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提出一种基于粒子群优化算法实现的硅钢涂层厚度近红外光谱检测新方法。首先,采用近红外光谱仪采集获得了硅钢表面绝缘涂层的近红外光谱,然后,采用离散粒子群算法筛选出近红外光谱数据的最佳波长变量并组成新的光谱数据,最后,建立涂层厚度的核偏最小二乘定量分析模型。实验显示,所建定量分析模型对检验样本分析的绝对误差范围为-0.12~0.19μm,最大相对误差为14.31%,完全符合现场检验需要。研究表明,离散粒子群算法可以有效地筛选出携带更多有用信息的波长变量,提高定量分析模型的分析准确度和速度,是一种有效的近红外光谱波长筛选方法,同时,近红外光谱法也是一种有效的硅钢绝缘涂层厚度检测方法。 A novel thickness measurement NIR spectrometry for surface insulation coating of silicon steel based on discrete binary particle swarm optimization(DBPSO) algorithm is presented.First,we used NIR spectrometer to collect the NIR spectra of insulation coating of silicon steel,and then,DBPSO algorithm was used to select the optimal wavelength variates and composed a new spectra set.Last,the authors created the thickness quantitative analysis model using kernel partial least square algorithm.The exp... 
2011-09-28 35 5.8

通过实验室25 kg真空感应炉冶炼和锻轧研究了0.26%~0.95%Al含量对0.5 mm 2.2%Si无取向硅钢冷轧板组织、织构和磁性能的影响。试验结果表明,0.26%~0.81%Al含量时,随钢中Al含量的增加,成品退火钢板的晶粒尺寸增加同时铁损减少;当Al含量大于0.81%时,随Al含量增加,钢板的晶粒尺寸减小,同时铁损增加。Al含量对硅钢板磁感的影响没有明显的规律。2.2%Si无取向硅钢的合适Al含量为0.48%~0.81%。 The effect of 0.26%~0.95%Al content on structure,texture and magnetic performance of 0.5 mm cold rolled sheet of 2.2%Si non-oriented silicon steel has been studied by a 25 kg vacuum induction furnace smelting,and forging -rolling in laboratory.Results show that as 0.26%~0.81%Al,with increasing Al content in steel the grain size of annealed finished sheet increases while iron loss of sheet decreases,and as Al content in steel is more than 0.81%,the grain size of sheet decreases while iron loss in... 
2011-06-28 51 5.8

对RH法(真空循环脱气法)生产的冷轧硅钢的脱硫原理及影响因素进行了分析研究。研究表明:降低顶渣中FeO、MnO的含量,提高钢液温度,增加脱硫剂的加入量并延长其循环时间有利于提高脱硫效率。 The principles of desulfurization and its influence factors of cold rolling silicon steel during RH process have been studied in this paper.The result indicated that reducing contents of FeO and MnO,rising temperature of the liquid steel,increasing quantity of desulfurizer,lengthening cycle time of desulfurzer are benefit for desulfurization. 
2011-06-28 43 5.8

研究了锰含量对w(Si)=1.8%Si无取向电工钢组织和性能的影响。结果表明,钢中锰含量从0.3%增加到1.2%时,由于α_γ相变的产生,铸坯低倍组织、热轧板金相组织及成品织构等均发生了不同程度的变化,对成品表面质量及磁性能产生了明显的影响。 The effects of manganese content on structure and properties of w(Si)=1.8% non-oriented electrical steels have been studied.Results show that with increasing manganese content to 1.2% from 0.3%,macrostructure of continuous casting slab,hot rolled band metallurgical structure and finished product texture vary in some extent because of the occurrence of α-γ phase transformation,the surface quality and magnetic properties of finished product are affected greatly. 
2011-03-28 58 5.8

对1990~2010年在我国申请的冷轧无取向硅钢涂层的专利数量、专利技术领域分布进行了统计,对典型涂层专利技术进行了分析,探讨了无取向硅钢涂层的发展趋势。统计分析结果表明,目前无取向硅钢涂层典型的专利技术主要有自粘结涂层、无铬含稀土元素涂层、含钼酸盐环保涂层及采用有机-无机纳米杂化材料为主成膜物形成的涂层等。无取向硅钢涂层发展的趋势主要是无铬环保的半无机、半有机型涂层。 The patent quantity of cold-rolled non-oriented silicon steel coating and distribution of technology fields applied in China in 1990-2010 were summarized.The analysis results indicate that typical patent technologies include self-adhesion coating,chromium-free and with rare earth element coating,environment-friendly and with molybdate coating,coatings with organic-inorganic hybrid materials as main forming agent and so on.The main development trends of coatings on silicon steel are among semi-in... 
2011-02-28 71 5.8

【作者】 胡志强; 张文康; ...
2011-02-28 67 5.8



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