罐宜经LF提温并降低渣中TFe。 The top-surface slag used for the various production processes in smelting coldrolled non-oriented electrical steel is tested and based on tested results the cause of the top surface slag change is analyzed.So it is concluded that the combined blown converter is more suitable to be used for smelting electrical steel in order to reduce the content of TFe in slag at blow end point and then much better results can be achieved during the period of refining.Secondly the tundish flux contenting low co...
以马鞍山钢铁集团公司电工钢板形优化控制研究项目为背景,系统地研究了热轧、冷连轧和单机架轧机在电工钢生产过程中的边缘降控制问题。通过现场数据采集、工况数值模拟计算和工业化大生产试验,设计出适用、合理的电工钢板形控制的辊型优化曲线,满足了不同工序、不同机型的板形控制策略要求,解决了电工钢板形质量问题,取得了显著的经济效益。 Based on the project of electric steel strip shape optimization control,problem of edge drop control was systematically studied in production of electric steel of hot-rolling mill,cold-rolling mill and single stand mill.Roll optimization contour was designed out in point and reasonable by collection of work condition data,numerical simulation and test of industrial production.The shape control system can meet with the different working steps and difference mills,and quality problem of electric s...
对欧盟市场汽车压缩机专用产品进行技术解析,对比分析了其电磁性能、退火和发蓝处理、物理性能、化学成分、应用特点等参数。探讨国内外电工钢产品应用方式的不同特点,并结合鞍钢自身工艺装备和炼钢、热轧、冷轧工艺参数介绍了其生产可行性。提供了冶金工艺流程下,后工序电工钢专业生产线及传统冷轧系统生产线两种生产方式,均能满足用户最终使用要求。 The technology of automotive compressor accommodation manufacture of European Economic and Monetary Union market was described.The magnetic properties,annealing bluing,physical properties,chemical composition,application parameters were analysed.The different characteristics of the application of electrical steel products,the feasibility of manufacture on the existing technology and equipment,steelmaking,hot rolled,cold rolled technical parameters were discussed.The professional product line of ...
取向硅钢常化工序主要采用现场实测带钢温度的方式测定冷却速率,并通过稳定冷却水温、调整冷却水量及喷梁运行数量等方式保证合理的冷却速率,给常化工艺设计和生产带来诸多不便。通过对常化工艺水冷过程带钢的传热分析求解,在建立带钢水冷温度模型的基础上,研究了不同冷却工艺参数对带钢温度及冷却速率的影响规律以及冷却工艺的交互作用结果。结果表明:模型计算结果能够较好地反映取向硅钢在常化水冷过程中的温度及冷却速率的变化,其计算误差为0.80%~4.11%;在特定取向硅钢厚度规格和常化工艺下,随着常化冷却水量及有效冷却长度的增加,带钢水冷温度及冷却速率与呈非线性变化;常化水冷工艺主要通过调控带钢与冷却水之间热交换量和交换时间实现对带钢温度的控制,实际生产中需综合考虑机组速度、冷却水量及有效冷却长度之间的交互作用,选定喷梁投入数量和冷却水量以获得稳定的冷却速率。 The cooling rate of normalization process mainly determined by measuring the grain oriented silicon steel strip temperature on site, and ensures the cooling rate by stabilizing the cooling water temperature, adjusting the cooling water volume and the operation quantity of spray beam, which brings inconvenience to the normalization process design and production. Based on the heat transfer of strip in the water cooling section of normalization process, the water cooling temperature model for the n...