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电工钢反复弯曲次数是电工钢性能检验的重要指标之一,直接影响到用户在使用电工钢过程的机加工性能。主要分析了试样宽度、试样张力、晶粒取向、反复弯曲设备等因素对电工钢反复弯曲试验的影响,并对各个因素的影响程度进行量化以及原因探讨,从而归纳形成各影响因素的基本规律,以便为电工钢实际生产、用户使用提供科学指导。结果表明:试样宽度增加,反复弯曲次数也会不断增加,晶粒位向对取向电工钢的反复弯曲次数影响较大,当支座顶部到拨杆底部的距离减小或拉紧力增加时,反复弯曲次数会不断减小,但当拉紧力达到60N以上时,对反复弯曲次数影响不大,试样经退火后,反复弯曲次数略有上升。 The reverse bend number is an important performance of electrical steels′capabilities,affecting the machining performance directly when the customers used.It investigated some factors,such as sample′s width,sample′s tension load,grain orientation and equipment,how to effect the reverse bend test for electrical steel,measured the influence degree,and discussed the reason,in order to form basic rules which could be guided the manufacturing and using for electrical steel.Results showed that the rev... 
2014-07-28 57 5.8

【作者】 谌剑; ...
2011-09-28 30 5.8

电动汽车电机在高速旋转时承受离心力和电磁力的作用,在进行电机转子设计时,既要考虑电磁性能,还要考虑机械性能。对电机转子受力情况进行了综述,分析了转子用电工钢疲劳性能参数的重要性,详细阐述了试样抛光、表面处理、试样的对中和安装对测试结果的影响。 The motor of electric vehicle bears big force for high speed rotors,mainly including centrifugal and electromagnetic forces.The magnetic and mechanical aspects of the electrical steel are crucial to machine design.In this paper,the forces applied on the motor were summarized and importance of fatigue properties was analyzed.The influence of specimen polish,surface treatment,alignment and installation on fatigue testing result were represented in detail. 
2014-10-28 50 5.8

采用X-射线衍射分析技术测定了取向硅钢热轧板在不同压下率下不同厚度处的织构。结果表明,在压下率低于80%的情况下,几乎所有试样的不同厚度处的织构均为旋转立方织构类型{100}<011>,但不同压下率、不同厚度处的织构强度存在很大差异;在压下率大于80%的情况下,不同试样的不同厚度处的织构类型发生了变化,其织构类型为旋转立方织构或高斯织构{011}<100>,且当织构类型为旋转立方织构时,织构强度存在很大差异,而当织构类型为高斯织构时,织构强度差异相对较小。 The texture of the grain oriented silicon steel hot rolled plate at different compressibility has been measured.The experimental results have shown that the texture of all samples at different thickness is {100}<011> when the compressibility is below 80%,and its intensity at different compressibility and thickness is difference.The texture of all samples at different thickness is variable when the compressibility is above 80%,it is {100}<011> or {011}<100>,and the intensity of ... 
2011-04-28 57 5.8



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