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绝缘涂层可以有效提高硅钢片的耐蚀、耐腐、磁、绝缘等性能,因此取向硅钢涂装绝缘涂层是取向硅钢生产过程中重要的一环。本文对取向硅钢含铬无机绝缘涂层以及氮化铬涂层的性能优缺点进行了介绍,并对国内无机含铬取向硅钢绝缘涂层及氮化铬涂层的研究现状进行了综述。最后对未来含铬无机绝缘涂层的研发方向进行了展望。 Insulation coating can effectively improve the corrosion resistance of silicon steel sheet, such as corrosion, magnetic, insulation performance, thus oriented silicon steel insulation coating is the important part of oriented silicon steel production process. In this paper, the inorganic insulation coating oriented silicon steel containing chromium and chromium nitride coating performance advantages and disadvantages are introduced.In addition, the research status of insulation coating and chrom... 
2022-02-28 66 5.8

轧制力是影响冷轧带钢厚度精度的关键因素。为实现高精度的冷轧带钢厚度控制,通过优化变形抗力模型参数和摩擦系数模型参数提高冷轧轧制力模型计算精度,并使用指数平滑法的自学习算法保证轧制力精度的稳定性。在首钢股份公司迁安钢铁公司20辊森基米尔轧机生产线进行S12硅钢钢种轧制力优化试验,将优化的模型参数应用于L2并投入现场生产,结果表明该优化方法不仅提高了轧制力设定精度,而且减小了冷轧硅钢的厚度超差长度,提高了成材率。 The rolling force is the key factor which influences the accuracy of cold-rolling strip thickness. To implement high precision control of cold-rolling strip thickness,we optimize the deformation resistance model parameters and friction coefficient model parameters to improve the calculation precision of cold-rolling force model,and use exponential smoothing self-learn algorithm to ensure the stability of rolling force accuracy. In Shougang Qiangang 20-high Sendzimir mill single stand production ... 
2014-05-28 50 5.8

研究了常化温度、常化时间及常化后冷却速度对Si的质量分数为1.6%的无取向电工钢成品磁性能的影响。结果表明:在850~1 050℃范围内,随着常化温度的升高,成品铁损先减小后增大,成品磁感应强度先增大后减小;当常化温度为1 000℃时,成品平均铁损最低,平均磁感应强度最高;常化时间从3min延长到7min时,成品铁损先减小后增大,成品磁感应强度则呈单调下降趋势;随着常化冷却速度的降低,成品铁损先减小后增大,成品磁感应强度则呈单调增大趋势;对于Si的质量分数为1.6%的无取向电工钢,最佳的常化制度为:在1 000℃进行常化,时间5min,常化后空冷。对热轧板进行常化后,热轧板发生了不同程度的再结晶和晶粒长大。提高常化温度、延长常化时间、降低冷却速度,都能使常化板晶粒粗化,进而粗化成品板晶粒,改善磁性能。通过扫描电镜观察发现,成品板中析出物主要为AlN和MnS的复合析出物,以及少量的单独析出的AlN和MnS,而常化工艺主要是通过粗化析出相,减少细小析出相数量,从而减少对晶界钉扎作用来改善成品磁性能。 The effects of normalizing temperature,normalizing time and cooling rate after normalizing on magnetic properties of non-oriented electrical steel with mass fraction of Si of 1.6% were investigated.The results show that core loss of product decreases first and then increases,while magnetic induction increases first and then decreases with the increase of normalizing temperature from 850 to 1 050℃.Average core loss of product is the lowest and average magnetic induction is the highest when normal... 
2014-09-28 68 5.8



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