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就冷轧硅钢废水处理生产中面临的主要问题进行分析,从技术角度及运行管理角度提出工艺优化升级改进措施及应对策略;同时从后续深度处理,逐步实现零排放目标的角度进行探讨,为冷轧硅钢废水减量化、出路乃至废水零排放提供一些思路。 The main problems in the wastewater treatment process of cold-rolled silicon steel lines are analyzed and process upgrading measures and optimization strategy are put forward from both technical and management views.At the same time,downstream deep treatment to gradually achieve the target of zero discharge is discussed,to provide some ideas for reduction or even zero discharge of wastewater from cold-rolled silicon steel lines. 
2014-06-28 42 5.8

【作者】 吴玉美; 陆晔; ...
2023-05-09 93 5.8

采用电子背散射衍射技术测定50SW1300冷轧无取向硅钢中不同尺寸范围晶粒的含量,利用主成分回归分析法,综合研究不同尺寸范围晶粒的含量对无取向硅钢磁性能的影响。结果表明:通过主成分回归分析法能够从不同尺寸范围晶粒的含量的多个影响因素中获取主要的因素,定量研究它们对无取向硅钢磁性能的影响规律。分析表明,无取向硅钢的铁损与不同尺寸范围晶粒的含量之间存在着可靠的多元线性关系,在一定范围内,较大尺寸晶粒的含量越多,其对铁损优化的作用越明显;而无取向硅钢的磁感与不同尺寸范围晶粒的含量之间并无线性关系。 Distribution of grain size in cold rolled non-oriented silicon steel 50SW1300 was measured by EBSD.The effects of the distribution of grain size on magnetic properties of the non-oriented silicon steel were comprehensively researched by means of principal component regression method.The results indicate that the main factors influencing the magnetic properties in the distribution of grain sizes,which can be used to guantitative study the magnetlic properies of the steel,are obtained by principal... 
2014-11-28 75 5.8



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